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Valid in the academic year 2010-2011
Origin of the Solar System, Early Earth and Impact Structures (C002663)
Course size
Credits 6.0
(nominal values; actual values may depend on programme)
Study time 150.0 h
Contact hrs
52.5 h
Course offerings in academic year 2010-2011
Lecturers in academic year 2010-2011
Claeys, Philippe
Van den haute, Peter
Offered in the following programmes in 2010-2011
Master of Science in Geology
Master of Science in Geology
Teaching languages
solar system, planet formation, planetoids, comets, Moon, early Earth, differentiation,
meteorites, impact structures
Position of the course
This course is an optional course in the Geology master program .The goal of the
course is to document the formation and early evolution of the Earth as a planet of the
solar system. Special attention is given to meteorite impact processes. This course
contributes tot the realisation of following general competences M1.1, M1.4, M2.2, M2.6
en M4.2 and of the specific competences: M.OBD.4 and M.OBD.5.
Age of the universe and our galaxy. Formation of the solar system ; chronology and
processes. Role of impact processes. Genesis, evolution, composition andstructure of:
the planets and planteoids, comets
the Moon. The Precambrian Earth ( 4.6-1.0 Ga) : evolution of the geosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere. Meteorites: types, petrology, geochemistry, age
information. Meteorite impacts: the Nördlinger-Rieß as a case study.
Initial competences
The bachelor courses in petrology , geochemistry and isotope-geology are
prerequisites for this course.
Final competences
Acquire a profound understanding of the chronology and the physico-chemical
processes that were responsible fort the formation the solar system with its planets and
fot the evolution of the Earth during the Precambrian.
Conditions for credit contract
Access to this course unit via a credit contract is determined after successful competences
Conditions for exam contract
This course unit cannot be taken via an exam contract
Teaching methods
Excursion, lecture
Extra information on the teaching methods
Lectures, seminars and discussions of topics from scientific papers. Classroom
presentation of personal literature studies. Excursion to the Nördlinger Ries crater
(Germany): field observations, bore hole descriptions and thin sections studies in the
ZERIN field laboratory.
Learning materials and price
Printed lecture notes, chapters from books ( seelist of references) and articles from
journals. Cost: 5-7 EUR
Excursion: Riesskrater (Germany). Cost: 175-200 EUR
- Origin of the Earth and Moon, R. Canup and K. Richter, Univ. of Arizona Press, 555p.
$ 60
- From Suns to life: A chronological approach to the origin of life, Gargaud, M.; Claeys,
Ph.; Lopez-Garcia, P.; Martin, H.; Montmerle, Th.; Pascal, R.; Reisse, J. Editors.
Special Volume of: Earth, Moon And Planets In Press
- Lectures in Astrobiology I, Springer, Berlin, 2005, $80 ISBN-10: 3-540-29005-2
- Lectures in Astrobiology II, Springer, Berlin, 2006
-Faure & Mensing: Isotopes, principles and applications, 2005 John Wiley & sons, - B. Dalrymple. The age of the Earth , Stanford University Press (1991)
- Ozima (1987): Geohistory: global evolution of the Earth ( Springer)
Course content-related study coaching
Tutoring and assistance during the seminars, practicals and field work. Communication
via the internet (Minerva web site) and e-mail.
Evaluation methods
periodic and permanent evaluation
Examination methods in case of periodic evaluation during the first examination period
Oral examination
Examination methods in case of periodic evaluation during the second examination period
Oral examination
Examination methods in case of permanent evaluation
Participation, assignment, report
Possibilities of retake in case of permanent evaluation
examination during the second examination period is possible
Extra information on the examination methods
Non periodical: evaluation of the participation in seminars , presentation of personal
literature studies, Ries crater excursion report. Periodical : written examination followed
by a brief interview.
Calculation of the examination mark
Non periodical (10%); periodical (90%)