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The Triple Entente included
a. Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy. b. Germany, Turkey, and Russia. c. Britain, France, and Russia. d. Britain, France,
and the U.S.
In the case Schenck v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that
a. immigrants from countries at war with the United States could be excluded from positions of power. b. freedom of
speech could be curbed in wartime. c. the right to bear arms could be limited for immigrants. d. the Sedition Act was
The event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I was
a. the assassination of the archduke of Germany. b. the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. c. the
German invasion of Belgium. d. the German invasion of Russia.
World War I was the first war in which
a. African American soldiers were not segregated from white soldiers. b. women officially served in the armed forces.
c. the government officially imposed conscription. d. the military drafted African American men.
To conserve energy during World War I, the Fuel Administration introduced
a. longer workdays. b. daylight savings time. c. Hooverizing. d. corn-based fuels.
The Great Migration during World War I was a flow of
a. European immigrants fleeing to the United States to escape the war in Europe. b. French refugees fleeing to Britain
ahead of the German onslaught. c. Mexicans fleeing to the American Southwest to escape political turmoil. d. African
Americans moving from the South to Northern cities.
Which of the following innovations best completes the diagram?
a. tanks b. airplanes c. rapid-fire machine guns d. poison gas
The “Big Four” who attended the peace conference at the end of World War I were the leaders from the United States, Britain,
France, and
a. Russia. b. Germany. c. Italy. d. Austria-Hungary.
Woodrow Wilson used Mexico’s refusal to apologize for arresting American sailors in Tampico as an excuse to
a. arrest Mexican sailors currently in United States ports. b. deport Mexican citizens in the United States back to Mexico.
c. attempt to overthrow the Mexican government. d. conduct a series of raids across the border into Mexico.
The Triple Alliance included
a. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. b. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. c. Britain, France, and Russia.
d. Britain, France, and the United States.
In 1908 the Serbs became furious when
a. the Ottoman Empire refused them independence. b. Austria-Hungary refused them independence. c. a Slav
assassinated their leader. d. Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia.
According to the Zimmermann telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would
a. send troops to support the Huerta government. b. prevent the United States from taking control of Mexico. c. help
Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. d. help Mexico take control of Central America.
According to the Selective Service Act, the order in which men were called to service would be determined by
a. local draft boards. b. military headquarters in Washington, D.C. c. age, drafting 21-year-olds first and 30-year-olds
last. d. lottery.
During World War I, Americans were encouraged to “Hooverize” by
a. observing Wheatless Mondays. b. observing Heatless Mondays. c. buying Liberty Bonds. d. buying only products
necessary to live.
“Selling” the war to the American people was the task of
a. J. Edgar Hoover. b. the War Propaganda Board. c. the War Industries Board. d. the Committee on Public
Criticism of the war at home was effectively silenced by
a. the Committee on Public Information. b. the Espionage and Sedition Acts. c. the Red Scare. d. the Palmer raids.
In World War I, airplanes were first used to
a. transport troops to the front. b. observe enemy activities. c. bomb enemy trenches. d. bring supplies to the troops.
The organization that eventually became the Federal Bureau of Investigation was originally formed to
a. uncover German spies during World War I. b. spread propaganda within the United States in support of the war.
c. infiltrate unions to head off strikes. d. raid radical headquarters looking for evidence of a Communist conspiracy.