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PBL Summative Project
Water Shortage in Texas
Problem: Texas is facing water supply issues as a result of
climatic changes and population growth. The state is considering
ideas of how to meet the growing demand for water both human
consumption and industrial use. By looking into the contemporary
physical characteristics of our four basic regions and comparing
these efforts with those of our ancestors to supply their water
needs, we hope to find viable short and long-term solutions to
supplying our water needs.
What to do: Students will work with the members of their table
groups to create a solution to the ever growing water shortage
problem in Texas. Describe a proposal that they come up with
and how it functions. Students may either focus on a solution
that provides conservation of water sources or solutions on how
to develop more water resources. In a minimum of two
paragraphs, students will give a brief description of the history of
drought in Texas, their proposed solution to water shortage along
with a detailed description of how their invention functions. They
will also describe why their invention would make an impact.
Furthermore, the students will need to create a model of their
invention. It can come in the form of a drawing or a physical
model. The proposal will need to be typed and turned in with the
drawing by Tuesday Sept. 29th