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Zoology Review
Life Science:
All areas of life science build upon something simpler and smaller.
Give the order of each level of organization from smallest to largest and give an example of each level.
Organ Systems
Explain in detail why children look like their parents:Use the following words in your explanation:
 Chromosomes
 Traits
 Genes
 Nucleus
 Cells
People are made up of approximately 50,000,000,000,000 cells, which are the most basic unit of life. Inside
each and every one of them is a miniature “brain” called a nucleus, which stores all of our important
genetic information. If we look inside this tiny but important organelle we will find 23 pairs of
chromosomes. It is on these structures that we see several different sets of instructions for many different
observable Traits, like eye color and hair color. These observable characteristics are determined by the
combination of genes which we inherited from our parents. The chemical which makes all of this possible
is called, Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA. We look like our parents because we have the same chemicals in
our cells as they do in theirs, because they used it to make us!
Choose any two human body systems and explain IN DETAIL how they rely on one another in order to properly
function and keep us alive.
One possible example.) Nervous System and Respiratory System: The nervous system is made up of
organs, which are made up of cells which require oxygen to stay alive. If the cells are deprived of oxgen,
then they will die, causing the tissue to die which will then cause the organ to die. The respiratory system
is responsible for taking oxygen into the body and providing it to the blood to deliver to the organs of the
nervous system. The lungs of the respiratory system cannot move on their own. We are able to inhale and
exhale because of a large muscle called the diaphragm which allows us to breath in and out. The
diaphragm is controlled by nerve cells which are controlled by the brain. So we cannot breath in without
the brain telling us to.
Mom: Homozygous Recessive
Dad: Heterozygous
(Use the letter E)
What % of children will be:
-Homozygous Dominant: __0%_
-Heterozygous: __50%
-Homozygous Recessive: __50%
What was Charles Darwin’s famous theory? Natural Selection
What does the theory of Natural selection state? Individuals in a population that are better adapted to
their environment are more likely to survive AND reproduce
What does it mean to be fit? A single organism’s genetic contribution to the next generation
The purpose of the 11 organ systems is for the human body to maintain Homeostasis.
What is homeostasis? The bodies maintenance of a stable internal environment
Give an example of how the body performs homeostasis:
Body temperature- When we get hot we sweat when we get cold we shiver
Blood sugar levels-Too much sugar in the blood, pancreas secretes insulin to lower the amount of sugar
Blood pressure-When blood pressure rises, the heart slows down to reduce pressure in the blood vessels
What is the function of the digestive system? All cells in the body need nutrients to work and the digestive
system supplies the body's cell with nutrients
What are the 5 digestive organs that make up the digestive track? **(in order)
_Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine
What is the function of the nervous system? The nervous system controls all of the organ systems and organs in
the body. It makes the delivery of information possible by controlling our responses to our internal and
external environments.
Name the five senses the human body has.
Sight, Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing
What are the three parts of the human brain and what do they control?
Cerebrum 
Controls memory, problem solving, thinking & feeling. It also controls movement
Cerebellum 
Controls coordination and balance
Brain Stem 
Controls automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate and digestion
What is the function of the respiratory system? All cells in the body need oxygen and nutrients to work and the skeletal
system makes the blood which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.
What is the function of the lungs? 2 large organs in the chest that hold oxygen
What organ is responsible for getting oxygen into the blood vessels from the bronchial tubes? Alveoli
What is the function of the circulatory system? All cells in the body need oxygen and nutrients to work and the
circulatory system delivers blood which brings oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.
What is the major muscle of the circulatory system? Heart
What are the three types of blood vessels and what are their functions?
Carry blood Away from the heart and to the major organs of the body (Have oxygen)
Carry blood Towards the heart away from the major organs (No oxygen)
Smallest blood vessels for gas exchange, they connect the arteries and veins
What are the three types of blood cells and what is their function?
Red Blood Cells
Carry and deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of the cells of the body
White Blood Cells
Part of the immune system. Fight off bad bacteria and viruses
Clot our blood when we get a cut
What is the function of the skeletal system? Our bones provide structure, support and protection.
They also make Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets and store minerals
How many bones do we have in our adult bodies?
__206 __
How many bones do we have when we are born?
All of the different cells in our body look completely different.
Explain IN DETAIL why Nerve cells and Red blood cells look so different.
The Nerve Cells have to transport information to one another with chemicals and electricity.
The Red Blood Cell works by itself to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the different cells of the body.
How do all cells in the body rely on the respiratory system? All cells in the body need oxygen to work and
the respiratory system supplies the body's cells with oxygen
How do all cells in the body rely on the digestive system? All cells in the body need nutrients to work and the
digestive system supplies the body's cell with nutrients
How do all cells in the body rely on the skeletal system? All cells in the body need oxygen and nutrients to work
and the skeletal system makes the blood which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.
How do all cells in the body rely on the circulatory system? All cells in the body need oxygen and nutrients to
work and the circulatory system delivers blood which brings oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.
How do all cells in the body rely on the nervous system? The nervous system controls all of the organ systems
and organs in the body making the delivery of information possible
What system is the most important and why? There is no one system that is the most important. They all
require each other in order to function properly.
1. Water is a compound that is made of _2_ Hydrogen atoms and __1__Oxygen atoms.
2. Glucose is an important sugar to both plants and humans. The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6.
Which element does the C in the formula represent? CARBON
3. The sugar that is produced by photosynthesis is? GLUCOSE
4. Which cell organelle is responsible for capturing sunlight and using it to produce food? CHLOROPLASTS
5. Some fungi live on or in plants causing the plants harm. These fungi are called? PARASITES
6. Algae are important as food for more complex organisms. Because they make their own food from sunlight,
they are considered…….PRODUCERS
7. What process uses energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars?
(6CO2 + 6H2O (Light energy) C6H12O6 + 6 O2) PHOTOSYNTHESIS
8. Where does a producer gets it energy from? SUNLIGHT
9. Asexual reproduction involves ONE parent(s) and produces offspring that are IDENTICAL to the parent(s).
10. Yeast cells, that are used to make bread, reproduce asexually by… BUDDING
Carbon Dioxide