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Leadership in Organization
UNIV 1213: Leadership and Teamwork
Prof. Simon Meade-Palmer
Section: 108
Name: Faisal Al-Dossary
ID: 201001549
Major: Finance
Assignment 1: Leadership in Organizations (10%)
Leadership, such an enormous word that reflects a shadow of a big, tall man with lots of
success and power shimmering all around him, or maybe an unbelievably strong woman who’s out
there competing against a gigantic male dominated world, and winning! That’s what some thinks
when the word “Leadership” is heard or comes across the mind. But what is the real meaning of
leadership? And how is it important in organizations? This report will answer the previous thesis
statements, because leadership is the main goal of every educational sector, as in PMU’s slogan
“Making history. Building leaders” it is clear that the main objective of PMU’s academic program
is to create leaders. Leaders who are capable to lead a whole new generation to new directions of
success in a world full of ruthless competition. The importance of this assignment lies in knowing
the realistic definitions of leadership, and how leadership is a key to success in different global
Saudi Arabian organizations as this report will shed the light on the definition of leadership, the importance of leadership in organizations, the difference between leadership and management, leadership qualities, and finally leadership styles.
“[There are] almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who has attempted to define the concept” - Stogdill. As there are so many different definitions of leadership,
there is one definition by U.S. Air Force that sums all definitions out there up: “Leadership is the art
to of influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives.”
Leadership is such an important pillar in an organization, since organizations gathers a lot
of diversity, those people will absolutely need guidance to achieve their mutual objectives taking in
account their differences.
Leadership and management are, as they say, two faces of a coin, they go hand in hand,
but they are not the same, it’s like two parallel lines straightened together. Management basically
focuses on structures and systems, but leadership focuses on people. Managers rely on control, administrating, and imitation, but leaders inspire trust, innovate, and develop.
Leadership Qualities
Going through books, websites, and articles, thousands of published material describes
what it takes to be a superior organizational leader. Some authors claim that it takes certain characteristics to make a leader, since others say “it’s all personality. But regardless of all these claims, it
has been agreed that Mission is one characteristic that leaders should have. Leaders know what their
missions are in every detail, and they know exactly why the organization exists, and by knowing the
mission, a leader can draw the path way to the goal he wants to achieve. Dedication, an important
characteristic of a superior leader, by spending whatever time and energy to accomplish the mission. By showing how much of dedication a leader has, followers will get inspired and do what it
takes to achieve something great. Creativity, is the ability to think “out of the box”. having a different point of view than others to things, seeing from angle B or C and lead followers to different directions. Inspiration, as the employees need someone to look up to, they need guidance, direction,
and mostly motivation. Employees will always need an inspiration from their leader whether by
word or action. Leaders listen. Great leaders not only shout out orders, but they listen as well to
their team, their customers, and also their competitors, because by listening, understanding can me
gained, and by gaining understanding, the perfect decision will be made. Giving credits to those
who have done their job or participated in the success of a certain task is one important quality of a
leader, by giving credits to those who helped make things happen will motivate them to continue
and improve, and push the bar even higher. Great leaders allow mistakes, by challenging people to
improve and grow better than they are today, and by letting them make mistakes to learn from, and
offer the help to find ways to overcome them.
Leadership Styles
There are lots of leadership styles, and even more examples of famous people who have
adopted a certain style. This section will describe four styles giving examples of famous characters.
Charismatic leadership, this style uses charm to get the admiration of people, and creating a friendly
and comfortable environment for their followers by listening to them and making them feel that
they share the decision making process. An example to that is the former U.S. president Bill Clinton. An other leadership style is the transactional leadership, in which the leader motivates his followers by presenting them rewards and punishment. Example, Charles de Gaulle. Transformational
leadership is leading by the motivation of followers, or by appealing to the followers’ morals and
ideals for motivation to accomplish tasks. Walt Disney is a famous example of a transformational
leader. Third leadership style is the servant leadership, leaders in this style act like servants to their
followers by taking care of their needs before they do to them selves. Gandhi is a famous example
of a servant leader. Finally, the quite leader, a quite leader does not tell followers to do what the
have to do, they don’t give loud speeches, instead, they inspire they’re followers by doing what they
should do by doing the same. Example, Abraham Lincoln.
Leaders are never born. Leaders are made. Yes, it never happened for a leader to become
a leader by birth, but it is something obtained from so many different resources, most importantly,
by accepting diversity, and by believing that no matter how diverse people are, they will always
need to look up to someone for guidance and direction that leads to success and pride. Leadership is
not necessarily a position of power, it can be taken from anyone. Everybody can lead, whether it’s a
group of two, or a wide nation of millions, it only takes believe, trust, and acceptance. Great leaderships have led those enormous organizations to become on top of the list. Aramco, leaded by Mr.
Al-Falih, Olayan Group leaded by Mrs. Lubna Al-Olayan, and Kingdom Holding Co leaded by
HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al-Saud, all are inspirational characters of leadership who made
change in the Saudi Arabian society.
Mayowa, Adeoye. “Definitions of Leadership by Scholars.” April, 2009,
Javitch, David G. “10 Characteristics of Superior Leaders.” December, 2009,
Diaz, Shennandoah. “12 Most Attractive Qualities of a Great Leader.” September, 2011,
Karlgaard, Rich. “Four Styles of Leadership.”
Lalitbhojwani. “Great Definitions of Leadership.” December, 2011,