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History of the United States (1980–91) wikipedia , lookup

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2000 Presidential Election: George W. Bush wins- Al Gore vs.
George W. Bush, votes = too close to call, disputes over
recounts occurred, Republicans sued to stop recounts. Court
voted 5 to 4 to stop recounts, awarding Florida electoral
votes and Presidency to Bush.
Afghan Jihad of 1990s: motivated by the belief within Islam
calling for an uprising against threats to Islam and Islamic
Al Qaeda: Terrorist group responsible for the horrific events
of September 11, 2001 - led by Osama Bin Laden.
Barack Obama: 2008; Democrat; first African American
president of the US, health care bill; capture of Osama Bin
Berlin Wall: A wall built in 1961 dividing Soviet controlled East
Berlin from the democratic West Berlin. It was destroyed in
1989. Fall of the wall was the symbolic end of the Cold War
Bill Clinton: President #42, Democrat, signed NAFTA,
impeached by House but found NOT GUILTY of the
impeachment accusations. Served as President from 19932001
Camp David Accords: Carter's greatest foreign policy
achievement-first time the U.S was involved in policies
dealing with the Middle East- peace agreement between
Egypt and Israel
Clinton Impeachment: Result of a political sex scandal
emerging from a sexual relationship between United States
President and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica
Lewinsky. Resulted in a not guilty verdict
Department of Homeland Security: After 9/11 occurred, this
was established as the newest executive agency with the
goal to secure America.
Détente: Policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions
Florida Recount: Period that occurred following the unclear
results of the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. 36 day
long dispute, officials recounted ballots and wrangled with
attorneys from Democratic and Republican camps. The
election was ultimately settled in favor of George W. Bush by
the US supreme Court
George H.W. Bush: President associated with the first Gulf
War, Operation Desert Storm, campaign promise "no new
taxes", lost to Bill Clinton in 1992
George W. Bush: President during 9/11, Iraq War of 2003, son
of a previous president, US Supreme Court declared him the
winner after a contentious recount in Florida.
Gerald Ford: president 1974-77, Nixon's Vice president, only
person not voted into the White House, appointed vice
president by Nixon: became president after Nixon resigned
globalization: greater interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and places around the world.
Helsinki Accords: signed by Canada, US, Soviet Union, and 32
others which pledged cooperation and human rights
between East and West Europe, Ford's major accomplishment
Invasion of Kuwait: This event that started the Persian Gulf
War. Saddam Hussein sent troops into this oil-rich country in
the Persian Gulf. U.S. Responded with Operation Desert
Storm to protect the flow of middle east oil to the US.
Iran Contra Affair: scandal including arms sales to Iran in
order to send money to help the Contras in Nicaragua even
though Congress had said no.
Iran Hostage Crisis: Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers
wanted the U.S. to return the Shah of Iran who was being
treated in the U.S. for a medical condition. Took over 50
hostages in the US Embassy and refused to negotiate with
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter: President that made human rights his foreign
policy goal, Created the Department of Energy- returned
Panama Canal Zone, because of the Soviet war in
Afghanistan, he boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow-last
year in office was marked by the takeover of the American
embassy in Iran, fuel shortages, and the Soviet Invasion of
Afghanistan, which caused him to lose to Ronald Reagan in
the next election.
Moscow Olympics Boycott: 1980-President Carter orders this
in response to Soviet union's invasion of Afghanistan. Many
saw this as a weak response to Soviet actions
NAFTA: Supported by Bill Clinton, this agreement stimulated
economic growth in the United States by reducing tariffs and
trade barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico
Oklahoma City Bombing: 1995-Bombing of Murrah Federal
Building. The blast, set off by Timothy McVeigh and Terry
Nichols, killed 168 people, including 19 children in the
building's day-care center.
OPEC: placed an embargo on oil to America because of U.S.
support for Israel in 1973, when Israel was attacked by Egypt
and Syria
Operation Desert Storm: the United States and its allies
defeated Iraq in this ground war that lasted 100 hours (1991)
after Iraq refused to withdraw its troops from Kuwait
Operation Eagle Claw: Carter's embarrassing failed mission to
retrieve American hostages in Iran
Patriot Act: A law passed shortly after the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks in the United States giving gov't increased,
broad powers to investigate terrorism. Surveillance and wiretapping cause significant questions about balancing security
with civil liberties.
Reaganomics: Reagan's theory that if you cut taxes, it will spur
the growth of public spending and improve the economy. It
included tax breaks for the rich, "supply-side economics," and
"trickle down" theory.
Ronald Reagan: 1981-1989,"Great Communicator" Republican,
conservative economic policies, reduced federal income
taxes, increased defense spending, "Star Wars" program,
scandal from Iran Contra Affair
September 11, 2001: Terrorist attacks on World Trade Center
and pentagon, results in the passage of the Patriot Act,
creation of the Dept of Homeland Security, and the question
of civil liberties versus national security
Star Wars: Strategic Defense Initiative pursued by Reagan in the 1980s; involved satellite defense against missiles