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Biology EOI Crash Course!
Quick Facts to memorize
PS1: Qualitative observation is a quality like color, texture, no numbers! Quantitative involves numbers. This is a
measurement like 5mm, 25 KL, 250 bubbles etc.
Unit conversion remember king henry died drinking chocolate milk: KHD०dcm
PS2: Classification: King Phyllip Came Over From Great Spain: KPCOFGS: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Prokaryotes are single celled organisms; only kingdom bacteria and kingdom archaebacteria.
Eukaryotes are single and multi celled organisms: they have organelles and are found in all of the other kingdoms.
Protista: single celled and colonial; Fungi: fungus and mold; Plantae: plants; Animalia: animals
PS3: Experimental Design: Independent Variable, you change; Dependent Variable, changes because of what you changed;
constant: kept the same for all (i.e. type and size of plant, where placed etc); control is setup for a comparison (control receives
no water or no food etc)
PS4: Graphs: comparison is usually a bar graph; percentages are circle graph
PS5: Models: pedigrees (circles are girls, squares are boys; colored has trait); food chains & webs (arrow shows direction of
energy flow); read a life cycle; read a biogeochemical cycle( water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous); read a pyramid (energy,
biomass, etc)
CS1: Cells: Prokaryote: single celled, no organelles, has dna, ribosomes, cell membrane, cell wall, may have cilia or flagella
Eukaryote: single or multi celled; organelles include: nucleus (contains DNA and a nucleolus where rna is made),
ribosomes (these are rna and not membrane bound), mitochondria (make energy from sugar,glucose, during cellular
respiration), chloroplasts (in plants only, photosynthesis happens here), golgi (packages), endoplasmic reticulum (ER smooth or
rough, has ribosomes, synthesizes proteins, fats, and carbs), cell membrane (semipermeable, doesn’t let everything in, all
cells), cell wall (support outside of membrane for plants, fungi, and bacteria), cytoplasm(holds organelles, glycolisis happens
Transport: Active Transport uses energy goes against concentration gradient; Passive Transport does not use energy
goes down the concentration gradient. Active and Passive may use transport protiens or channels. Diffusion is passive this is
the random movement of particles across the cell membrane down the concentration gradient.
Osmosis: Diffusion of water down the concentration gradient across the cell membrane. Hypertonic water leaves the
cell; hypotonic water enters the cell (plants become turgid and animals lyse, burst); isotonic water moves in and out of the cell
with no change to the cell size.
Organization: organelle→ cell→ tissue→ organ→ organ system→ organism
specialized cells: (ocelli detect light in flat worms, eustacian hairs send sound waves to brain, cells in nose of sharks
detects chemicals); tropisms: gravitropism (gravity), phototropism (light), thigmotropism (touch); homeostasis means
maintaining internal balance
CS2: Heredity: DNA controls cell; replicates during interphase then shared between cells during mitosis (1 cell becomes 2, body
cells, prophase(coils) metaphase (lines up) anaphase (sister chromatids seperated) Telophase (uncoils and goes into cytokinesis
where cells split)) also shared between cells during meiosis (pmat pmat; one cell becomes 4, daughter cells are haploid, sex
cells, tetrads experience crossing over in prophase 1 then split into sister chromatids during anaphase 1 and sisters split apart
during anaphase 2)
During DNA replication a new strand is formed by bonding new nucleotides to their corresponding base on the parent
strand (a-t and g-c). During transcription mRNA is built by building rna nucleotides along the DNA parent strand (a-u and g-c
and t-a)
punnett squares: parent 1 on top and parent 2 on the side; pedigrees can also be used to trace a trait through a
family or to predict the outcome of the next generation.
genes controlled by 2 or more alleles (letters); dominant is capital and recessive is lower case. one dominant results
in the dominant phenotype. genotypes: homozygous dominant (AA) homozygous recessive also known as recessive (aa);
heterozygous (Aa). Incomplete dominance (heterozygote looks like a blend of the two colors eg red + white=pink). Codominant
both alleles show up (red + white = red & white).
CS3: Diversity: Structures, embryology, DNA, and fossil record used to support evolution. natural selection: survival of the
fittest (living to reproduce and having offspring that can reproduce) can change a species population over time. Behaviors:
innate born knowing and learned can aide the evolution of a species over time.
CS4: interdependence of organisms: parasitism(one benefits and the other is harmed like tapeworms); mutualism (both benefit
like cleaner fish); commensalism (one benefits the other is not affected)
populations: size is affected by limiting factors such as food, space, water. If a population is in an area with
unlimited resources carrying capacity will never be reached indicated by a J shaped curve. If resources are limited an S shaped
curve is shown when the population reaches carrying capacity.
ecological succession: plants, bare rock, lichens, grasses, shrubs, trees; animals: small organisms gradually followed
by larger organisms.
CS5: Energy: Photosynthesis: uses light to make food, in the chloroplast, the light reactions: electrons from water are
energized by sunlight to produce energy and molecules to provide the energy to create sugar; nadh and fadh) the dark
reactions aka the calvin cycle: carbon dioxide is converted through this cycle to create glucose.
Cellular Respiration: breaks down sugar to make ATP (energy molecule); anaerobic respiration is glycolysis only
produces 2 ATP. 2 anaerobic respiration processes are lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation. In aerobic
respiration glycolysis is followed by the krebs cycle where some ATP and carrier molecules are made that are then sent to the
electron transport chain where oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor to make the most ATPs (36-38 total by the end of
cell resp).
Biogeochemical cycles to know water, carbon, nitrogen (remember nitrogen must be fixed by bacteria or lightening
before it can be used)
Food webs and food chains: arrow points in direction of energy flow.
energy pyramids: producers on bottom, then 1st level or primary consumers aka herbivores; the 2nd level etc
(carnivores); energy decreases by 10% as you move up the pyramid. You can also remove a zero from the amount. 10000 at
producer level will be 1000 at herbivore level.
biotic is living (trees, animals, bacteria etc); abiotic is nonliving( water, clouds, dirt, rocks, etc)