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Steps to WWII
Nazism, Fascism, Communism
The politically correct term for Nazism is National Socialism. It is a form
of socialism that includes racism, exclusion, expansion and dictatorship.
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly
suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,
and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
a system of social organization
in which all economic and
social activity is controlled by a
totalitarian state dominated by a
single and self-perpetuating
political party.
Actions Leading to WWII - Europe
1) Italy invades Ethiopia (1935) – League of Nations does nothing
2) 1936 – Hitler allies Germany with Italy & Japan
3) Germany re-militarizes the Rhineland (1936) – League of Nations
does nothing
4) Hitler annexes Austria (1938)
5) Munich Agreement (1938) – Great Britain & France agree to Hitler's
demands that a portion of Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland, be
turned over to Germany since many ethnic Germans lived there.
Czechoslovakia was not consulted, even though it had an alliance
with France. In exchange, Hitler stated he would not demand
anymore territory. This was known as appeasement – trying to buy
off an aggressor.
Actions Leading to WWII – Europe
Hitler reneged on his promise not to demand any more
territory. Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia
Upon this alarming development, Great Britain and France
stated that they would defend Poland, thought to be
Hitler's next target.
Hitler called their bluff and invaded Poland on September
1, 1939
On September 3, 1939 Great Britain & France declared
war on Germany. WWII had begun.