Download 1.1 The Scientific Method

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Chapter 1: The Scientific
Leaving Certificate Biology
Higher Level
The Study of Biology
• Biology is the study of living things
– Ecology
– Physiology
– Anatomy
The Scientific Method
Observation: taking in of information received about the
natural world
Hypothesis: an educated guess/idea based on an
Experimentation: an experiment is a test designed to
prove/disprove a hypothesis
Collection of data: data are results obtained after
carrying out an experiment
Conclusions: explaining the results
Analysis: explaining new knowledge in relation to
existing knowledge
Reporting and publishing results: describing and
releasing results to other scientists and the public
Development of theory and principle: a theory is a
comprehensive explanation; a law is a definite, factual
explanation of an important aspect of nature
Principles of Experimentation
• Careful planning and design
• Safety (e.g. wearing gloves and lab coat)
• Experimental control: a control is a factor in an
experiment that provides a standard upon which
results may be compared
• Sample size: (larger sample size gives a better
representation in the results)
• Random selection: (e.g. clinical trials must include
younger people as well as older)
• Replicates: a replicate is a repeat of an
• Double-blind testing: (doctor does not know who
has been given an active drug)
Limitations of the Scientific Method
1. Extent of our basic knowledge: lack of knowledge leads
to inadequate hypotheses
2. Basis of investigation: lack of
3. Interpretation of results: scientists may interpret results
4. Application to a changing natural world: information
obtained from organisms in the past may not be valid
today – they may have to be repeated
5. Accidental discovery: experiments may have gone
completely “wrong” – i.e. “we did not get the desired
result” or “we made an error in preparation and an
unexpected result is obtained”; e.g. discovery of penicillin