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Surgical treatment of otosclerosis: Eight years experience at the Jordan
University Hospital
Tareq M Mahafza*, associate professor of Otolaryngology
Mohammad I Tawalbeh*, associate professor of Otolaryngology
Abdelmonem M AL-Layla*, assistant professor of Otolaryngology,
Yagoub A Abu-yagoub*, Senior ENT Resident
Ahmad A Sulaiman**, Associate professor
*ENT Department, University of Jordan, Amman- Jordan
**Department of public health, University of Jordan
Keywords: Otosclerosis, Stapedectomy, Jordan University Hospital
Corresponding Author:
Tareq Mahafza
ENT Department, Jordan University Hospital
PO Box: 13046. Amman-Jordan
Tele-fax: 96265330403
E-mail; [email protected]
Objectives: to report the experience of the Jordan University Hospital with the surgical
treatment of otosclerosis and to compare results and complications with published
Patients and Methods: The medical records of all patients who underwent stapes
surgery for otosclerosis at the Jordan University Hospital during the period from January
2003 to December 2010 were reviewed.
Results: Out of 130 patients who underwent stapes surgery, 104 (80%) fulfilled the
criteria. There were 68 (65.38%) females and 36 (34.62%) males with a female to male
ratio of 1.9: 1. In 86 (82.69%) patients the disease was bilateral. Family history for
otosclerosis was positive in 37(35.57%) patients. Tinnitus was observed at presentation in
82(78.84%) of patients and it disappeared or improved in 51(62.19%) patients after
surgery. Air bone gap after surgery was ≤ 10 dB in 79(75.96%) patient, greater than 10
and less than 20 dB in 10 (9.61%) patients, and greater than 20dB and less than 30 dB in
4 (3.84%) patients. Complications occurred in 17(16.34%) patients which included:
1(.96%) deaf ear, 2 (1.92%) sensorineural hearing loss, 2(1.92%) facial nerve palsy,
6(5.76%) vertigo lasted more than 7 days, 3(2.88%) chorda tympani damage, 1 (.96%)
floating of footplate, and 2(1.92%) perforation of the tympanic membrane.
Conclusion: Results of this study are very good and comparable to those reported in the
literature and it is believed that an experienced general ENT surgeon can perform stapes
surgery safely and successfully in the absence of an experienced Otologist.
Otosclerosis is a disease of the otic capsule and middle ear ossicles, in which a new dense
sclerotic bone is, formed [1]. The etiology of otosclerosis has not been fully unveiled
despite the numerous studies, however many theories have been suggested to explain it
on the basis of genetic [2], viral [3], hormonal [4], and other factors [5]. The inheritance
of otosclerosis is believed to be autosomal dominant with variable penetrance, but other
modes of inheritance are possible [6]. Caucasians are more commonly affected by
otosclerosis than Asians, black, and Native American populations and the prevalence of
clinical otosclerosis is less than 1% among whites [7]. Females outweigh males in this
disease in a variable ratio [7, 8]. Otosclerosis is a bilateral disease in about 80% of cases
[9]. Patients usually present with gradual conductive hearing loss and with tinnitus in
about 65-92% [10].
Treatment options of otosclerosis include medications, hearing aids and surgery. Medical
treatment is indicated in the early active stage of the disease, which usually goes
unnoticed, while hearing aids are mainly indicated when patients refuse surgery. Surgical
treatment of otosclerosis is the most commonly used and most effective treatment and
includes either stapedectomy or stapedotomy. Shea is the pioneer of modern surgical
treatment of otosclerosis, when he started performing stapedectomy in 1956 [11].
Stapedotomy which is an opening into the footplate of the stapes or stapedectomy which
is a total removal of the stapes are both successful in the treatment of otosclerosis, but
most otologist prefer stapedotomy since it has less complications than stapedectomy [12,
In stapes surgery, the success rate of achieving a postoperative air bone gap (ABG) of
less than 10 dB is close to 95% in large series [14, 15], while in a studies with a smaller
series this percent decreases to a mean level of 80% [16, 17, 18,19]. Variable
complications may occur after stapes surgery, but the most worrisome complication is
sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) which occurs in less than 0.5% of patients undergoing
surgery by experienced surgeons who have a large series [14, 15].
The aim of this study is to review the experience with the surgical treatment of
otosclerosis at the Jordan university hospital and to compare it with that of others.
Patients and Methods
A retrospective review of records of all patients who underwent stapes surgery for
otosclerosis at the Jordan university hospital from January 2003 to December 2010 was
conducted. The data collected include: age, gender, ear involved, presence of tinnitus,
surgical technique used, abnormalities found in the ear, results of surgery, and
complications. Patients who had revision surgery, patients who did not show for followup, and patients with incomplete data were all excluded.
All patients underwent pure tone audiogram (PTA) in a standard soundproof room
including air conduction (AC), bone conduction (BC) before and after the stapes surgery,
and air-bone gap (ABG) was calculated in the standard frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz as
recommended by the committee on hearing and equilibrium of the American Academy of
Otology [20].
Surgery was performed by the first three authors, who had nearly the same level of
experience under general anesthesia using the same standard surgical technique with
micro-drill or perforator. Oval window was sealed with fascia or perichonderium and
Teflon piston prosthesis was used in the majority of cases. A follow-up policy was that
involves patients examination at intervals of 1 week, 1, 3, 6 months and then yearly after
surgery and at each visit a patient had to undergo pure tone audiography. According to
the American Medical Association hearing loss classified as: mild degree if the hearing
loss is between 20 and 40 dB, moderate at 40 to 55 dB, moderately severe if 55 to 70 dB,
severe at 70 to 90 dB, and if the hearing loss is over 90 dB it is considered as profound.
Hearing results were calculated from the last audiogram done preoperatively and of that
which is done a year after stapes surgery. ABG was calculated by subtracting the
preoperative bone conduction thresholds from the postoperative air conduction thresholds
and surgery was considered successful if the ABG was closed to less than 10 dB, and
satisfactory if the ABG between 11 and 30 dB, while any improvement in which the
ABG is greater than 30 dB is considered unsatisfactory, and if the ABG is the same or
worse the results considered as a failure. Also the improvement in air and bone
conduction thresholds were calculated by subtraction of postoperative from preoperative
values. I n all records there was a routine question to patients about their satisfaction with
surgery in regards to hearing and tinnitus, which was answered by all patients.
Collected data was analyzed using student t-test for paired samples and statistically
differences were considered significant if the P value was ≤ 0.05.
Out of 130 patients who underwent stapes surgery, 104 (80%) fulfilled the criteria and
were enrolled in this study. As shown in table 1, there were 68 (65.38%) females and 36
(34.62%) males with a female to male ratio of 1.9: 1.
The mean age at presentation was 43 years (SD= 11.12) and the average duration of the
disease was 6.2 years. The disease was bilateral in 86 (82.69%) patients and it was
unilateral in 18(17.31%) with a right to left ear ratio of 1.17: 1. Family history for
otosclerosis was positive in 37(35.57%) patients, and the degree of hearing loss at
presentation was moderate or moderately severe in more than 80% of patients.
Tinnitus was observed at presentation in 82(78.84%) patients and after stapes surgery it
disappeared in 22(26.82%) patients and improved in 29 (35.36%) patients with overall
62% success rate.
The hearing results obtained are depicted in tables 2 and 3. As shown in table 2, the ABG
was ≤ 10 dB in 79(75.96%) patient, greater than 10 and less than 20 dB in 10 (9.61%)
patients, greater than 20 dB and less than 30 dB in 4 (3.84%) patients, greater than 30 dB
in 8 (7.69%) patients, and 3(2.88%) patients developed SNHL. In table 3, the mean value
of air conduction threshold for frequencies 0.5-4 kHz was 49.8 dB before surgery and
was 25.6 dB after surgery with a mean difference (hearing improvement) of 24.2 dB
which is a statistically significant(P value≤ 0.05). The mean value of bone conduction
threshold for the same 0.5-4 kHz frequencies was 23.6 before surgery and was 20.5 dB
after surgery with a mean difference(hearing improvement) of 3.1dB which is statistically
significant (P value≤ 0.05). The response to the question about patients satisfaction with a
stapes surgery, 80 (76.92%) patients reported satisfaction and 24 (23.07%) were
unsatisfied with their stapes surgery.
Complications that occurred either during or after stapes surgery were detected in 17
(16.34%) patients and they are summarized in table 4. They include; 1(.96%) case with
deaf ear, 2 (1.92%) cases with sensorineural hearing loss, 2(1.92%) cases with temporary
facial nerve palsy (grade2), 6(5.76 %) cases with vertigo that lasts more than 7
days,3(2.88%) cases with chorda tympani damage, 1 (.96%) case with floating of
footplate, and 2(1.92%) cases with perforation of the tympanic membrane which was
dealt with by grafting during surgery. Two cases of those who developed sensorineural
hearing loss and 4 cases of those who developed vertigo had total stapedectomy without
sealing of the oval window, because there was a narrow oval window niche.
Otosclerosis is an inherited disease with autosomal dominant mode of inheritance in 40 to
54% of cases [21], and 37(35.57%) of cases in this study had a positive family history of
Females suffer from otosclerosis more commonly than males with a variable female to
male ratio, with the highest being 3:1[16]. Among patients of this study there were 68(
65.38%)females and 36 (34.62%) males with a female to male ratio of 1.9:1, which is in
concordance with the average of female to male ratio (2: 1) [17, 22]. Bilateral
involvement of the ears with otosclerosis in this study was noted in 86 (82.7%) patients,
which is within the range of the international figures [9]. The mean age of patients in this
study at presentation and consequently at the time they had the stapes surgery was 43
years, which is the same range of age (40-50 years) in most of other reports [13, 23] .
Hearing loss is always a presenting symptom, but tinnitus presents in 65 to 92% of cases
[10, 11] and the rate in this study was within the same rage which was 78.8%. After
stapes surgery, 22 (26.82%) patients reported complete disappearance and 29(35.36%)
patients reported improvement of the tinnitus with an overall success rate of 62% an
outcome that is close to the figures (3-78%) reported by others [24].
The majority of studies on the surgical treatment of otosclerosis have demonstrated good
short- and long-term hearing results regardless the surgical techniques used [12, 13, 25],
but in spite of this fact the majority of otolaryngologist prefer stapedotomy over
stapedectomy because it has a lower complications rate [25, 26] and that is why this
technique was adopted in the majority of patients involved in this study.
The success rate in stapes surgery in which the ABG is ≤ 10 in the hands of surgeons
with a large series [14, 15] is close to 95%, but in other studies with a smaller series [16,
17, 18, 19] the success rate decreases to a lower levels, but still very good results. Very
good results were achieved in this study where the ABG was ≤10 dB in 79 (75.96%)
patients and satisfactory results where the ABG was < 10 ≤ 30 dB in 14(13.46%) patients
with overall success of 89.42%. These results are considered very good and comparable
to most of studies with a limited number of cases [16, 17, 18, 19]. The other factor which
is taken into consideration in evaluating the results of stapes surgery is the hearing gain in
air conduction threshold in which a 26.2 dB hearing gain was achieved and again these
results are comparable to results of others [19, 27].
Intraoperative and postoperative problems occurred in 17(16.34%) of our patients and
most of them were transient with the exception of sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo
that lasted more than 7 days but did not cause any concern. The rate of perioperative and
postoperative complications in this study were similar to the international reports.
One of these problems was a dead ear and two cases with sensorineural hearing loss
representing 2.92% of the operations performed. This rate of sensorineural hearing loss in
this study is still within the average rate reported in the literature (0.4% to 3%) for the
primary stapes surgery [28].
Vertigo is a common complaint in the first few days after stapes surgery, but it rarely
lasts more than a week and usually these patients develop a permanent vestibular
hypofunction after a while and got adapted to that[29]. Birch and Elbrond [29] in 1985
had reported a rate of 4% of vertigo that lasted more than a week, as compared to 5.8% in
this study.
In conclusion, results of this study are very good and close those reported in the literature
despite the small number of patients enrolled in this study and it is believed that an
experienced general ENT surgeon can perform the stapes surgery safely and successfully
in the absence of Otologist.
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Table 1: Demographic Data of 104 patients
Mean age at presentation in years
Age range in years
Number (%)
Female: male ratio
Preoperative tinnitus
68 (65.4)
36 (34.6)
1.9: 1
82 (78.84)
Family history of Otosclerosis
37 (35.57)
Bilateral Otosclerosis
Right ear involved
Left ear involved
Left to Right Ratio
86 (82.69)
48 (46.1)
56 (53.9)
1.17 : 1
Table 2: Hearing results with regards to ABG*
Number (%)
≤ 10
79 (75.96)
<10≤ 20
10 (9.61)
<20≤ 30
4 (3.84)
< 30
8 (7.69)
No ABG, But SNHL**
3 (2.88)
*ABG- Air bone gap
** SNHL- Sensorineural hearing loss
Table 3: Mean of hearing threshold before and after stapes surgery
Mean Air Conduction
Threshold (dB)*
Mean Gain
Mean Bone Conduction
Threshold (dB)
*dB- deci Bell
Table 4: Complications of stapes surgery
Number (%)
3 (2.88)
Facial palsy
2 (1.92)
Vertigo lasting < 7 days
6 (5.76)
Chorda tympani injury
3 (2.88)
Floating footplate
2 (1.92)
17 (16.34)
‫العالج الجراحي للتصلب السمعي ‪ :‬خبرة مستشفى الجامعه االردنيه لثماني سنوات‬
‫طارق محافظه‪ ,‬محمد طوالبه‪ ,‬عبد المنعم الليله‪ ,‬احمد عطوان سليمان‪ ,‬يعقوب ابو يعقوب‬
‫مستشفى الجامعه االردنيه‪ ,‬عمان – االردن‪.‬‬
‫الهدف من الدراسه‪ :‬نشر خبرة مستشفى الجامعه االردنيه في العالج الجراحي للتصلب السمعي و مقارنة النتائج و‬
‫المضاعفات مع الدراسات المنشوره‪.‬‬
‫المرضى والطرق‪ :‬تمت مراجعة ملفات جميع المرضى الذين خضعوا لجراحة الركاب بهدف معالجعة التصلب‬
‫السمعي في مستشفى الجامعه االردنيه خالل الفتره الممتده من كانون ثاني ‪ 2003‬و حتى كانون اول ‪ .2010‬تم‬
‫تحليل البيانات اللتي جمعت فيما يخص العمر والجنس واالذن المصابه ووجود الطنين والتقنيه الجراحيه المستخدمه‬
‫و نتيجة الجراحه والمضاعفات‪.‬‬
‫النتائج‪ :‬استوفي ‪ 104‬من اصل ‪ 130‬مريضا خضعوا لجراحة الركاب معايير االنضمام لهذه الدراسه‪ .‬انقسم‬
‫المرضى الى ‪ )%65(68‬انثى و ‪ )%35(36‬ذكرا و بنسبة‪ 1,17:1‬و كان معدل العمر عند االصابه ‪ 43‬سنه و‬
‫كانت االصابه ثنائية الجانب لدى ‪ )%83(86‬مريضا و كان هناك تاريخ عائلي باالصابه بالتصلب السمعي‬
‫لدى‪ )%36(37‬مريضا و لوحظ ان ‪ )%79(82‬مريضا يشكون من الطنين عند التشخيص الذي اختفى او تحسن‬
‫لدى‪ )%62(51‬مريضا بعد العمل الجراحي‪ .‬بلغت الفجوه الهوائيه العظميه ‪ 10‬ديسيبل او اقل لدى‪)%76(79‬‬
‫مريضا و اكثر من ‪ 10‬او اقل من‪ 20‬ديسبل لدى ‪ )%9,6(10‬مرضى و اكثر من ‪ 20‬و اقل من ‪ 30‬ديسيبل لدى‬
‫‪ )%3,8(4‬مرضى و اكثر من ‪ 30‬ديسيبل لدى ‪ )%7,7(8‬مرضى و اصيب ‪ )%2,9(3‬مرضى بفقدان سمع حسي‬
‫عصبي ولقد ابدى ‪ )%77(80‬مريضا الرضى عن العمل الجراحي في حين ابدى‪ )%23(24‬مريضا عدم الرضى‪.‬‬
‫حدثت مضاعفات لدى ‪ )%16(17‬مريضا اشتملت على طرش لدى مريض واحد(‪ ،)%96,‬فقدان سمع حسي‬
‫عصبي لدى مريضين(‪ ،)%1,9‬شلل العصب الوجهي لدى مريضين(‪ ،)%1,9‬دوار ألكثر من اسبوع لدى‬
‫‪ )%5,76(6‬مرضى‪ ،‬اذية الحيل الطبلي لدى ‪ )%2,9(3‬مرضى‪ ،‬عدم ثبات قاعدة الركاب لدى مريض‬
‫واحد(‪ )%96,‬و انثقاب غشاء الطبل لدى مريضين(‪.)%1,9‬‬
‫خاتمه‪ :‬تعتبر نتائج هذه الدراسه جيد جدا مقارنه بنتائج الدراسات المنشوره و هناك قناعه بأن اختصاصي االنف و‬
‫االذن والحنجره العام ذو خبره كافيه يستطيع اجراء جراحه الركاب بنجاح و سالمه دون الحاجه لمتخصص في‬
‫الجراحه السمعيه‪.‬‬