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King Midas and the Golden Touch
“Midas called himself a happy man, yet deep in his heart
he knew that he was not quite so happy as he might be.”
Greek Mythology
This story is considered a traditional Greek myth. Myths were created to explain how
something came to be, in this case to explain how King Midas’ kingdom came to be one
of the richest kingdoms. This myth contains an element common to Greek folklore, the
“short-sighted wish”. Explain how this text demonstrates that element.
Reviewing Literary Devices
Using evidence from the text, identify the following literary devices in “King Midas and
the Golden Touch”:
Literary Device
Effect Device Has
(Quotation from the text)
(How does the use of this device help you to
understand the text/visualize what is
happening, enjoy the text, etc.)
Perspectives and Values
One of the key conflicts in “King Midas and the Golden Touch” involves the contrasting
values and perspectives of Iris and her father King Midas. Fill out the following chart. Be
sure to use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Perspective/World View
Evidence from Text
King Midas
Additional Questions:
1. Bacchus says to Midas, “I said you were smart. But today, I say you are
wise.” Interpret what Bacchus means.
2. If you could have any wish in the world, what would it be? What are some
of the good things that could result from getting your wish? What are some
of the not-so-good things that could result from getting it?
3. Explain how this myth could be applied to modern society. Who might
Midas represent? Who might the daughter represent? What would the
“golden touch” be?