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Answer each question below related to mitosis, by
selecting the most appropriate answer from the choices
19. Cytokinesis happens after metaphase, but before
a)True b) False
11. During which stage of mitosis is the nuclear
membrane broken into fragments?
a) Metaphase b) Anaphase c) Prophase d) Telophase
20. The cell cycle is the life cycle of the cell. A diagram
of the cell cycle is shown below. What would be the
significance to life on earth if the S phase did not
happen anymore in any cell?
12. During which stage of mitosis do 2 new nucleoli
a) Anaphase b) Interphase c) Metaphase d) Telophase
13. How many chromosomes are in the human cell?
HINT: Total number, NOT PAIRS.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 23
d) 46
14. 90% of cells are resting in this phase:
a) interphase b) telophase c) anaphase d) prophase
15. During which stage of mitosis do chromatids
separate to opposite sides of the cell?
a) Anaphase b) Telophase c) Prophase d) Interphase
16. Which stage of mitosis is depicted in the diagram
a) Metaphase
b) Telophase c) Prophase
a) All life forms would die because of cancerous growths.
b) All life forms would grow bigger because of increased
cell size.
c) All life forms would die out because no replication
would take place to replace old cells.
d) There would be no effect to life on this planet.
d) Anaphase
17. Which stage of mitosis is shown below?
a) Metaphase
b) Anaphase
c) Telophase d) Prophase
18. Which stage of mitosis is shown below?
a) Anaphase b) Metaphase c) Prophase d) Telophase
21. What is the correct sequence for plant cell mitosis
shown above?
a) BADC
b) CBAD
c) DCAB
d) mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-hiney ho
1. Think back to the demonstration:
Why are cells so small?
2. A dangerous tumor is said to be:
a) Benign b) Malignant
3. Draw an ATP molecule.
Which bond breaks in order to get the most energy?