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rout of Germany.
Thus, advancing on a broad front, allied forces of antiHitler coalition together inflicted decisive blows on the aggressor and completed the liberation of Europe. Germany surrendered.
The final period of the Second World War was characterized by the total
defeat of Japanese armed forces.
On August 9, 1945 the Soviet Union entered the war in the Far East and
within two weeks inflicted a crushing defeat of the Kwantung Army.
With the loss of the Kwantung Army, Japan has lost the ability to conduct
military operations not only on the Asian continent, but also to defend the
Japanese islands themselves.
The main role in the defeat of air and naval forces of Japan was played by
American allies in the anti-Hitler coalition.
On september 2, 1945 the Government of Japan signed an act of unconditional
The Second World War then ended.
So, the Great Victory in the Second World War was, of course, achieved by
common efforts of the peoples of antifascist coalition. A decisive role in the
defeat of the fascist bloc was of the Soviet Union and its Armed Forces.
Dear Colleagues,
I think that it would be historically fair if we give the floor to a veteran of
World War II, General of the Army Mahmut Gareyev, President of the Academy
of Military Sciences, Doctor of historical sciences, Doctor of military sciences.
Comrade Marshal Yazov, General Kulikov,
dear colleagues, members of the Great
Patriotic and the Second World War!
In 1944, 70 years ago, 10 Stalin strikes, as
they call them (it’s probably not forbidden to
say so today), were delivered. But if someone
is confused by the name, then ... right there
on television Maidan, Bandera and Hitler
are shown every day, and we are sometimes
ashamed to recall our Supreme Commander?
The fact is that in 1944 the 10 greatest
strategic operations were conducted. Let me
briefly mention that the first strike and strategic
operation were associated with breaking the
blockade of Leningrad. The second strategic
strike was the defeat of Nazi groups on the right bank of Dnieper. The third
strike was the liberation of the Crimea, Sevastopol and operations of the 4th
Ukrainian army and the Coastal Army in general. The fifth strike was a famous
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Belarusian operation «Bagration». The sixth strike was Lvov-Sandomierz
offensive. The seventh - Iasi-Kishinev operation. The eighth was the defeat of
fascist groups in the Baltic States. The ninth - a defeat of the enemy in Hungary
and the Carpathians. And finally, the tenth blow was struck in the Arctic. A
typical thing is that the operations in 1944 had a high level of military art. If we
compare them with the operations of 1941-1942, and with some operations in
1943, these operations were quite different.
Take the Belorussian and Lvov-Sandomierz operation. Across the whole front
configuration Hitler’s forces did not expect the main attack in the summer of 1944
at the Lvov-Sandomierz direction, because it was the shortest way to seize Vistula
and to continue the offensive to the west. 20 of the 24 German tank divisions were
located to the south of Pripyat. Only 2 armored divisions stood in the Belarusian
direction. And when the Belarusian operation began, the Nazi command started to
throw these armored divisions to the Belarusian direction. While they were being
thrown there, in June the Belarusian offensive began. And most of the enemy’s
armored divisions, as a result of so ably organized operation, actually fought
nowhere. This example shows the highest level of martial arts.
Some of the veterans who are present here were invited to see the film
«Burnt by the Sun 2» at the Kremlin Palace. After that we were asked: «What
is your impression of this film?» But veterans unanimously replied that what
was shown in the film had no relation to what was happening during the
war. They wondered: «Weren’t there cases when the Kremlin cadets died in
vain? Weren’t there cases when our troops were conveyed over a bridge and
the bridge was blown up by ours? «We said and keep saying: « Yes, it was
not only that, there was a lot even worse. But, dear colleagues, if the war
consisted only of these failures, losses, and bungling actions, we could not
have achieved victory. »
But nothing of what led us to victory is shown in these films, books, on
television. The exploits of people, heroism, self-sacrifice of all who participated
in the war. We will know nothing about the war if it's further shown in such
an one-sided manner. There’s a feeling that something special is being done in
order to discredit our victory.
Of course, we need to critically analyse our history and to cover it impartially.
But at the same time to do it so that it was really unbiased.
Now, in connection with the anniversary of the General Staff, a number of
books and albums, which describe the activities of chiefs of staff were released.
It is interesting that none of these former chiefs of staff allowed himself to miss
something! All that he did, he did exceptionally well. And there was 1941.
There were other misfortunes.
By the way, when these 10 attacks and outstanding operations were carried
out, another remarkable amphibious operation began in June 1944 - the Norman
operation of Allies landing in France. Now, if you carefully look at what its
participants say, when it started, these armored personnel carriers and tanks
drowned in one place, in another place they could not stick to the coast, in the
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third place they were bombed by German air force.
And now some say that Eisenhower was even suggested to postpone the
operation –there were fears that it might not work out. But Eisenhower was a
longsighted military commander, he continued the operation.
We all know what an outstanding victory it ended up with. So if limiting
oneself to describing what was at the beginning, what didn’t work out and
leaving aside what the operation and the war on the whole ended up with, we
will not learn anything from this.
Here is one of our most active promoters of the history of Great Patriotic
War – it’s Boris Utkin who wrote a good article for the 95th anniversary of the
Chief Political Administration. Veterans call me and ask: «If everything was so
perfectly, without any flaws, then where is it now?»
This means that we learn nothing from the war. But he told me that her we had
come to the conference, where he delivered a report, in which he told everything.
But it is for the in-gathering. There is probably no need to be shy, we should tell
the truth about the war among veterans, not distorting the facts, of course.
Finally, let me say that in the Second World and the Great Patriotic War we
fought not only for the defense of our homeland and the independence of our
country. Dear friends, frankly speaking, we were also fought for the future of
humanity: which one would win, the misanthropic Nazi ideology or the ideology
of humanity and respect of the people to each other. And when we see a decay
of a certain part of Western society, even the fact that in Austria (Eurovision) the
first place was awarded to a person who is neither a woman nor a man - this is
the evidence of utter degeneration.
«Titanic» crashed a century ago. There was also a lot of confusion over this
fact. But the captain and the whole crew fought to the end to save the passengers
and the ship itself. Last year, or the year an Italian ship «Concordia» suffered
a wreck. The captain and the entire crew were the first to escape from the ship
leaving all the passengers. The same thing happened to the South Korean ship.
This means that the elite of society are degenerating. We cannot follow this path.
And when we see Assistant Secretary of State, Ms. Nuland, walking with
a bag and handing out cakes to banderovites… Zhukov, Eisenhower and
Montgomery could roll over in their graves with shame and disgust.
Humanity must not stoop to this level. And we have the greatest respect for
the participants of the Second World War. We ask all of those who fought with us
to extend our warmest greetings to all the participants of the Second World War.
After all, we must remember that we had a lot of differences before the war,
that’s why the war broke out. But then some circumstances made us unite.
Before it is too late, we must find common ground, as we found it in
the Second World War with all our allies - and then our future will be more
respectable. Thank you for your attention.
Let me give the floor to a participant of the Great Patriotic War, the Battles
of Moscow, Stalingrad, and the Kursk Bulge, Colonel-General Boris Utkin.
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