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Chapter 16 Study Guide – Use this, your map, and your vocabulary to study for your test!
Section 1 – Mayans
1. The Mayans began as farming communities.
2. How did the Mayans shift to a complex society? They organized into city-states with their own kings
and government.
3. What type of power did the Mayan king have? Political and religious
4. List 5 different types of architecture Mayans created. Stone pyramids and temples, palaces, canals,
and plazas
5. What was the Mayan writing system similar to? Egyptian hieroglyphics
6. Circle one – The Mayans were monotheistic/polytheistic. What does that mean? They worshipped
many gods
7. List the 4 theories that MAY have caused the Mayan civilization to come to an end.
 Increased warfare between city-states
 Rebellions against kings
 Climate changes brought about droughts
 Could not produce enough food
8. What types of things did the Mayans offer their gods to make them happy? Blood offerings and
human sacrifices on special occasions (rare)
9. Which god was the most important? The sun god
Section 2 – The Aztecs
10. Aztecs were at first farmers who lived in central Mexico.
11. Circle one – The Aztecs were monotheistic/polytheistic.
12. What did they offer the gods to please them? Human sacrifices – about 10,000 per year
13. List the social hierarchy of the Aztecs, from highest to lowest.
1. Nobles
2. Commoners
3. Unskilled laborers
4. Enslaved people
14. Describe what caused the Aztec civilization to come to an end.
Hernan Cortes led the conquistadors in 1519 into the Aztec Empire. They captured Montezuma and
the Aztecs attacked the Spanish. Small pox (brought by the Spanish) spread and weakened the
Aztecs. The Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish.
Section 3 – The Incas
15. Where did the Inca civilization begin? In the Andes Mountains
16. Why did the Incas develop a road system? To connect the empire
17. Yes or No? Did the Incas believe in and practice human sacrifices? Yes
18. Who was the most important god? The sun god, Inti
19. What are quipus? A knotted cord system used to keep records
20. Describe what caused the Inca civilization to come to an end. Francisco Pizarro and 180 Spanish
conquistadors arrived in 1533. They captured Atahaulpa, the Incan ruler, and killed thousands of
Inca soldiers. Spain defeated the Incas and took control of the Inca Empire.