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Chapter 1 Exam Practice Version
Algebra 2- Triscari
September 2011
Learning Target 1: Decide if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither.
Score: ____/10
Tell if each sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither. Explain how you know.
1. 12, 21, 36.75, 64.3125, …
, …
Learning Target 2: Calculate the value of a term
Score: ____/10
How many squares will be in the eighth figure in this
What is the 9th term in the sequence with the rule
( )
Hussein Bolt is the “Fastest Man in the World” with a 9.78-second 100 meter dash. With some hard work, he can lower
his time by 0.1% each month. How long will it take him to lower his time to 9 seconds?
Learning Target 3: Write a recursive rule
Score: ____/10
Write a recursive rule for the sequences in question 1 and 2.
Pinkey and the Brain are trying to take over the world. The Brain has 400 grams of plutonium. Each week, 12% of the
plutonium becomes unusable. The Brain plans on using the plutonium in 8 weeks. How much usable plutonium will he
have at that time?
Learning Target 4: Write and use recursive rules for shifted geometric sequences
Score: _____/10
Because Mr. T and all teachers are billionaires, he decides to invest some of his extra coin. He put $100,000 in an
investment that starts losing 2% per week. Mr. T’s personal accountant places another $200 per week in the account.
Write a recursive routine for this situation and find the long run value of Mr. T’s investment plan.
Bacteria live on everything, including the door to the classroom. Bacteria tend to multiply, and the door is cleaned each
day. The recursive rule below shows the number of bacteria after a certain number of days, n:
Explain what each of the numbers in the rule represent.
Learning Target 5: Graphs for sequences
Score: _____/10
Make a sketch of a geometric
sequence with a common ratio
larger of 1.
Make a sketch of a arithmetic
sequence with a common
difference that is positive
Learning Target 6: Model real-world situations using sequences
A statistician makes a list of the number of home runs that Homer Simple has hit
throughout the season. Write a recursive rule that approximates the number of homeruns
hit by Homer each month.
Make a sketch of a shifted
geometric sequence.
Total Homeruns
month 1
month 2
month 3
month 4
month 5
month 6
Make a sequence of numbers that has a limit of 0. (Write out the list of numbers or write a rule…your choice)