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«My English»
NAME: __________________ SURNAME: ___________________________
8th FORM (8 КЛАСС)
No of questions: 30
Time allowed: 40 minutes
Listen to the text and choose the right answers.
1) What is a wave?
2) How are ocean waves and sound waves
a) A wave is an electric current.
b) A wave is a mechanical movement of
c) A wave is the movement of energy from one
place to another.
d) A wave is the movement of energy between
troughs and crests.
3) What is a trough?
a) Both ocean waves and sound waves show
circular motion.
b) Both ocean waves and sound waves are
charged particles.
c) Both ocean waves and sound waves show
the movement of energy.
d) Both ocean waves and sound waves are
electric current.
4) How is a trough different from a crest?
a) It is the lowest point of a wavelength.
b) It is the highest point of a wavelength.
c) It is negatively charged particles.
d) It is the positively charged particles.
a) A crest is the lowest point of a wavelength.
b) A crest is the highest point of a wavelength.
c) A crest is positively charged particles.
d) A crest is negatively charged particles.
5) What is the name for the flow of charged
6) What does an electric current need?
a) an unbroken path
b) an electric voltage
a) an energy
b) an unbroken path
c) an electric current
d) a wave
c) troughs and crests
d) a certain wavelength
Choose the right answers.
7) Which London’s church is the largest?
8) The Elizabeth Tower is part of _______.
a) Kensington Temple
b) Westminster Cathedral
c) Christ Church
d) St Paul's Cathedral
9) Which country has a capital called
a) the Tower of London
b) Westminster Abbey
c) Buckingham Palace
d) the Houses of Parliament
10) How many people can the London Eye
carry at the same time?
a) Wales
b) England
a) about 300 people
b) about 500 people
c) Scotland
d) Northern Ireland
c) about 800 people
d) about 1200 people
11) What is Heathrow?
12) What is the capital of Portugal?
a) a department store
b) a museum
a) Lisbon
b) Santiago
c) an airport
d) a park
c) Las Rozas
d) Caracas
13) Who wrote “The Adventures of Tom
14) What is the largest type of ‘big cat’ in
the world?
a) Walter Scott
b) Jonathan Swift
a) tiger
b) lion
c) Mark Twain
d) John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
c) jaguar
d) snow Leopard
15) What biological process do plants take
to inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen?
16) Which star is the nearest to Earth?
a) Sun
b) Arcturus
a) phagocytosis
b) chlorination
c) Polaris
d) Betelgeuse
c) photosynthesis
d) respiration
Match the terms with the correct explanations.
1 care
2 arrange
3 warn
4 envy
a) 1 – A,
b) 1 – C,
c) 1 – C,
d) 1 – D,
to make plans and
preparations so that
something can happen in
the future
to tell somebody about
something unpleasant or
dangerous that exist or
might happen
1 caring
feeling guilty or
embarrassed about
A somebody/something or
because of something you
have done
2 tiring
causing you to laugh or
B smile
to be worried about or
interested in
3 ashamed
to want something that
somebody else has
4 amusing
showing that the feelings
D of other people are
important to you
2 – B,
2 – A,
2 – A,
2 – C,
3 – C,
3 – D,
3 –B ,
3 – A,
a) 1 – A,
b) 1 – D,
c) 1 – A,
d) 1 – C,
making you want to rest
or sleep
2 – B,
2 – C,
2 – B,
2 – B,
3 –C ,
3 – A,
3 – D,
3 – A,
Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.
19) I have always preferred ______ areas
to ______ ones, because I really like the
20) Though the accident damaged the car
pretty severely, mechanics were able to
______ it and make it almost good as new.
a) quiet … tranquil
b) city … downtown
a) hinder
b) destroy
c) magnificent … majestic
d) rural … urban
c) salvage
d) cure
21) I’ll need a new car soon, but this one
is OK _______.
22) Your friends are coming for a visit?
That's so ________.
a) for the time being
b) for last time
a) excitement
b) exciting
c) for ages
d) for the time
c) excitedly
d) excited
23) - Can I help you?
- No, thanks, I'm just __________.
a) getting over
b) turning out
c) looking round
d) seeing through
24) The large print _______ easier reading.
a) makes for
b) makes on
c) does up
d) does in
25) My mum ______ here for two years.
Nest week is her second anniversary.
26) I ______ a really interesting book.
I’ll lend it to you when I finish it.
a) worked
b) has worked
a) have been reading
b) have read
c) is working
d) was working
c) read
d) am reading
27) He will surely fail his exams,
28) If she misses the bus, __________.
a) if he not work harder.
b) if he will not work harder.
c) if he weren't serious.
d) unless he begins to study.
a) I would take her to school by car.
b) I’ll take her to school by car.
c) I take her to school by car.
d) she have to walk.
29) Where is Nick?
He _______ be playing football now.
30) Let’s meet at the café, ________ we?
a) can
b) must
c) should
d) let
a) can
b) would
c) may
d) shall
«My English»
8th FORM
Listening material
Waves and currents
When you hear the words waves and currents, your brain might immediately
make you think about the ocean, or at least some form of water. That’s natural,
since that is probably what you have experienced the most in connection to those
two words. But waves and currents can be talking about energy as well. Energy
travels in waves, and electric current is the constant flow of electric energy.
A wave, whether it is in the ocean, on land, or in the air, is simply the
movement that takes energy from one place to another. Many kinds of energy
travel in waves. Light, sound, and mechanical energy all travel in waves. Sound
waves, for example, are produced by the vibration of particles. Plucking a string on
a guitar or violin makes the air around the string move back and forth.
A wave can be measured based on a comparison of its highest point (crest)
and lowest point (trough). The distances between troughs and the distance
between crests are called wavelengths. You can use a timer to see how many crests
happen in a certain amount of time, and that will tell you the frequency of a wave.
The constant flow of charged particles is an electric current. Negatively
charged particles move toward positively charged particles. Electric current needs
an unbroken path, or circuit. A circuit is made of wires, an energy source and
something that requires energy. Then the current can flow!