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Asked at the International Seminar Physical Education
“Optimizing the Implementation of Physical Education
in Improving the Quality of Learning Physical Education”
in STKIP Pasundan Cimahi
Alen Rismayadi, M.Pd.
Community development trend in the future to be anticipated as the era of
technology, information and globalization movement will take root in the quality
of Human Resources (Human capasity). Social systems, economics, politics,
technology and even religion would be affected by the quality of its human
resources. In terms of human resource development, education becomes very
important position even if the education itself is not synonymous with the
development of human resources and it's not the only way in the development of
Human Resources. However, through education is very effective in accelerating
the dynamics of change in society. This is in accordance with the mandate of
Papers 3 of Chapter II of Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System of
"national education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization
of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation". Similarly,
the development of sports in Indonesia is of increasing importance in effecting
changes in the formation of the "nation and character building" steps to integrate
better development so that it is seen as an alternative to address the
multidimensional crisis of the nation.
Physical Education and Sports is a mirror and also become a vehicle for
the dissemination of social values: it reflects the potential and limitations of
people at once. However, our concern is not merely examine critically about the
potential of physical education and sport to build character. We are more
interested in revealing the concept and the fact that physical education and sport
that contains the game and fighting spirit were an arena for the application of
moral and national identity. Therefore the approach used in physical education
and sport, not only in the biological and physiological alone, but should be an
emphasis on the psychological and social psychology.
Social concepts in physical education and sport more emphasis on how the
form of togetherness learners in the learning process are realized in the form of
interactions among learners, learners interaction with the teachers, and learners
interaction with the environment. This is consistent with the understanding of the
concept of social by Rose (1967:730) that:
. . . that factor in human behavior by which one individual takes into
account his perceived expectations concerning the thought and behavior of
other individuals and which in itself implies expectations for certain kinds of
behavior on the part of others.
Rose understands that factor into consideration each individual from any
expectations that arise from a person's behavior, indirectly also provides hope that
people would behave the same. If we examine the concept of social by Rose
above emphasize the level of togetherness in a group that followed the interaction
between himself and other individuals, themselves with a group, and the group he
was with the other group.
Start with the goal of physical education, there are three important
components that are developed in physical education lessons, the components of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Therefore, the problem in this paper is how
the process of social interaction based on existing theories and how to
implementation the theories related to the characteristics of social interactions in
learning physical education?
This papers aims to review the theories that are related to the
characteristics of social interactions in physical education, and outlines the studies
that have been done in implementing the theories related to the characteristics of
social interactions in physical education lessons.
Social Interaction Concept
As social beings, humans can never live alone. Since his presence on earth,
humans have to live in groups and to foster cooperation in facing the challenges of
adapting to its environment. Thus, each individual is free from and always engage in
social interaction with fellow group since she was born. Regarding social interaction
Haryanto (2011) revealed "Social interaction is social relationships involving
relationships between individuals, an individual (a person) with the group, and the group
with the group."
Given the social reality, every son of man must learn to know themselves
and their social environment so that it is able to interact with others around them
in an orderly and effective manner. Early on, each man began to learn about the
position and role of the social role of the underlying patterns of social interaction
in the environment. In time he should be able to play the role of social roles
according to social standing position bears. obstacle in social interaction, has
unwittingly reinforce awareness of group identity that differentiates it from other
groups. Meanwhile, in the life of an individual group identities become important
in facilitating a person carries himself in a social relationship or interaction with
other individuals. Each individual should be clear that any social identity social
action can get responses from other parties precisely and quickly. The identity of
the individual is the simplest and widely spreading is gender, age and origin of the
family that contains a lot of meaning.
Gillin and Gillin in Ahmad Santosa (2011) characterize social processes
arising from the social interaction into two types, namely 'the process that leads to
the creation of unity and social integration (associative) and the opposition, which
means a way to fight against a person or group to achieve specific goals
(dissociative). '
Associative is a form of interaction that will encourage a pattern of social
order. Here are the forms of associative:
a. Cooperation
A joint effort between individuals or groups of people to achieve one or
several goals. The form of such cooperation may develop if people driven to
achieve a common goal and have no awareness that purpose at a later date to have
the benefit of all. Also there should be a pleasant climate in the division of labor
and remuneration to be received. In a further development, specific skills required
for those who work together so that the plan can be executed better cooperation.
Cooperation arises because the orientation of the individual to the group and the
other. Charles H.Cooley in Ahmad Santosa (2011) explains:
Cooperation arises when people realize that they have the same interests
and at the same time have enough knowledge and self-control to satisfy those
interests; awareness of the same interests and the organization are important
facts useful cooperation.
b. Accommodation
Accommodation in sociology has two senses, which describes a situation
and process. Accommodation depicting a state means a balance of social
interaction related to social norms and values prevailing in society. While the
accommodation as a process refers to human efforts to mitigate a conflict that
human efforts to achieve stability.
According to Gillin and Gillin in Ahmad Santosa (2011) explains:
'accommodation is a understanding used by sociologists to describe a process of
social relations that is synonymous with adaptation in biology.’ That is, as a
process by which a person or group of people were initially conflicting orient
oneself to overcome tensions. Accommodation is a way to resolve the conflict
without destroying the opponent so that the opponent does not lose his
c. Assimilation
Assimilation means the process of adjusting the original properties owned
by the properties of the surrounding environment. Gillin and Gillin in Ahmad
Santosa (2011) explains that a social process of assimilation when categorized on
having the following characteristics:
Reduced differences due to efforts to reduce and eliminate the distinction
between individuals or groups, to strengthen the unity of action, attitudes, and
feelings with regard to the interests and goals together, everyone as a group to
interact directly and intensively continuously, individuals do selfidentification with a common interest. That is, adjust accord with the will of
the group. Similarly, between one group with another group, so that the
differences that exist will disappear or merge into one.
Assimilation is a process of social refinement stage or stage after stage of
cooperation and accommodation.
d. Acculturation
Acculturation is fuse elements of different cultures and form a new
culture, without losing the personality of the original culture. The duration of the
acculturation process is highly dependent on the perception of local people
towards foreign cultures entered. Acculturation can occur in a relatively long time
when entry through pemaksaaan. Conversely, if the entry through the peace
process, acculturation will be relatively faster.
Despite this lack of social processes encourage social order. Even tend
toward meaningful opposition contradict way with a person or group to achieve
certain goals. However, there are also benefits for the sake of creating a social
order. Dissociative processes can be distinguished as follows:
Competition is a social process when different parties with each other and
do something to achieve certain goals. Competition occurs when multiple parties
want something that is very limited in number or something that is at the center of
public attention. Competition conducted by criterion and values recognized
together. And are less likely to use violence or the threat of competition. In other
words, do a healthy competition or sportsmanship. The results of the competition
will be accepted with a head cold by various parties competing, without any sense
of revenge. Since the beginning, each party has realized there will be winners and
losers. Because of that, the competition is very good for improving achievement.
Contravension is a social process characterized by discontent, uncertainty,
doubt, denial, and the denial of the personality of a person or group that is not
publicly disclosed. Contravension are averse to it secretly, so as not to openly
dispute. Cause contravension among other differences between the establishment
of certain other groups in society, or it could be the establishment of the
community. The cold war is contravension because the goal is to make your
opponent uneasy or restless. In this case, the opponent does not attack physically,
but psychologically.
The dispute is the advanced form of the social process of controvensy.
Therefore, the dispute has to be open. The clash occurred because the sharp
differences between certain circles in society. The sharper the differences
resulting anger and hatred that encourages action to injure, destroy or attack
others. The dispute led to the disintegration clearly between individuals or groups.
Disagreement or conflict is an individual or a social group struggles to
fulfill its purpose as a way against the opponent as well as threats and violence.
The simplest definition of conflict is hitting (configere). However, conflict is not
only tangible physical conflict alone. In a broader definition, conflict is defined as
a social process between two or more parties in which one party trying to get rid
of the other party or by destroying him powerless.
As a social process, conflict motivated by irreconcilable differences
intelligence, knowledge, customs, and beliefs. Conflict is a normal situation in
any society. In fact, no one even people who have never experienced a conflict,
whether large or small in scope. Conflict within the scope of a small example of
conflict within the family, while the conflict in such a large scope or between
villages intergroup conflict.
Conflict is sometimes necessary in a group or social organization. The
existence of conflict in a group or social organization is common. If the conflict
can be generated from the deal, it will happen closer integration than before.
Conflict also will bring a positive result as long as the contested issues and the
contrary is constructive.
Learning Concept
Learning is the combination of the two activities are learning activities
undertaken by students and teaching activities undertaken by teachers. Learning is
a process that leads to changes in behavior permanently. This is consistent with
the definition of learning by Morgan & King (1971) in Rusli Lutan (2005:113)
that 'learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of training
or experience. "While Slamento (2003) in Fendie (2013) explains:
Learning is a form of growth or change in a person that is expressed in the
ways of the new act, thanks to the experience and practice. Another definition
of learning is a process of one's efforts to obtain a new behavior changes as a
whole, as a result of his own experience in the interaction with the
Regarding teaching, Nasution (1982:8) argues that "teaching is a complex
activity that all teachers do to organize or manage the environment as well as
possible and connect with the child so that the process of learning." While
according Hamalik (2001:44-53) suggests that:
Teaching can be defined as (1) imparting knowledge to students, (2) pass
on culture to the younger generation, (3) organize the business environment
so as to create conditions for student learning, (4) provides tutoring to
students, (5) activities to prepare students for be a good citizen, (6) a process
to help students face everyday community life.
From the above two concepts are studied and taught, basically can not be
separated because when there are students studying there must be teachers teach.
Physical Education and Sports Concept
Physical education and sport is one of the subjects taught in school, often
defined as learning that only requires psychomotor components only, whereas
physical education and sport can be used as a tool in developing motor skills,
mental, social, emotional, and even a moral lesson. The high number of fights in
the world of schooling, the effect of an unstable emotional control. Everything
that has not faced according to his mind, he considers that part should always be
resolved by violent means. Many experts such as physical education and sport
Siedentop (1990:253) asserts that many things are produced through physical
education, fuller said "the generally accepted goals of physical education are to
promote physical fitness, self-esteem, and cognitive and social development."
The potential of physical education and sport as one of the subjects in the
schooling was comprehensive, supported by a system of belief that "modern
physical education with its emphasis upon education through the physical is based
upon the biological unity of mind and body, the view sees life as a totality.
"(Siedentop, 1990:253). Thus, it will become apparent, that the teaching of
physical education and sport will be able to simultaneously fostering aspects of
motion, mental, and social. Only this time, aspects of the movement was the most
dominant, both in process and in the context of the results. Inequality seen in the
pattern penjas learning, the teacher seemed to just want to hone the skills of
students only. Thus impressed penjas can be done by anyone, or even be taught by
When learning of physical education and sport characterized by the
development of the three domains in question, the student is expected to be born
healthy and has a good personality, and always reflects the value of sport and will
be solid embedded in him, and plotted in the follow behavior. The process of
teaching in physical education and sport is important in looking toward teaching,
so the closeness experienced by teachers and students in the learning process can
be used to lead students to interact both individually, and in groups so that the
affective domain, especially the concept of social skills can be developed with
Review of Consensus Theory
This theory is looking at society as a structure consisting of parts which
are interconnected, which are maintained by a balance mechanism (Yusakarim,
2007:38). If consensus can be made jointly obeyed by every individual there will
be good cooperation within the group, whereas if consensus is broken, there will
be chaos and individuals who violate the sanctions will get social.
In the study of physical education and sport consensus in the
implementation of learning is already a common thing, so the students have to
adjust to the consensus made, and they will get used to comply with the consensus
made together so the social process, especially on how to cooperate in the groups
will be created through physical education and sport.
Review of Symbolic Interaction Theory
Symbolic Interaction emphasis on the mechanisms of how identity is built
through social interaction, with an emphasis on how people respond to a person's
behavior. So the values and attitudes developed through a process of social
interaction, using symbols, and one of them through skills. Turner (1978:327-330)
there are four underlying thinking theorists interaksionalisme symbols, namely;
1) Human beings are capable of creating and using symbols, 2) humans
use symbols to communicate, 3) humans communicate through pengamnilan
roles, and 4) community created, sustained, and changed based on the human
ability to think, to define, to reflection , and to conduct the evaluation.
Someone Participation in physical education and sports can provide
symbolic meaning such as status, prestige and appreciation. It also depends on the
level of proficiency in a given skill mastery in the learning process of physical
education and sport, so people will judge gave him status in accordance with the
prestige gained by him in the mastery of a skill.
Review of Integration Group Theory
Theory integration group (group cohesiveness) divided into theories that
are not based on experimental and theoretical basis of the experiment. The theory
of group cohesion that would relate to the author discussed the problem in this
paper is based on the theory that the integration of experimental Festinger,
Schachter & Black (1952). This theory reveals that: "The integration of the group
preceded by an interest group and a member of the group and proceed with social
interaction and personal goals that demand interdependence, (Festinger, Schachter
& Black, 1952 in Sarlito, 2005:88)." Based on the theory it is clear that the
beginning of the process initiated by the interaction of a group attraction of the
individual against the group in which the individual resides. Therefore, a teacher
of physical education and sport should be able to create interesting situations in
the learning process so that the students would love to be in the group that would
eventually form the group coherence in the learning process of physical education
and sport.
Implementation of Social Interaction in Learning Physical Education and
Someone Participation in physical education and sport gives him a chance
to interact in a group or is affiliated with other group members freely and openly.
Free and open implies that the process of social interaction does not only occur in
certain situations, but it occurs in a variety of situations both in the room or in the
wild, in a state of happy (success group) and in a sade state (group failed).
Social contacts, like most opinions, is seen as an important factor is the
reason for a person to participate in physical education and sport. Motif is
affiliated to the main driver, especially in order to seek approval from other group
In such a situation the proper meaning of the word "we" in the Indonesian
language, because it is in the physical education and sports activities are no longer
individual persons, but we as a set in a collective spirit. Because of physical
education and sport is a vehicle that provides the opportunity for extensive
interaction and someone to know each other. The value of friendship and
brotherhood is very strong in physical education and sport.
Based on the social theories that exist, the process of social interaction in
the learning process of physical education and sport is very dominant, as any
material that is taught requires a process of interaction, both student interaction
with students, students with teachers, student group, group by group, and the
group with the teacher.
Assumptions affective concepts in physical education and sport is an
important element and is a process of habituation in the formation of attitudes,
especially the process of social interaction. Teachers in this case as a facilitator in
the learning process of physical education and sport that is able to act as the social
interaction that creates the education function under Law No. 20 of 2003 in terms
of the formation of character and civilization of the nation's dignity to be
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Siedentop. Daryl. (1990). Introduction to Physical Education Fitness and Sport.
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