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By: Kelley Healey
Primary found in plants
 Made from a specialized sugar called
 Rigid extracellular layer
 Limits the amount of large molecules
to enter the cell
 Helps retain water
 Hold and maintains the cells shape
Help maintain shape
Perform intercellular communication
Providing a defensive coat
Carbohydrate storage
Prevents the cell membrane from bursting
Controls the rate and direction of cell
Cell membrane is a found almost in all cells
and is a semi permeable which allows
certain substances to pass though.
The cell wall however is only found in
bacteria, fungi, algae, and most common in
plants and is completely permeable.
1.Cell wall is found in plant cell and cell membrane is found in animal cells.
2.Cell membrane is covered by the cell wall which forms the outer most
3.Cell wall is completely permeable whereas cell membrane is semi-permeable.
4.Cell wall is made up of cellulose and cell membrane is made up of lipids and
Humans do NOT have a cell wall but bacteria do,
so when fighting a cold the best way to kill the
bacteria is by interrupting cell wall synthesis,
because this would kill the bacteria, but not harm
the human host. The problem with some bacteria
is when this occurs, it destroys the cell wall but
not the entirely of the cell. This allows the cell to
sometimes take the shape of the cell membrane,
which then makes it almost invisible to the host.
Which then makes antibiotics useless and an
uncontrollable growth of bacteria.