Download Zyflamend Promotes Whole-Body Health

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Zyflamend Promotes Whole-Body Health*
The #1-Selling Herbal in the U.S.‡
for Healthy Inflammation Response*
Many people think that only joints are affected
by inflammation. The truth is the body’s natural
inflammation response affects everyone and every
major organ system.
Given the link between a healthy inflammation
response and whole-body health – a source of
extensive and ongoing research – a supplement
strategy geared toward promoting a healthy
inflammation response is as fundamental as a
daily multivitamin.*
Multiple Synergistic Components,
Whole-Body Benefits
Zyflamend for Healthy Aging
Aging is not the simple result of the passage of time.
According to a provocative new view, it is actually
something our own bodies create, a side effect of the
essential inflammatory system. Resveratrol, a natural
constituent commonly linked to red wine, is a powerful
antioxidant. One serving of Zyflamend contains
resveratrol equal to six glasses of wine!
Zyflamend for Joint Health
Modulation of the inflammatory process is an important
and useful strategy for maintaining healthy joint
function.* A healthy inflammatory response may also
contribute to a control of bone changes that can cause
discomfort and compromise the integrity of the joint.
Zyflamend for Heart Health
Health experts agree that a daily multivitamin
containing the full spectrum of required vitamins
Recent research suggests that a factor in predicting
and minerals provides an important “insurance
heart health is gauging the amount of inflammation in
policy” against nutrient deficiencies and the
the arteries. Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system
metabolic imbalances associated with them.
is strongly linked to a healthy inflammation response –
Zyflamend is a compelling choice for promoting
Extensive research conducted within the last two
heart health.*
decades has indicated that phytochemicals present
in herbs and spices can safely and effectively
Zyflamend for Bone Health
promote a healthy inflammation response.*
Emerging evidence suggests that inflammation exerts
Combining an herbal protocol with a multivitamin
a significant effect on bone metabolism by stimulating
offers the optimal broad-spectrum approach to
production of RANKL (Receptor Activator for Nuclear
nutritional and natural inflammation support.*
Factor κ B Ligand), a molecule that activates osteoclasts,
Research at leading medical institutions, including
the cells responsible for the breakdown of bone.
human clinical trials, has demonstrated a unique
herbal formulation’s ability to promote a safe,
natural, and healthy response to inflammation.*
Zyflamend® contains combinations of herbs
traditionally used to promote a healthy
•Clinically tested and
inflammation response.* These herbs – most
doctor recommended
of which have been part of the human diet for
•Promotes healthy
thousands of years – are uniquely extracted
inflammation response*
to deliver the full spectrum of naturally
•Promotes normal
occurring constituents.
cardiovascular and
Containing hundreds of bioactive constituents from joint function*
ten of the most researched botanicals that promote
a healthy inflammation response, Zyflamend
provides multiple health benefits, including healthy
aging, joint health, heart health, and bone health.*
© 2010 New Chapter, Inc.
‡ According to 2010 SPINS Data
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.