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FEBRUARY 2, 2012
The Farmersville Bond Committee, formed by the City Council, met in a special
called session on February 2, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall
with the following members present: Will Thornton, Levell Cheathem, Will Strawn,
Kevin Adamson, Jason McTee, Charlie Whitaker, John Cooper and Wayne May.
Charles Casada is not present. Staff members present were Interim City Manager Ben
White and City Secretary Edie Sims.
Chairman Wayne May called the meeting to order. Edie Sims called the roll and
announced a quorum was present. Will Thornton presented the prayer and pledge.
Chairman Wayne May opened the meeting the meeting for discussion. An article
came out in the Farmersville Times to open an opportunity to the public to come and
discuss the bond issues. As of yet, the Committee has not heard any comments from
the public. Wayne May stated he has visited with several people in town and the only
question has been – “How much will this cost me?” Mr. May indicated to the
Farmersville Times Reporter to have another article and indicate that the taxpayer cost
will be incremental according to the bonds being sold.
Questions arose from John Cooper regarding the Committee’s responsibility to
present which projects will be paid for by bonds. Interim City Manager Ben White
indicated to the Committee to stay with the plan as presented by the engineering firms.
If changes need to be made, please present those changes so that adjustments can be
accommodated, including the cost and adapting the project plan. For instance, if a
street could be of more service as an overlay rather than a reconstruction project, the
cost difference can be used somewhere else. Also, Mr. White indicated that the bond
description will be open so that minor changes to the system, including water, sewer
and streets can be accomplished while still remaining in the scope of necessity.
The Committee discussed in detail the project plans for Sid Nelson and why this
street was slated for a reconstruction project. This particular street is in pitiful shape,
especially when you come into Farmersville from Highway 380 off concreted areas and
see the blighted street. Mr. White stated the engineers had envisioned Sid Nelson as
an alternate route to make a connector to Washington Street and bringing the traffic
flow into the core of the City. In the thoroughfare plan, this would be an additional
entrance and thought a way to utilize the railroad. Currently the right-of-way on Sid
Nelson is very limited. After discussing the project in more detail, the Committee
agreed that funds could be better utilized by an overlay on Sid Nelson and improving
Hamilton from Highway 380 to Farmersville Parkway.
Mr. White stated he will get firm bids from contractors who will be performing the
work to compare if the cost factor can be more efficient through a contractor or by using
Collin County’s equipment and personnel. Mr. White also informed the Committee that
all drainage projects will be performed by the City crews, a lot of labor will be used for
these particular projects. Will Strawn commented that the Committee needs to consider
those on a fixed income and how the tax increase will affect that group of citizens.
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B&PS February 2, 2012
Wayne May also indicated that if something is not done to the streets, they will continue
to get worse and the cost will be twice as much.
Interim City Manager Ben White asked the Committee to consider any of the
street projects presented that may not be what the Committee deems as the right ones?
If Sid Nelson’s reconstruction project is too much, then perhaps an overlay on Sid
Nelson and exchanging the excess funds intended for Sid Nelson can go toward
Hamilton Street. Sidewalks, and curb and gutter and not always necessary. Kevin
Adamson requested to trade Street Project numbers 3 & 4 for Hamilton Street from to
Farmersville Parkway. Mr. White stated he will attain the figures for changing these
projects. South Washington could also be considered an overlay rather than a
reconstruction project per Charlie Whitaker, which would help the cost of concreting
The Committee members were still comfortable with a $5,000,000 bond issue.
The Committee will attain reaction from citizens and gage the conversation from that
point at the next meeting on February 9th.
The Bond Committee adjourned at 6:52pm.
Wayne May, Chairman
Will Thornton, Secretary
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B&PS February 2, 2012