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Name____________________________________________ Class Period ___________ Date __________
1. Which part of the Treaty of Versailles was most damaging to the German economy?
a. Germany lost its colonies
b. The German emperor was to be put on trial
c. Germany had to pay large sums of money
d. Germans were not allowed to have a large army and navy
2. Which were effects of the Great Depression
a. Employment rose and wages fell
b. Farmers gained land and businesses grew
c. People had more money and better jobs
d. Farmers lost their land and banks closed
3. Who was the leaders of the Nazi Party in Germany?
a. Adolf Hitler
b. Von Hidenburg
c. Vladmir Lenin
d. Wilhelm II
4. Put the following events in order in which they happened
1. Hitler was named chancellor of Germany
2. Germany invaded Poland
3. Germans were unhappy because of high unemployment and poverty
4. France and Great Britain declared war on Germany
1, 2, 4, 3
2, 4, 3, 1
3, 1, 2, 4
4, 3, 1, 2
5. What actions did the United Nations take as a result of the Holocaust?
a. Divided Palestine and Germany
b. Defeated Hitler and freed the Jews
c. Helped Jews find jobs and shelters
d. Created a Jewish state and made genocide a crime
6. Which conditions is required to be a superpower?
a. A space program
b. Membership in NATO
c. Democratic government
d. Influence over world events
7. Which 2 countries emerged as superpowers after WWII?
8. Describe the Holocaust. Who was affected?