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Year: 2015-16
Subject: Maths
Class: VI (A & B)
Topic: Playing with numbers.
Unit :3
NAME: ________________
Roll No._________
Q.1. Solve the following.
Find the H.C.F of : a) 36,252. Ans: 36
b) 18 , 60. Ans:6
c) 106,159,371. Ans: 53
Find the L.C.M of: a) 28,36,45,60 Ans:360
Given that the LCM of two numbers is 96 and the product of the numbers 768, determine their HCF.
Ans: 8
Find the smallest number which when divided by 8, 44 and 60 leaves remainder 5 in each case.
b) 144,180,384 Ans:5760 c) 24,36 and 40 . Ans: 360
Ans: 1325
Find the least number which when divided by 9, 12 , 16 and 30 leaves remainder 3 in each case.
Find the greatest number which divides 82 and 132 leaving 1 and 6, remainders in each case. Ans: 9
Find the least number of 5 digits exactly divisible by 16, 18, 24 and 36.
Ans: 10080
Find the greatest number of six digits exactly divisible by 15, 24 and 30.
In a morning walk, three ladies step off together. Their steps measure 80cm, 85cm and 90cm
respectively. Find the minimum distance travelled by each lady so that she can cover the distance in
complete steps. Ans: 12240
A gardener had a collection of rose plants to be planted. He wanted to make a rectangular bed to put all
these plants in rows of 10,11, 20 and 40. What is the minimum number of plants he had? Ans: 440
When two numbers 58 and 90 were divided by a number, the remainders were 2 in both cases. What is
the greatest number we divided with? Ans: 8
There are 153 and 119 oranges .These fruits are to be arranges in heaps containing the same number of
fruits. Find the greatest number of fruits possible in each heap? Ans: 17
The product of two numbers is 1152 and their LCM is 288. Find their LCM.
Find the greatest number that will divide 130, 150 and 200 leaving remainders 2,6 and 8 respectively.
Write the smallest 6-digit number and express it as the product of prime factors.
Ans: 4
Ans: 2x2x2x2x2x3x3x3x5x5x5
Write the largest 5-digit number ending with zero and write its prime factorization.
Ans: 5x2x3x3x11x101
Higher order thinking skills. (HOTS)
When two numbers are divided by 2 and by 6, the quotients are 4 and 6.
a) Find the two numbers?
Ans: 4
Ans: 8 and 36
b) What is the highest common factor of these numbers?
c) What is the lowest common multiple of these numbers? Ans: 144
When two numbers are divided by 18, the quotients are 3 and 5. a)What are the two numbers? Ans:54
and 90
b) Find the HCF of the two numbers.
c) What is their LCM?
For the following pairs of numbers, show that the product of their HCF and LCM is equal to their
a) 40,48 Ans: 192
b) 300,450 Ans: 135000
c) 110, 154. Ans: 16940
IMO questions.
When a number is divisible by 6, it need not to be divisible by
b) 3
c) 6
d) 9
Which of the following pairs of numbers are co-prime?
b) 27,45
c) 63,72
a) 24,30
d) 18,25
Which of these number is a multiple of 8.
The two consecutive prime numbers with difference 2 are called
a) Co primes
a) 2
b) Twin primes
a) 6424
c) Composite
b) 7731
c) 9460 d) 1642
d) Even
Number of prime numbers from 1 to 50 are
a) 18
HCF of two co prime numbers is a
b) 0
The two numbers which have only 1 as their common factor are called
a) Co primes
b) Twin primes
a) 1
c) Composite
b) 12
c) 2
c) 15
d) 20
d) 3
d) Even numbers
LCM of two co prime numbers is their
a) sum
b) difference
c) product
d) quotient
The sum of all prime numbers between 40 and 50 are
a) 131
b) 121
c) 1331
d) 1221
Value-based questions.
Rani buys three cakes weighing 750g, 1kg and 1 kg. She wants to share these cakes among her
cousins. For this she cut these cakes into pieces of equal weight. What is the maximum possible weight
of the cake piece that she can cut? What value can you relate with Rani? Ans: 250g