Download Sample Application Transmittal Letter

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Sample Backup Letter
Place on local government or state land managing agency letterhead
Ken Reecy, Community Program Manager
Florida Communities Trust
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Sadowski Building, Suite 310
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Dear Mr. Reecy:
This letter is to confirm that ---name of the local government or state land
managing agency ---, will act as a backup manager for the --- name of the
project site --- project being submitted by --- name of the non-profit Working
waterfront organization --- to the Florida Communities Trust’s Working
Waterfronts Program.
---- Name of the local government or state land managing agency --- is
willing to take over the responsibility for management of the project site in the
event the non-profit organization is unable to manage the site as outlined in the
grant application and management plan.
In providing this backup letter, we understand that we will not be called upon to
provide management services unless the -- name of the non-profit working
waterfront organization -- has defaulted on its obligations as defined in the
management plan and other agreements with the Florida Communities Trust.
--- Original signature ----- Title of the local government employee or administrator
The letter is to be signed by the Mayor, Commission Chair, or City/County
Manager or Assistant Manager.
In the case of a state land managing agency, the letter is to be signed by
the Director or Assistant Director of the agency.