Download THE NEPTUNE FACTOR by Laura Rose DesJardins

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by Laura Rose DesJardins March 14, 2012
This combination on its highest level relates to finding the spiritual self within. It
represents an attraction to highly spiritual and enlightened people. You have the
capacity to become enlightened and evolved on a spiritual level, thus you can go
into a dreamtime state of awareness or altered state of consciousness. You may
have enhanced creativity in dance, music, the arts, psychic abilities and you could
even be a seeker of spiritual wisdom, which you eventually teach to others. You
can also meditate for extended periods of time with the capacity to be a medium,
communicate with spirits as well as seeing auras. On the other side of this energy,
you may only see the highest potential of a person and later find out that what
you originally saw was a projected illusion. Thus this midpoint relates to
projections as in a psychological way but also this denotes the theater or movie
industry as a whole. It’s the midpoint of acting, so it rules to the whole
entertainment industry, including music and artist. Many times either you and or
someone else that you’re around can project a false identity to others. You can
also lie to yourself or not be able to see yourself in a correct light, thus you tend
to bury your head in the sand. You may also avoid reality by gambling and then
having losses. There can also be an attraction to addictive substances like alcohol
which shifts your reality into an altered state and then if ages your body due to
the poisonous nature of the substances. You could also have an attraction to a
mate who is addicted and or has behavioral issues and psychological dilemmas, so
you can see you need to do your due diligence in advance of a commitment. You
sometimes feel that you’re acting in a movie and you get to see the codependency issues which become part of your illusionary behavior. Thus all of
this negative behavior is designed to promote self referral which helps you to
stand alone and focus on your own personal development. You may also have
secrecy or privacy issues and at some point may experience betrayal and
abandonment, but these experiences, are illusions used to put you on your
spiritual path. Medically this midpoint rules paralysis, the weakened heart, the
feet, immune system, lymphatic system, parasites, water retention, and
addictions to prescribed medications, which can cause chemical dependency and
weaken the body over an extended period of time. So now you’ve got a much
better picture of yourself using both sides of the coin, and it’s important not to
become a victim as you have the ability and responsibility to move forward and
become the spiritual being that god intended you to be.
Moon/Neptune (Psychic Intuition)
You may have the ability to be in dreamtime, see visions and or be very intuitive.
Thus you seem to have a sense of timelessness, which helps you to be other
worldly. There could also be a mother and or grandmother who may have had
psychic gifts and you personally seem to live in a dream world, where there are
no proper boundaries. Your intuitive gifts seems to come in waves, thus this
energy is present in the swimmer or dancer or musician. There’s also the capacity
to become famous for your artistic or intuitive skills. On the negative side you
could deal with hidden guilt or shame or having a family secret which if not
addressed could affect your health. Many people become deluded and confused,
thus living in a self made illusion that eventually affects their health due to
confusion in their home environment. So it’s extremely important to keep your
house in order and clean, inside and out and as this also relates to the food that
you eat, that it be non toxic and good for you. Medically there could be issues
that revolve around addiction, the stomach, breasts, nutritional assimilation and
the lymph nodes. This is a powerful midpoint and if used correctly it gives altered
states of awareness which can be used to guide others.
MERCURY / NEPTUNE (Intuitive Communication)
You’re a person who has strong intuitive cognition or perceptions, and refining
this ability can develop into profound psychic awareness. Thus you could become
a spiritual channel that can pass into higher states of consciousness. It gives you
the capacity to pick up psychic queues from others as well as having automatic
writng gifts along with storytelling, fictional writing and even poetry. This, energy
can create images or illusions which can be used to create fantasy as in imaging.
Thus is this is used correctly you could have the capacity to be a true visionary of
higher awareness and many artist, musicians and dancers have this midpoint as
they use sound and rhythm to reach other levels of consciousness. On the
negative or misuse of this energy, there could be difficulty when trying to
communicate effectively and or you could be lied to or deceived by others, or you
could be the one doing the lying. You could also have difficulty hearing what
someone is saying or people might misinterpret your true intentions. Thus you
can see that by reverse action you could be the one being deceived and visa/versa
so only speak the truth. There can also be substance abuse that you witness with
a sibling or relative or they may have illogical conclusions that they come to due
to paranoia. Medically this energy relates to hidden secrets that could lead to a
biological response as in lung problems or allergies. Hiding your thoughts can
lead to toxic thoughts if they’re not shared with another person. This aspect also
relates to molds which can affect the lungs or even water on the lungs as well as
having problems with the wrists as in carpal tunnel syndrome, due to repetitious
actions. There’s also the potential for difficulties with assimilation of nutrition
which affects our intestinal tract. Wow that a lot to absorb, but you can use this
information to help guide you to be aware of both sides of this energy.
VENUS / NEPTUNE (The Artist)
This is the midpoint which combines your love of beauty along with your creative
artistic talent. This talent can come in the form of dancing, painting,
photography, and or poetry to name a few. It relates to the feeling of being
inspired by something greater than you. People with this midpoint, have a great
imagination as well as the capacity to create fantasy in their lives and the lives of
others. They love to play dress up long after their youth is gone and create an
illusion of wonderment surrounding their appearance. Thus this is one of the
midpoints denoting an actor, or actress and this acting ability is not limited to the
movie industry; thus it can also manifest in and ordinary person’s life as a “Drama
Queen”. It relates to being attracted to someone who appears to be one thing,
but in reality is another. So you can see how this relates to plastic surgery, in that
it creates an illusion that changes the way we appear to others, thus a person
could appear more youthful. This is also an aspect which has an enhancing
quality, as in breast enlargement, either way the perception is one of perceived
beauty, which could be the real thing, only your hairdresser knows for sure. This
also relates to being photographed or having a love of photography. Hair stylist,
have this aspect within their charts, as they have a talent to make a person
appear even more beautiful and or they can enhance ones beauty. This is also the
combination of being in love with love, or romantic love. It gives a feeling of
being in a fated love relationship or finding ones long lost love, their soul mate
from a past life. Thus this relates to falling in love with a musician and/or artist. It
gives the love of music, movies, dancing, and fine art. On the shadow side of this
energy there can be involvement with someone who is married, thus this
represents the mistress syndrome and secret love affairs and relationships that
are kept hidden from others, thus deception and betrayal are also manifestations
of this midpoint. Medically this relates to addictions to sugars, alcoholism and the
potential for liver problems due to substance abuse.
MARS / NEPTUNE (Sexual Fantasies)
This midpoint combines the creative process along with action thus giving you the
ability to get into altered states of consciousness. It also gives the capacity to be
very active and aware in the dreamtime state or reality. It represents a person
who is into sexual fantasy, which can be beautiful in its own right, but on a
negative level this midpoint denotes betrayal through one’s personal actions or
the activities of another. On a sexual level this can come through sexual
perversions, deviating from the norm and/or unfaithfulness to your partner.
There are many hidden secrets relating to one’s sexual nature with this aspect
and there can be sexual scandals as with former President Clinton having Mars
conjunct Neptune in Libra, the sign of relationships. This also relates to loss of
energy that may have been placed into a project that never took form. On an
artistic level this is a very creative midpoint, denoting an artist who can take art
into the form of the dreamscape. Medically this rules burns from water, toxicity
and/or problems with the appendix, poisoning from alcohol, muscle atrophy, the
feeling of wasting away of the energy, as in aids and is present with Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. This is a fascinating aspect that if used well gives one the
ability to attract others into their fantasy, but if misused in wastes one’s energy
through frivolous activities that mean nothing in the long term anyway. Thus your
best use of this energy is to take a class in swimming or boating as there’s a love
of the water that seems to overcome a lot of the negative side of this aspect.
JUPITER / NEPTUNE (Spiritual Journey)
When Jupiter and Neptune are in combination, there is a tendency to create an
awakening to the sense of universal oneness. It addresses our need to expand
consciousness through our belief system and relates to the spiritual journey from
within. It denotes the sacred sights or places that we go to on the earth for a
vision quest. It also represents the person who seeks the application of higher
knowledge, which gives them more spiritual wisdom. People with this midpoint
take long journeys over water to distant countries, where they share beliefs and
philosophies on life, these beliefs are held in common with others who are
considered foreign. On the other side of this energy or the shadow side of it,
could relate to where there is confusion surrounding one’s belief system, thus
becoming disillusioned with your religious path. The personification of this aspect
represents de-frocking of priests or ministers, along with the proverbial scandals
of public officials and people who are ousted when it is discovered that they are
not the person they portrayed themselves to be. This is also a midpoint that is
present when there are large rains and/or flooding, and people seem to take
chances with speculation that end disastrously; so it’s best not to get involved
with the get rich quick schemes. Medically, this rules toxicity in the liver, and
blood disorders affected by one’s need to correct a belief that may be toxic and
also physicians could make an incorrect diagnose under this aspect.
SATURN / NEPTUNE (Spiritual Teachers)
With Saturn and Neptune are in midpoint, there is a decay of the old and the
rebuilding of new structures thus there is a bridging of one’s consciousness from
one state to another. During the last Saturn/ Neptune conjunction, there were
many bridges that collapsed and had to be rebuilt. This energy gives the ability to
go into a dreamtime reality, where you become a channel for information on
other levels of consciousness. A spiritual teacher having great wisdom to share
with humanity developed over a period of life times is a manifestation of this
midpoint. On the other side of this energy, there can be problems within ones
work and/or partnerships due to fraud or deceit. There is also a tendency to
dissolve ones dreams which could cause a feeling of great depression, resulting in
substance abuse or drug poisoning. These issues could also affect the father.
There can also be a lack of timing or a feeling of not being in touch with reality.
So be sure and get a really good watch that helps to keep you on time with a good
perspective of what the future might bring if you’re late. Medically, this rules
bone disintegration, as in tooth decay, arthritis, broken toes and/or foot disorders
along with bone diseases and cancer due to its wasting away effect. This aspect is
also present with alcoholism and drug abuse, which is of a habitual nature. So
you can see the potential for a dawning of awareness that you could have with
this midpoint, but there’s a necessity to release past patterns in order to advance
beyond life’s present limitations.
URANUS / NEPTUNE (Visions & Dreams)
When Uranus combines with Neptune it seems to relate to the collective
unconscious or the dreams we have as the mass collective. It also relates to the
associations we have with people who are spiritual in nature where we share the
same dream. Therese spiritual associations tend to inspire as well help to heal our
wounds from past incarnations and evolve our soul, thus this energy relates to
the “Evolution of the Soul”. This also denotes a collective group of souls who have
come into this world to shine new light on spiritual awareness and consciousness,
similar to the Indigo Children. On the shadow side, this relates to people who
have addictive behavior and may be misguided by their associations with others,
thus, they are being used by the negative forces in their culture. On the positive
side, you have the potential ability to enhance your dreams, visions and insights
and put them into a daily practice. This practice can be done through meditation,
yoga, and any form of ritual that brings balance and insight into the daily routine.
NEPTUNE / PLUTO (Spiritual Transformation)
When Neptune combines with Pluto there is extreme energy, which has the
ability to take you into a spiritual transformation of the soul. It gives a
supernatural power to transmute energy and to purify one’s soul experiences.
This relates to visions and clairvoyance, giving the ability to be in dreamtime, thus
there is seeking spiritual truth through the evolution of the soul. Most psychics
and mediums have this midpoint, since as they need to go into altered states of
consciousness to be able to do their work. On the other side of this, there is a
tendency to have a weakened will and a lack of desire to set goals in one’s
present reality. There can be deceptive acts and/or self-delusion manifesting as a
messiah complex, or feeling that they’re spiritually superior to others. On a
medical level this can pull one towards alcohol and substance abuse and there
can also be toxicity that forms a mass within the body, which may need to be
removed surgically.
NEPTUNE / NODE (Spiritual Connections)
This represents the connections with others through the pursuit of spiritual
consciousness. This links us with others in a spiritual community, and/or
brotherhood or sisterhood. On the reverse side of this, there can be an
abdication of responsibility within the community, which can cause anti social
behavior. Usually there is a feeling of being separate and alone from others and
on the negative side; this separation and aloneness can cause a desire to exploit
others, much like a sociopathic personality. This also represents deception to
and/or from others with regards to ethics and/or morals. On a medical level this
rule's ailments that cause wasting away and/or toxicity through substance abuse
and bad habits, but this could also be acted out by someone outside of you, thus
the lesson is learned either directly and or indirectly.
NEPTUNE / ASCENDANT (The Spiritual Environment)
Neptune to the Ascendant can give one the desire to create a more spiritual
environment and/or place where they can relax and feel alone. Many times there
is a feeling of being alone by oneself even if the room is filled with people. This
also gives the tendency to live more in the dream world and not in reality, thus it
becomes difficult to know if it’s real or not and there could also be addictive
behavior. With this there’s a tendency to disappear or dissolve into the
woodwork, thus there could be sleeping disorders where one just falls asleep or
leaves their body easily. This also creates problems through judgment regarding
relationships and the mate may have substance abuse or faithfulness issues. On a
positive side, this can attract you to a soul mate, who isn’t attached to the
material world. It relates to artistic gifts as in dancing and/or musical ability,
where it’s natural to be in an altered state of consciousness. Medically this
relates to having difficulty staying in the body, immune disorders, needing more
sleep, chronic fatigue, tooth decay, water burns and problems with depth
NEPTUNE / MIDHEAVEN (Spiritual Consciousness)
With this energy, there may be a desire to attain a more spiritual consciousness in
one's life path. People, who have this, want to integrate spirituality through their
career goals and do the right thing. They have an innate psychic and/or intuitive
ability that is used in the timing of their career decisions. They get information in
their dreams, which guides them in the waking life, thus there is talent, which can
come in the form of the dance, music, poetry and psychic abilities. On the other
side of this, there is confusion in one's career direction and a lack of goal planning,
leaving one with the feeling that they don’t know what way to turn next. This
also represents a confidence man or the swindler who has anti social behavior
and is prone to dishonest acts thus this relates to great financial losses or the loss
of one’s energy. On a medical level this represents substance abuse, an alcoholic
or an addictive parent and/or toxicity in one’s own body. This also rules foot
disorders and problems with the bones and tooth decay.