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Islam (Submission to God)
Founder: Muhammed
•Born 570 AD in Mecca, member of the Quraysh (a leading tribe)
•His father died before Mohammed was born
•His mother died when Mohammed was 6
•His grandfather died when Mohammed was 9
•He was raised in poverty by an uncle (Abu Talib), and tended flocks
•His early life was very tragic
•He became sensitive to suffering; had a pure heart; was a hard worker; honest
•He became known as “the true,” “the upright,” the trustworthy one”
•He was employed by a rich widow named Khadija
•Mohammed (age 25) married Khadija (age 40)
•6 children born: 2 sons and 4 daughters (only one daughter, Fatima, survived)
•Tremendous spiritual tension internally; frequent prayer in desert in solitude
•610 AD (age 40) “Night of Power & Excellence” at Mt. Hira
–Revelation from angel Gabriel (Surah 96);
revelations continued over 20 years
•Lukewarm appeal at first, but increasing opposition
•July 16, 622 AD “Hegira” M went to Yathrib (later named Media “city of the prophet”)
•Consummate statesman, politician, administrator, counselor
•630 AD victorious return to Mecca
•632 AD died (unexpectedly) allegedly by food poisoning
Christ is to Christians what the Koran is to Muslims (Mohammed is not a savior)
About the Koran (“to recite”)
• 4/5 the length of the NT
• 114 surahs (chapters) in decreasing length (surah 2 – 286 verses; 114 – 6)
• No special chronological or logical sequence
Major themes (rather toilsome reading)
Have faith and do good works
There are “signs”
Men of understanding know
Against idols and idolatry
The righteous shall be rewarded
Your mission is only to give warning
Allah hears all and knows all
To Allah shall all things return
“People of the Book”
Allah does not guide the wrongdoers
It is believed that every letter was dictated by God (Allah), and that it is of divine
origin; it is infallible; the speaker is usually God
The Muslim “miracle” since Mohammed was illiterate
The Koran is an exact copy of the original (tablet) which is in Heaven
No translation can adequately substitute for the original Arabic
The Koran is perfect (whereas the OT and NT have become partly corrupted)
Advocates the unity of God (Allah)
The Koran is to the Muslim, what Christ is to the Christian (sacred)]
The Koran came to the illiterate Muhammed over many years through Gabriel
No translation can substitute for the original Arabic
The NT has two defects from which the Koran is free
NT is incomplete
NT is partially corrupted
The Koran is regarded as complete and perfect
The precepts in the Koran are regarded as the revealed will of Allah, revealed to
all humanity
The Koran offers comprehensive guidance for everyday life
The Gospel of Jesus taught us to love our neighbor; the Koran teaches us how
to do that
The Koran does not cover every conceivable situation, as life and history move
The Hadith fulfill this function, along with consensus and analogy
The Koran (continued)
• 1.1 Fatihah (15)
• 112.1. God is One (265)
• 50.12 Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein (122)
• 19.88 God has no Son (37)
• 72.1 God has no wife or children (265)
• 7.8f Adam and Eve
• 15.32 Satan will seduce mankind (243)
• 10.46 An apostle to every nation (68)
• 19: 22-34 Jesus was born of a virgin
• 19 Servant of God
• 19.31 prophet; 4.169 messenger of God; 3.45 Messiah; 3.49 miracles
• 2.87 Strengthened by the Holy Spirit
• 4.156-7 Jesus not crucified (382)
• 4.171 Jesus an apostle;
do not say “3” (383-4)
• 33.40 Mohammed is the “seal of the prophets” (293-4)
• 30.29 and 3.19 Islam is the true religion (194, 409)
• 3.110 Ummah is a superior people (417)
• 57.25 Concerning monasticism (109)
Hadith are recollections of Mohammed’s sayings and doings
There are 2,700 and more of these
Sunnah is the body of orthodox tradition
Sunnah is the path of tradition, the way of faith and conduct, customary
Shariah is the most comprehensive term for the Islamic way of life
The sacred law, grounded in the will of God
The path of duty for all Muslims
The ideal, God-given Path, which humanity should follow
The Five Basic Doctrines of Islam
– There is only one true God, Allah
– There are angels
• The chief angel is Gabriel
• A fallen angel is Iblis (Greek diabolis); also called Shaitan
– Four inspired books (Torah of Moses, Psalms of David, Gospel of Jesus,
Koran); Koran is Allah’s final message, addressed to all humanity
– 28 known prophets (Mohammed is the “seal” of the prophets)
• There will be no more prophets after Muhammed
• He was the last prophet, and he “sealed” prophecy
• Jesus was the “seal of sanctity”
– There will be a “last day” and a “final judgment”
The Five Pillars of Faith in Islam
– Creed - (acknowledge God) - Shahada, or confession of faith
• La ilahal illa Allah; Muhammed rasul Allah
• There is no god but Allah; and Mohammed is his prophet
• Oral confession and spend the rest of life actualizing the belief
– Prayer (salat) – (an outward expression of the creed)
• Five times per day, facing Mecca (dawn, noon, afternoon, evening,
– Almsgiving – if you have more, give to others
• 2.5% of what you held (all assets) for one year
– Fasting (during month of Ramadan) – we can experience the heart of others
• During Ramadan; no food, no drink, no marital relationship
– Pilgrimage (Hajj) – the official pilgrimage to Mecca (unity and equality)
• A journey to Mecca at least once in your life
– A sixth pillar often added is jihad, or “holy war”
• Original meaning: the holy war against the evil that is inside me
God: strict monotheism (Allah)
Reality: created by Allah; is real and is good
Human being: supreme creation; consists of body and soul; individual has
value; purpose is to serve Allah
Human problem: failure to serve Allah; a turning away from Allah’s will
Salvation: complete surrender to Allah; follow Allah’s will “as it is revealed in
the Koran”
Conduct; obey and follow the guidance in the Koran; conduct yourself
according to the sharia (religious law)
Destiny: there will be a judgment day; Mohammed and Jesus will appear
– Bridge of Sirat (similar to Chinvat bridge of Zoroastrianism) (WS 245)
– Heaven and hell
Green meadows
Runner waters
Fruit, wine
Scripture: the Koran
History: linear
scorching fire
boiling water
burning wind
thorns, scorpions, etc.
Islam holds to a strict monotheism
– There is One God (Surah112.1 p 265)
– Allah has no partners
– Allah has no equals
– “Shirk” is the worst sin in Islam (putting anyone or anything as equal to God)
• Money, prestige, reputation (whatever your heart desires)
– Allah has NO SON (4.171 p 384)
– “don’t say three” (4.171 p 384)
– Tawhid: doctrine of divine unity
– The entire universe, including Satan (Shaitan) and his djinns, is completely
under Allah’s authority
Islam criticizes Hinduism, Jainism, and Christianity
The 99 most beautiful names of God (WS 598)
Islamic View of the Cosmos/Reality
The universe is the creation of Allah
– Three level form of Biblical thought (upper world or paradise; this world; the
• Allah is in heaven above the earth
• Humanity lives on the earth
• Shaitan is in a hell beneath the earth
– The universe was a deliberate act of Allah’s will
– The world of matter is completely real; and good
• This is the basis of Muslim science, which flourished during the Middle
Islamic View of the Human Being
The human being is the supreme creation of Allah
Individuality has an ultimacy
We are created with a body and a soul
Our life on earth is the seedbed of an eternal future
Our purpose in life is to serve and obey Allah through complete submission to
his will
Each soul will face a judgment day
Women are created (a degree below; equal to: opinions differ) men
Marriage is a sacred union
– Husband can divorce wife easily
– Wife cannot divorce husband so easily
Woman are to be obedient to their husbands, who are to treat them with
Women are to be chaste and “hidden” (even remaining in the home)
The human problem
• Humanity has lost its way and has turned from the service and worship of the
only God, Allah
• Suffering, evil, injustice, etc. all stem from this fundamental flaw
• The greatest cause of misery is the stubborn refusal to submit to the will of
• Satan will seduce mankind (15.31 p 243f; 7.15247)
There is a certain instrumentality in evil and suffering
Allah even permits Shaitan and his angels to have some sway in the world
Salvation in Islam
• True salvation is found only in one’s complete and total surrender to Allah
• Follow the will of Allah, as it is revealed in the Koran
Conduct in Islam
Follow the will of Allah as revealed in the Koran
The Koran contains all that is necessary to live a holy life
The sharia (religious law) should be observed
Destiny as understood in Islam
At death, the body returns to the earth and the spirit goes to a place in the
intermediary regions until the judgment day when the world will be judged
All the dead will rise from their graves, their souls will be reunited with their
bodies, and they will be brought before Allah by the angels
Destiny of heaven or hell
– There are 7 levels of heaven and 7 levels of hell
The Caliphate
• Muhammed died unexpectedly, and had no appointed successor
• 3 possibilities
– Family (kinship)
– Companions (closest associates)
– His tribe
Abu Bakr (companion); died after one year
Umar (companion); assassinated
Othman (companion); assassinated
Ali (son-in-law; married Fatima); assassinated
Ali’s son renounced his right to succession
Ummayyad dynasty, centering in Damascus (Cain-type nation)
Abbasidian dynasty, centering in Baghdad (Abel-type nation)
– Baghdad was the center of the civilized world at the time
1922/24 Caliphate was abolished
Significant sects of Islam
Sunnis – majority of Muslims (they follow the Sunnah)
Shiites – minority of Muslims (recognize Ali as the first true Caliph)
Sufis – mystics
Wahhabi - puritanical