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10/29/14 Confucianism & Government
Ancient China
7.21 Analyze the role of kinship and Confucianism in maintaining order and hierarchy. I can create a solu-on to a problem based on principals of Confucianism. Confucius
Ancient China
Can you list the levels of Chinese socie-es from highest to lowest? ___________________________________________ gentry emperor merchants peasants 1 10/29/14 Confucius
Ancient China
The term gentry comes from a word meaning “noble” or “of gentle birth.” People in this class of society did not have to use their hands to work and were expected to be more genteel, meaning they were polite and fashionable. Do you think modern American society has similar social categories? *Confucius was a great thinker, statesman, and educator, & founder of the Confucian school of thought in ancient China *New schools of Confucian philosophers emphasized social order based on duty, rank, & proper behavior *This school placed a lot of emphasis on rela-onships and one’s role in society *Although corrup-on & greed existed among civil servants, the ideal Confucian official was a wise, virtuous scholar who knew how to ensure harmony in society. 2 10/29/14 *Confucius believed people should conduct their lives by two basic principals: –Ren-­‐concern for others –Li-­‐appropriate behavior He believed society would func-on beQer if everyone followed these principals. KINSHIP *Confucius taught a code of proper conduct for people. THE FIVE RELATIONSHIPS OF CONFUCIUS -­‐ruler-­‐subjects -­‐ parent-­‐children -­‐older sibling [brother/sister]-­‐younger sibling -­‐husband-­‐wife -­‐friend-­‐friend In the Five Rela-onships of Confucius chart, which pairings can be found in a family? 3 10/29/14 KINSHIP “Confucius said, ‘To be able to prac-ce five things everywhere under heaven cons-tutes perfect virtue.’ [Tsze-­‐chang] begged to ask what they were, and was told, ‘Gravity [dignity], generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.” ––The Chinese Classics, Volume 1: Confucian Analects, the Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean In the excerpt, is Confucius talking about things people should or should not be like in their lives? Explain your Answer? a 4