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Chapter 34 – America in World War II, 1941-­‐1945 Identify and state the historical significance of the following: Dwight D. Eisenhower Office of Price Administration Casablanca Conf. Joseph Stalin “Rosie the Riveter” D-­‐Day Thomas E. Dewey braceros Battle of the Bulge Truman Fair Employment Practices Comm. Potsdam Conf. Albert Einstein Bataan Death March Battle of Okinawa Korematsu v. United States Battle of Midway kamikazes island hopping strategy Manhattan Project Focus Questions 1. How did World War II affect the role of the national government in American life, the relationship between government and the economy, and minority groups in America? 2. What are arguments for and against Japanese American relocation camps used in World War II? Do you agree with the text authors that these camps were “unnecessary and unfair”? Why or why not? 3. List at least three major turning points of World War II. Justify your choices. 4. Was the early strategic decision of FDR and Churchill to “get Hitler first”, while putting the Pacific War on the back burner a wise one? Why did Americans and British believe that Germany presented the greater immediate threat to defeat the Allies? 5. How did the United States emerge from World War II fundamentally changed? Consider national power, economic health, race and gender relations. Chapter 35 – The Cold War Begins, 1945-­‐1952 Identify and state the historical significance of the following: Harry S Truman Richard M. Nixon iron curtain Benjamin Spock Yalta Conference Berlin Airlift George F. Kennan Cold War “containment doctrine” Mao Zedong Sunbelt Truman Doctrine Joseph McCarthy baby boom (Madis) Marshall Plan Julius & Ethel Rosenberg United Nations NATO Tomas E. Dewey Nuremberg Trials House Committee on Un-­‐American Servicemen’s Readjustment Activities Act (GI Bill of Rights) Focus Questions 1. What were the fundamental causes of the spectacular prosperity of the U.S. in the decades immediately following World War II? To what extent was the economic boom a result of factors in the U.S. and to what extent was it a result of the devastation of much of Europe and Asia? 2. How did the rise of suburbs affect American family life, community life, and race relations? 3. Explain the rationale for the postwar policy of containment. How was it applied in the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and NATO? 4. Was the Cold War inevitable? Why or why not? Chapter 36 – The American Zenith, 1952-­‐1963 Identify and state the historical significance of the following: Betty Friedan & John F. Kennedy The Feminine Mystique sit-­‐ins Joseph McCarthy/McCarthyism Galbraith/The Affluent Society Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown v. Board of Education Jackie Robinson Little Rock, Arkansas Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott Richard Nixon Ho Chi Minh Focus Questions 1.
How did the new American affluence and the Cold War shape American domestic life in the 1950s? 2.
Why were women especially affected by the “cult of domesticity”, as well as the changing economic patterns of the 1950s? 3.
How did American popular culture reflect the affluence of the 1950s? Why did so many contemporary observers see figures like Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe as a threat to American moral values? 4.
How did American mass production and mass popular culture affect the rest of the world? 5.
Why was Eisenhower generally successful in avoiding American involvement in in any large-­‐scale foreign wars? 6.
In what ways did the Eisenhower administration contribute to the developing American involvement in Vietnam? Why were these decisions made? 7.
In retrospect, the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 is seen as bringing an end to the political consensus and caution of the 1950s. Explain. 8.
How were Latin American radicals like Fidel Castro able to charge the United States with hypocrisy in its conduct of foreign policy in the region?