Download Key Messages from the Side Event: Discussion on the potency of the

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Key Messages from the Side Event:
Discussion on the potency of the MAB Programme to advance the Mesoamerican Biological
Corridor (MBC) by promoting synergies of international aid agencies
1. Main questions asked in the side event
 What would be the priority issues to be addressed in relation to the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) in the Central America Region?
 How best we could promote synergies for the implementation of the Mesoamerican Biological
Corridor (MBC) to conserve the regional biodiversity?
2. Participants and schedule
 Date: 16 March 2016
 Time: 16:30-18:00
 Venue: El Palaiso
 Moderator: Mr. Natarajan Ishwaran
 Rapporteur: Mr. Motohiro Hasegawa
 Emcee: Mr. Masaki Osawa
1. Opening remarks of the side event on the MAB Programme as one of the strategies of
advancing integrated protected area management: Case of Central America, using the
Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC) as a regional conservation framework
By Mr. Motohiro Hasegawa, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
2. History and future trend of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC)
By Ms. Lidia Fromm Cea, Executive Director, Proyecto de Integración y Desarrollo
Mesoamerica (PM)
3. Participatory protected area management and the MAB Programme in Costa Rica
By Gladys De Marco, Chief of Alajuela Office, Area de Conservacion Cordillera Volcanica
Central (ACCVC), Costa Rica
4. Practical environmental considerations for geothermal development as a clean energy source
adjacent to Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG), a Natural Heritage Site, in
northwestern Costa Rica: Joint experiences
By Mr. Sergio Bermúdez Muñoz, Planning and Electric Development, Instituto Costarricense
de Electricidad (ICE) and Mr. Roger Blanco, Coordinator of Research, Area de Conservacion
Guanacaste (ACG), Costa Rica
5. Panel discussion on practical collaboration and expected role of international aid agencies
towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Facilitator: Mr. Natarajan Ishwaran, Former Secretary of the MAB Programme
Mr. Han Qunli, Secretary, MAB Programme, UNESCO
Mr. Sarat Babu Gidda, Programme Officer, SCBD (via Skype)
All speakers
3. Key messages as outcome of the side event
 Considering the Mesoamerica being less than 5% of the Earth`s surface is the habitat for 10%
of the global biological diversity, the development and implementation of regional
environmental policies, strategies and initiatives with Sistema de la Integracion
Centroamericana (SICA) and Proyecto de Integración y Desarrollo Mesoamerica (PM) are
crucial for the international society in order to make contributions to achieve the SDGs,
particularly those related to biodiversity conservation and climate change.
Regional initiatives such as SICA and PM hold important roles for achieving the SDGs in
coordinating various activities and collaboration of various aid agencies for synergies,
including those of multilateral and bilateral aid agencies.
The concept of biosphere reserves offers a flexible and adaptable approach in designing and
implementing the ecosystem approach of the CBD for biodiversity conservation and
sustainable development of large-scale landscapes such as the Mesoamerican Biological
Corridor (MBC).
It is important to strengthen the coordination mechanism of the region to promote synergies
and develop practical actions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
Biosphere reserves within the MBC could be used as pilot sites in the SICA member states for
testing the applicability of landscape level planning that is aimed at meeting SDGs, including
actions to combat climate change.
Promotion of clean/green energy development is crucial, and geothermal development with
appropriate environmental considerations such as implementing biomonitoring around the
geothermal drilling sites has a significant potential in the region, because it can be operated
with minimum areas of land clearing in the countries within the MBC of harbouring
internationally important biodiversity.
Development of a sustainable funding mechanism with the application of payment for
ecosystem/environmental services (PES) has a great potential to achieve SDGs as well as Aichi
Biodiversity Targets. Practical collaboration between conservation and development sectors is
strongly encouraged. Joint biomonitoring between Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
and Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG) in Costa Rica is highlighted an example of good
Development of a national database (including traditional ecological knowledge) is a basic
requirement for biodiversity conservation, so it is strongly encouraged to create and strengthen
such a database in each country along with the MBC. It is essential to link/share the database
among the countries in the region through SICA network for ensuring benefits for regional
biodiversity conservation.