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Chapter 19.1 & 20 – The Atlantic World
Ch. 19 Section 1: Europeans Explore the East
Bartolomeu Dias
Prince Henry
Vasco da Gama
Treaty of Tordesillas
Identify and explain the three main reasons for European exploration (3 G’s)
Dutch East India Co.
Why was Portugal the leader in overseas exploration, who was Prince Henry and what did he found and what had been
established by the time Henry died
What was the cause of tension between Spain and Portugal, what was the Treaty of Tordesillas, where was it, and who got
what lands from it?
Ch. 20 Section 1: Spain Builds an American Empire
Christopher Columbus
Hernando Cortes
Francisco Pizzaro
encomienda system
What country was Christopher sailing for? What was he searching for? Where did he end up?
Who are three other Spanish explorers and what are they famous for
Who was Hernan Cortés, who was the Aztec leader and why did he think Cortés was a god?
What were the three factors (explain) that led to Cortés’ defeat of the Aztec’s?
Ch. 20 Section 3: The Atlantic Slave Trade
Atlantic Slave Trade
Triangular trade
Give 4 reasons why Europeans turned to Africa for slaves?
Middle passage
What is the Triangular Trade – what are the different legs?
What are the negative effects of the slave and what are the positive effects?
Ch. 20 Section 4: The Columbian Exchange and Global trade
Columbian Exchange
joint-stock company
favorable balance of trade
What are three effects of the Columbian Exchange that make it a significant event in World History?
Why would capitalism and joint-stock company be popular with European investors in overseas colonies?
What role did colonies fulfill for the mother country according to the ultimate goal under the theory of mercantilism?
Places to be able to identify on a map:
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
North America
South America