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Hematology Pathophysiology: Platelets, Blood Coagulation and Hemostasis (Gabali)
Production of Platelets:
Basics: derived from cytoplasmic fragmentation of BM megakaryocytes (small, NON-NUCLEATED discs)
o Immature megakaryocytes (small, basophilic cytoplasm, less granules, less nuclear lobulation) must
transform into mature megakaryocytes (larger, less basophilic cytoplasm, more granules, more nuclear
Megakaryocytes undergo endomitotic synchronous nuclear replication (without separating)
to form a hyperlobulated nucleus
Granules appear in cytoplasm of megakaryocyte
o Cytoplasm fragments to form platelets (each megakaryocyte forms 1000-4000 platelets)
o This differentiation process takes ~10 days
Regulation: entire process is regulated by THROMBOPOIETIN
o Glycoprotein hormone produced by the liver and kidneys
Therefore, decreased in liver and kidney disease (may present with mild thrombocytopenia)
o Results in proliferation and maturation of MEGAKARYOCYTES (not platelets themselves), which then
fragment into platelets
Normal Values:
o Life span of platelet is 7-10 days
o Normal platelet count is 150,000-450,000/uL(mm3)
Platelet Granules:
Dense Granules:
o Number: 2-7 per platelet
o Content:
Alpha Granules:
o Number: 50-70 per platelet
o Content:
Factor V
Lysosomal Granules:
o Content: phagocytosed debris
Role of Platelets in Hemostasis:
Hemostasis (In General): function is to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel
o Vasoconstriction
o Platelet plug formation
o Clot formation
o Dissolution of the clot
Main Function of Platelets: formation of PLATELET PLUG
o Occurs in response to vascular injury
o Occurs via 3 steps- adhesion, activation (secretion) and aggregation
Transient Vasoconstriction:
Mediated by:
o Reflex neural stimulation
o Endothelin release from endothelial cells
Platelet Adhesion:
Basics: occurs due to the exposure of the subendothelial collagen due to vascular damage
o von Willebrand Factor (vWF): monomer composed of 2813 amino acids
Monomers bind head-to-head and tail-to-tail
Produced in megakaryocytes (stored in alpha granules) and endothelium (stored in WeibelPalade bodies)
Has receptors for:
 Collagen* (important for platelet adhesion)
 Factor VIII (involved in transport of FVIII)
 GPIb (on platelet)
 GPIIb/IIIa (on platelet; also binds fibrinogen)
o Platelet adheres to exposed subendothelial collagen by one of 2 mechanisms:
Indirectly using vWF, which the platelet binds using the GPIb/V/IX receptor
 vWF binds exposed subendothelial collagen and then platelet binds vWF
Directly via platelet receptor GPIa/IIa (in LOW SHEER STRESS conditions)
 Platelet binds directly to subendothelial collagen
o Single layer of platelets attached to subendothelium and covering the site of injury
Platelet Activation:
Basics: once adhesion occurs, platelets become activated, changing their shape and releasing their granules
o Changes shape from disk to a sphere with extended pseudopodia
o Release of granules results in release of various mediators
Release of Granule Contents:
o ADP: promotes the exposure of GPIIb/IIIa receptor on platelets (required for platelet aggregation)
Pathoma concept*
o Arachadonic Acid + COX: leads to the formation of TXA2 (potent platelet aggregator)
o Other Substances Released:
Fibrinogen (required for aggregation; also found in the plasma)*
Lysosomal enzymes
Platelet Aggregation:
Basics: platelets aggregate to the site of injury via expression of GPIIb/IIIa
o Aggregation promoted by ADP and TXA2
o Fibrinogen is used as a linking molecule (binds GPIIb/IIIa on 2 separate platelets, linking them together)
Pg. 179 of the notes also shows vWF being used as a linking molecule, but is not mentioned
in the notes (could use either GPIb or GPIIb/IIIa receptor)*
o ADP causes platelets to swell and helps them stick together
Presumably due to increased GPIIb/IIIa expression? (Pathoma)
As they stick together, more ADP is released  (+) feedback system
o Overall end result is the formation of a platelet plug
Weak and needs to be stabilized through the coagulation cascade
Defects in Platelet Aggregation: to be discussed later*
o Glanzmann’s Thrombasthemia (GPIIb/IIIa deficiency)
o Von Willebrand’s Disease (vWF deficiency)
o Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (GPIb deficiency)
Coagulation Cascade:
Overall Result: leads to the generation of thrombin, which converts fibrinogen to fibrin
o Fibrin incorporates into platelet aggregates at site of injury
o Stabilizes platelet plug and converts it into a firm clot
Intrinsic Pathway:
o Factors: HMWK, prekallikrein, XII, XI, IX, VIII
FVIII is a cofactor for IXa in converting XXa
o Test: PTT
Note: while deficiencies in factor XII, HMWK and prekalikrein will lead to abnormally
increased PTT, they do NOT result in bleeding
Extrinsic Pathway:
o Factors: Tissue Factor (FIII), VII
TF called tissue thromboplastin in Pathoma
TF exposed via endothelial damage and binds FVII, activating it (VIIa)
TF/VIIa is also known as ninase and tenase
 VIIa converts XXa (tenase)
 VIIa also crosses over to intrinsic pathway to convert XI  XIa (ninase- misnomer
since it is actually converting FXI)
o Test: PT
Common Pathway:
o Factors: X, V, II (prothrombin), I (fibrinogen)
FV is a cofactor for Xa in converting prothrombin  thrombin
o Test: PT, PTT
Role of Thrombin:
Thrombin has 5 activities in the coagulation cascade:
o Converts fibrinogen  fibrin + fibrinopeptides A and B
Fibrin assembles into NON-crosslinked lattice initially (requires XIIIa for cross-linking)
o Activates factor V  Va
o Activates factor VIII  VIIIa
o Activates factor XI  XIa (POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOP)
o Activates factor XIII  XIIIa (fibrin stabilizing factor- allows for cross-linking of fibrin lattice)
Production of Clotting Factors:
General: coagulation cascade factors are produced in the liver (in general) in an INACTIVE state
o Activation: requires 3 things
Exposure to an activating substance (ie. TF activates FVII in extrinsic pathway)
Phospholipid surface of the platelet
Calcium (released from dense granules of the platelet)
Factors Produced in the Liver:
o All factors (including fibrinogen, factor VIII and vWF)
Factors Produced in the Endothelium:
o vWF (stored in Weibel Palade bodies)
o Factor VIII
Factors Produced in the Megakaryocyte:
o vWF (stored in alpha granules)
o Fibrinogen (stored in alpha granules)
o Factors V? (content of alpha granule- posted on BB)
Role of Vitamin K:
Function: responsible for carboxylation of gamma carbon in vitamin K dependent factors
Vitamin K Dependent Factors: II, VII, IX, X, C, S
Natural Anticoagulants:
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI):
o Inhibits: VIIa/TF complex (ninase and tenase)
o Release: released from damaged tissue
o Function: only able to block coagulation cascade in the absence of thrombin
When thrombin is still present, positive feedback on FXI is stronger than the inhibition from
the VIIa/TF complex
Once thrombin is no longer present, TFPI can block the pathway all together
Antithrombin III:
o Inhibits: IIa, IXa and Xa
o Function: normally binds heparin-like products secreted by the endothelial cells (or heparin itself, if
being administered) to inhibit the above factors
ATIII can inhibit without the help of these heparin-like products, but it is much faster with
them (Pathoma)
Proteins C and S:
o Inhibits: Va, VIIIa, TPAI (inhibition promotes fibrinolysis)
Activation of Protein C: thrombomodulin released from the endothelium redirects thrombin to
activate protein C (Pathoma)
Normal Fibrinolysis:
Fibrinolysis: NORMAL response to vascular injury
o Fibrin  fibrin split products via PLASMIN
Fibrin split products include D-dimers and Fragment E
 Note that the presence of D-dimers indicates that the entire coagulation cascade
has been activated (and that it has come to completion)
o Plasmin is formed from plasminogen in the presence of tPA (tissue plasminogen activator, a serine
Tests to Assess Platelets:
Platelet Count:
o Thrombocytopenia: <150,000
o Thrombocytosis: >450,000
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV):
o Varies inversely with platelet count (ie. decreased counts result in increased MPV)
o Due to the fact that megakaryocytes have less time to fragment when trying to make up for low counts
Tests of Platelet Function: these are NOT routine tests (need to specifically request them)*
o Agonist-Induced Platelet Aggregation:
Method: addition of aggregating agent to platelet-rich plasma with subsequent
measurement of optical density of the tube
 If the platelets are aggregating normally, more light will pass through the tube
resulting in a low optical density
 Suspected defect detected depends on the agonist that is used to promote
Different Agonists:
 ADP/EPI/Collagen/TXA2: aggregate platelets through GPIIb/IIIa and fibrinogen
o Therefore, if one of these agonists is added and the platelets do not
respond with aggregation, there is an issue with GPIIb/IIIa or fibrinogen
 Ristocetin: aggregates platelets through GPIb and vWF
o Therefore, if ristocetin is added and the platelets do not respond with
aggregation, there is a problem with GPIb or vWF
o Note that ristocetin is an Abx that is no longer used because it causes
platelet aggregation
Phases of Platelet Aggregation in Response to ADP (Figure on pg.187): as measured by
changes in optical density
 Initial increase in OD: due to increase/change in platelet size
 First decrease in OD: first phase of aggregation due to ADP release from granules
 Plateau in OD: because platelet has consumed all the granules that were
preformed (needs to synthesize more)
 Second decrease in OD: second phase of aggregation due to release of newly
synthesized ADP
o Bleeding Time: not really used anymore*
Test for Platelet Adhesion (Mainly): based on making a standard incision and recording time
to bleeding cessation with blot and filter paper every 30s
 Bleeding normally stops in 3-8 minutes
Cons to Use:
 Needs to be performed by trained personnel (liability issues)
 Poor predictor of bleeding during surgery
o Platelet Function Analyzer (PFA-100): replaced bleeding time*
Basics: tests adhesion and aggregation in response to agonists
 Cartridges contain either collagen + EPI or collagen + ADP
o Collagen tests adhesion
o EPI/ADP tests aggregation
 PFA-100 machine measures the time needed for occlusion of the cartridge
Determine if a patient is taking ASA or another platelet inhibitor
Determine if a patient is responding to therapy with ASA or another platelet
Tests to Assess Clotting Factors:
Prothrombin Time (PT)- Extrinsic and Common Pathways:
o Factors Tested: I, II, V, X (common), VII (extrinsic)
o Method: TF + thromboplastin (XI) + Ca + citrated plasma
Normal time is 10-14s
Critically dependent on the characteristics of the thromboplastin used in the assay
PTs vary between laboratories, and therefore the INR has been established to standardize PT
results between different labs
o Use:
Standard test for monitoring warfarin therapy (sensitive to vitamin K dependent factors II, VII
and X- not IX)
o Causes of Prolonged PT:
Liver disease (decreased clotting factor production)
Vitamin K antagonists (ie. Warfarin)
Heparin (in high concentrations)
 Better tested by PTT
Fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products
Lupus anticoagulant (if in increased concentration)
 Better tested by PTT
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)- Intrinsic and Common Pathways:
o Factors Tested: I, II, V, X (common), XII, XI, IX, VII (intrinsic)
o Method: phospholipid + surface activator + Ca + citrated plasma
Normal time is 30-40s
o Use:
Monitoring heparin therapy
Monitoring factor replacement therapy in patients with hemophilia
Screening test for detection of coagulation inhibitors (ie. lupus anticoagulant)
o Causes of Prolonged PTT:
Heparin (inhibits Xa and IIa)
Vitamin K antagonists (in high doses)
 Better tested by PT
Fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products
Lupus anticoagulant
Mixing Study: done if prolonged PTT*
o Method: mixture of normal and patients plasma (50:50 mix) and check for correction of PTT
If PTT corrects by >50% of the difference between PTT of normal and patient plasma, it
indicates a deficiency in a clotting factor
If PTT does NOT correct, it suggests a factor inhibitor
 Inhibitor of a specific factor, OR
 Non-specific inhibitor (ie. lupus anticoagulant)
o Use: distinction between factor deficiency and factor inhibitor
Thrombin Time (TT): done if prolonged PTT*
o Method:
Diluted bovine thrombin + citrated plasma
Normal time is 10-15s
o Use: functional test of FIBRIN generation
o Causes of Prolonged TT:
 Afibrinogenemia
 Hypofibrinogenemia
 Dysfibrinogenemia (dysfunctional fibrinogen)
 Hypofibrinogenemia (liver disease, DIC, thrombolytic therapy)
 Dysfibrinogenemia (liver disease, hepatic malignancy)
 Fibrin degradation products
 Heparin
 Anti-thrombin antibodies
Abnormal bleeding may result from:
o Vascular disorders
o Quantitative or qualitative defective platelet function
o Defective coagulation
Vascular Disorders:
o Characteristics:
Easy bruising
Spontaneous bleeding from small vessels
o Underlying Abnormality Occurs in:
Vessels, OR
Perivascular connective tissue
Inherited Causes:
o Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome):
Inheritance: autosomal dominant
Description: development of telangiectasias (dilated microvascular swellings)
 Appear during childhood and increase in number in adulthood
 Develop in:
o Skin
o Mucous membranes
o Internal organs (risk of recurrent GI hemorrhage with IDA- common
 Laser
 Embolization
 Estrogen therapy? (seems counter intuitive since estrogen causes telangiectasiaasked on BB)
o Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome:
Inheritance: most forms are autosomal dominant
Description: results in collagen abnormalities
Clinical Presentation:
 Purpura
 Hyperextensibility of the joints
 Dissecting aneurysms
Acquired Causes:
o Scurvy: vitamin C deficiency  defective collagen
Present with:
 Ecchymoses
 Mucocutaneous bleeding
o Senile Purpura: caused by atrophy of supporting tissue of cutaneous blood vessels
o Purpura associated with Infection: vascular damage due to immune complex formation
Bacterial or viral (measles, dengue fever, meningococcal septicemia)
o Henoch-Schonlein Purpura: IgA mediated vasculitis in children (self-limiting)
Occurs after an acute infection (usually URI)
Characterized by purpuric rash
Need to watch for renal failure (can get IgA nephropathy)
Platelet Disorders:
Thrombocytopenias (QUANTITATIVE):
o Definition: platelet count <150,000/uL
In general, bleeding is not a problem until platelet count <50,000/uL + surgery/trauma
Spontaneous bleeding may occur with platelet counts of 5000-20,000/uL
Bone Marrow Failure:
 Aplastic anemia
 Chemotherapy
 Irradiation
 Leukemia
 Many of the thrombocytopenias caused by infections are immune mediated, via a
molecular mimicry process
Post Transfusion Purpura:
 Thrombocytopenia 10 days after transfusion
 Due to Abs in the recipient against HPA-1a on transfused (donor) platelets
Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia:
 Quinine
 Quinidine
 Heparin (HIT)
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP): most common cause of thrombocytopenia in
children AND adults*
 Cause: increased destruction of platelets due to autoimmune production of IgG
against platelet antigens (destruction of Ab coated platelets occurs in the spleen)
o Note that Pathoma states that the Abs are produced by the splenic
macrophages; therefore, source of Ab AND site of destruction is the
 Two Forms:
o Chronic Form: seen mostly in ADULTS
Commonly women of child-bearing age (15-50)
Usually idiopathic
May also be seen with:
 Autoimmune disease (SLE, AIHA)
 Infection (HIV)
 Malignancy (CLL)
AutoAbs to platelets result in early removal (shortened life span
of platelet)
o Acute Form: seen mostly in CHILDREN
~75% follow an infection or a vaccination
Result of NON-SPECIFIC immune complex attachments
Self-limited (usually results in spontaneous remission)
 Lab Values (Pathoma):
o Decreased platelet count
o Normal PT/PTT (coagulation cascade not affected)
o Increased megakaryocytes on BM biopsy
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP):
 Cause: deficiency of a metalloproteinase (ADAMTS13) that normally breaks down
high molecular weight vWF
o Can be an inherited deficiency in the enzyme, OR
o An acquired autoAb to ADAMTS13 (Pathoma- this is the most common)
 Result: large, uncleaved monomers lead to abnormal platelet adhesion and
aggregation  microthrombi
 Characteristics:
o Fever
o Thrombocytopenia
o Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (due to microthrombi)
o Uremia (due to renal problems as a result of thrombi- Pathoma states
this is more common in HUS)
o Neurological symptoms (thrombi in vessels of the CNS- Pathoma states
this is more common in TTP)
Lab Values (Pathoma):
o Decreased platelet count
o Increased bleeding time
o Normal PT/PTT (coagulation cascade not affected)
o Anemia with schistocyytes
o Increased megakaryocytes on BM biopsy
 Treatment:
o Plasmapheresis with FFP (removes large vWF multimers)
Note that Pathoma says plasmapheresis removes autoAbs from
circulation (if that is the cause of deficiency); corticosteroids
could also be used in this case to decreased autoAb production
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS):
 Presentation: similar to TTP, with damage limited to the kidneys
o Usually seen in CHILDREN*
 Cause: associated with E. coli O157-Hy7
o Verotoxin damages endothelial cells resulting in platelet microthrombi
 Characteristics: same as TTP, but neurological symptoms usually not seen
o Also have increased splenic pooling (90% of platelets sequestered in the
spleen)  splenomegaly
o Lifespan of the platelet is normal, and therefore the patients usually
don’t have bleeding issues
 Lab Findings: same as TTP
 Treatment:
o Platelet transfusion is CONTRAINDICATED (more platelets would be
o May require dialysis
Decreased Platelet Function (QUALITATIVE):
o Hereditary:
Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia:
 Inheritance: autosomal recessive
 Deficiency: GPIIb/IIIa
 Result: impaired platelet aggregation (platelet cannot bind to fibrinogen)
 Diagnosis: platelet aggregation study
o Abnormal aggregation with ADP, EPI, collagen, TXA2
o Normal aggregation with ristocetin
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome:
 Inheritance: autosomal recessive
 Deficiency: GPIb
 Result: impaired platelet adhesion (platelet cannot bind vWF defective
adherence to subendothelial collagen)
 Characteristics:
o Thrombocytopenia (decreased life span of platelet)
o Anemia
o ENLARGED PLATELETS (more immature platelets being released to
compensate for thrombocytopenia)
 Diagnosis: platelet aggregation study
o Normal aggregation with ADP, EPI, collage, TXA2
o Abnormal aggregation with ristocetin
Storage Pool Disorder (SPD):
 Grey Platelet Syndrome:
o Rare autosomal recessive disorder resulting in the absence of ALPHA
granules in the platelet
o Platelets are large
o Patient may or may not have thrombocytopenia
o Platelet aggregation studies abnormal with ADP/EPI/collagen/TXA2, but
normal with ristocetin
Delta Storage Pool Disorders: disorders characterized by the absence/decrease in
the amount of DENSE granules in the platelet
o Hermansky-Pudlak Sydrome: severe oculocutaneous albinism
Patients have NO dense granules
Autosomal recessive
o Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: partial albinism
Large cytoplasmic granules cause defective WBC function
Due to defective microtubule polymerization
Autosomal recessive
o Thrombocytopenia with Absent Radii
o Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome:
X-linked recessive
Patients present with:
 Eczema
 Thrombocytopenia
 Immune deficiency
Other Platelet Disorders:
 May-Hegglin Anomaly:
o Autosomal dominant
o Giant platelets and thrombocytopenia
o WBCs containing Dohle bodies
o Acquired:
Antiplatelet Drugs:
 ASA: most common cause of defective platelet function
o Single dose defect lasts 7-10 days (entire life of the platelet due to
irreversible inhibition of COX)
 Plasma cell myeloma
 Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
Myeproliferative Disorders
Myelodysplastic Disorders
Uremia: build up of nitrogenous waste due to impaired renal function
 Affects both platelet aggregation and adhesion
Defective Coagulation:
Hereditary Coagulation Disorders:
o Hemophilia A (FVIII):
Inheritance: X-linked recessive
Deficiency: absent or low levels of plasma factor VIII
 Infants develop profuse hemorrhage, joint/soft tissue bleeds and excessive bruising
when they start to become active
o Recurrent, painful hemarthroses (joint bleeds)  joint deformity
 Operative/traumatic hemorrhage may be life threatening
Lab Findings:
 Abnormal (increased) PTT
 Abnormal factor VIII clotting assay
 Normal PT and bleeding time
Prenatal Diagnosis:
 DNA analysis from CVS at 8-10 weeks gestation
 Demonstration of low factor VIII in fetal blood (from umbilical vein) at 16-20 weeks
 Bleeding episodes treated with factor VIII replacement therapy
o Plasma derived (virally inactivated for patients with HIV/HepC)
o Recombinant (for all children and previously untreated patients)
 Spontaneous bleeding is controlled if patient’s factor VIII level is raised > 5% of
o Maintaining FVIII levels often requires daily treatment (COSTLY)
Factor levels should be raised to 100% of normal for major surgery (and
maintained at 50% of normal when acute bleeding has stopped)
 Antifibinolytic agents may be added to control mucosal bleeding
Complications of Treatment:
 Serious complication of hemophilia is the development of Abs to INFUSED factor
VIII (occurs in 5-10% of patients)
o Patient refractory to further replacement therapy (VERY HIGH doses have
to be given to achieve significant rise in plasma factor VIII activity)
o Immunosuppression has been used in an attempt to reduced formation
of the Ab
o Hemophilia B (FIX)- Christmas Disease:
Inheritance: X-linked recessive
Deficiency: absent or low levels of plasma factor IX
Presentation: same as hemophilia A
 Can only be distinguished by specific coagulation factor assays
Incidence: less common than hemophilia A (1/5 incidence of A)
Treatment: recombinant factor IX is available
 Note: the half life of factor IX is longer and therefore treatments do not have to be
given as often
o Von Willebrand Disease: most commonly inherited bleeding disorder*
Inheritance: various subtypes (3 important ones have been described), usually with
autosomal dominant inheritance
 Exceptions: types 2N and 3 are autosomal recessive
Deficiency: reduced OR abnormal function of vWF due to point mutation or major deletion
 Quantitative and/or qualitative defects based on subtype of disease
Normal vWF:
 Synthesis: in large multimers
 Function:
o Promotes platelet adhesion to damaged endothelium
o Carries factor VIII
 Mucous membrane bleeding
 Excessive blood loss from superficial cuts and abrasions
 Hemarthrosis and hematomas (joint and subcutaneous bleeds) are RARE*
Laboratory Findings:
 Prolonged bleeding time
 Prolonged PTT (low factor VIII levels due to decreased half-life; vWF normally
stabilizes it)
 Normal PT
 Low vWF quantification test
 Defective platelet aggregation with ristocetin (normal with ADP/EPI/collagen)
 May be masked by elevated levels of vWF in acute phase reactions (vWF is an acute
phase reactant)
o Examples: pregnancy, strenuous exercise, stress
Determination of Type:
 Measurement of vWF with multimer analysis
o Type 1: reduction in all types of monomers
o Type 2A: absent large and intermediate multimers
o Type 2B: absent large monomers
o Type 3: absence of all types of monomers
 DDAVP (Desmopressin): for type 1 VWD (reduction in monomers)
o Increases release of vWF from Weibel-Palade bodies
 Factor VIII Concentrates w/vWF: may be given for low levels
Acquired Coagulation Disorders:
o Vitamin K Deficiency:
Source: fat soluble vitamin obtained from green vegetables and bacteria in the gut
 Newborns (sterile gut)
 Later in life (inadequate diet, malabsorption, long-term Abx use, inhibition of
vitamin K with warfarin)
Liver Disease:
Biliary Obstruction: impaired absorption of vitK  decreased FII, VII, IX, X synthesis
Severe Hepatocellular Disease: decreased II, VII, IX, X, V and fibrinogen levels
Decreased Thrombopoietin Production: contributes to thrombocytopenia
Hypersplenism: due to portal HTN  thrombocytopenia
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation:
Pathologic activation of the coagulation cascade:
 Widespread intravascular deposition of fibrin (microthrombi)
 Consumption of coagulation factors and platelets
Mechanism: consequence of many diseases in which there is a release of procoagulant
material into the circulation
 Causes widespread endothelial damage or platelet aggregation
Examples of Causes (Pathoma):
 Obstetric complications (tissue thromboplastin in amniotic fluid activates
 Sepsis (endotoxins and cytokines cause endothelial cells to make tissue factor)
 Adenocarcinoma (mucin activates coagulation)
 APL (primary granules activate coagulation)
 Rattlesnake bite (venom activates coagulation)
Clinical Manifestations: bleeding AND/OR thrombosis
 Bleeding from venipuncture sites or recent wounds
 Generalized bleeding (GI tract, oropharynx, lungs, UG tract)
 Microthrombi skin lesions, renal failure, or gangrene of extremities (less
Lab Findings:
 Increased PT, PTT and TT
 Decreased fibrinogen
 Decreased platelet count
 Increased fibrinogen split products and D-dimers
o D-dimers best screening test (Pathoma)
 Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (due to microthombi)
o Schistoscytes on peripheral blood smear
 TREAT UNDERLYING CAUSE** (most important)
 Supportive care includes:
o FFP and platelet concentrates (for severe bleeding)
o Cryoprecipitate (concentrated source of fibrinogen)
o Red cell transfusion (may be required)
o ATIII and protein C concentrates (inhibit DIC)
 Do NOT give:
o Heparin or anti-platelet drugs (may aggravate bleeding)
o Fibrinolytic inhibitors (failure to lyse thombi adverse effects)
Coagulation Factor Inhibitor (Pathoma)*:
Basics: acquired Ab against a coagulation factor that results in impaired factor function
 Most Common: anti-FVIII (would be clinically similar to hemophilia A)
 Mixing Study: PTT will not correct upon mixing normal plasma with patient’s
plasma (would correct in simply a factor deficiency)
Disorders of Fibrinolysis (Pathoma)*:
Basics: due to plasmin overactivity leading to excessive cleavage of serum fibrinogen
Examples of Causes:
 Radical prostatectomy  releases urokinase, which activates plasmin
 Liver cirrhosis reduces production of alpha2-antiplasmin,which normally
inactivates plasmin
Presentation: clinically similar to DIC (increased bleeding; no microthrombi*)
 Differences from DIC:
o Normal platelet count
o No D-dimers
Laboratory Findings:
 Increased PT and PTT (plasmin destroys coagulation factors)
 Increase bleeding time (plasmin blocks platelet aggregation)
 Normal platelet count
 Increased fibrinogen split products (serum fibrinogen is lysed)
o NO D-dimers due to absence of fibrin thrombi (ie. the coagulation
cascade has not reached completion)
Treatment: aminocaproic acid (blocks activation of plasminogen)
Hereditary Disorders with Increased Risk of Thrombosis:
o Prevalence of these disorders is as high as bleeding disorders
o Should be suspected in young adults who suffer from:
Spontaneous thrombosis
Recurrent DVT
Thrombosis at an unusual site
Risk Factors for Thrombosis (Acquired):
o Venous stasis and immobility
o Malignancy
o Blood disorders (hyperviscosity, thrombocytosis, PV, ET)
o Estrogen therapy (have increased levels of FII, VII, VIII, IX, X; have decreased ATIII levels)
o Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Ab to PF4/heparin complex results in platelet activation/consumption microthrombi
Hereditary Disorders:
Factor V Leiden Gene Mutation: most common inherited cause of increased risk of thrombosis*
o Basics: activated protein C resistance (normally breaks down activated FV)
o Defect: genetic polymorphism (NOT A MUTATION) in the factor V gene (argglu at 506)
Makes factor V less susceptible to cleavage by protein C
Heterozygotes ~5x increased risk of venous thrombosis
Homozygotes ~50x increased risk of venous thrombosis
Anti-Thrombin III Deficiency:
o Inheritance: autosomal dominant
May also be seen in patients with nephritis, due to excessive proteinuria (acquired form)
o Defect:
Decreased synthesis of ATIII (type 1)
Dysfunctional activity of ATIII (type 2)
o Presentation:
Recurrent venous thrombosis starting early in life
Arterial thrombosis occasionally seen
Heparin ineffective (PTT does not rise with standard heparin dosing)
Protein C Deficiency:
o Inheritance: autosomal dominant (with variable penentrance)
Acquired forms are also possible:
 Liver disease (made in the liver)
 Sepsis
 Vitamin K deficiency (I added this- assumption since it is vit K dependent)
o Warfarin CONTRAINDICATED: due to development of skin necrosis (vessel occlusion due to formation
of microthrombi)
Protein C has a shorter half life than other coagulation factors (depleted first, resulting in
initially hypercoaguable state during treatment; pre-existing deficiency makes this really bad)
Protein S Deficiency:
o Inheritance: autosomal dominant
o Presentation: similar to protein C deficiency (cofactor for protein C)
Prothrombin G20210:
o Defect: base pair substitution at prothrombin allele G20210A on cs 11 that leads to INCREASED plasma
prothrombin levels (synthesized in the liver)
Prothrombin gets converted to thrombin  increased thrombotic risk (~2x)
o Diagnosis: mutation detected by PCR
Hyperhomocystinemia (may also be acquired):
o Defect: mutation in MTHFR gene (product responsible for generating 5-methylTHF)
5-methylTHF is a cosubstrate for homocysteine conversion to methionine
Results in increased levels of homocysteine (cannot convert to methionine)  increased risk
of both venous and arterial thrombosis
o Another Defect (Pathoma):
Cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) deficiency (normally converts homocysteine to
Acquired Conditions:
Hyperhomocystinemia (may also be hereditary):
o Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
Acquired forms of ATIII deficiency: already discussed
Acquire forms of Protein C deficiency: already discussed
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS):
o Definition: occurrence of thrombosis OR recurrent miscarriage in association with laboratory evidence
of PERSISTENT antiphospholipid Ab
Example: lupus anticoagulant antibody
o Mixing Study: prolonged PTT that does not correct (coagulation factor inhibitor)
o Antiphospholipid Antibodies: associated with arterial and venous thrombosis
Childhood Conditions Associated with Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies:
 Autoimmune diseases (APS, SLE, juvenile arthritis)
 Pediatric stroke
 Hematological diseases (AIHA)
 Various infections (adenovirus, varicella)
May also see in NORMAL Children: ~5-10% of cases