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A comparison of potential Raven centroiding algorithms
David Andersen
November 5, 2012
1. Introduction
The initial performance modeling for Raven was conducted using MAOS, a c++ based
AO simulation tool built by L. Wang for simulating MCAO on TMT. It has advantages
in that it is very fast and has a well-established tomographic reconstructor.
However while it is built to simulate NFIRAOS on TMT very well, it is somewhat
difficult to configure. In particular, it is difficult to address the problem of open loop
centroiding using this code. We do try to account for open loop errors both in the
Raven CoDR report and the Raven modeling paper (Andersen et al. 2012), but which
open loop centroiding algorithm to use has remained an open question. As a
reminder, we summarize the wavefront error terms associated with the WFSs and
DMs in Table 1. In particular, we highlight the “Sampling” error which arrises from
the fact that we do not oversample the spots on the WFS. In Table 1, this assumed
using a Matched Filter algorithm (described below). In this paper, we explore ways
of minimizing this (and WFS noise) using different centroiding algorithms.
Table 1: Raven Error Budget
WFE term
T/T removed Tomography
DM Fitting σ ~ 0.25 (d0/r0)
σ ~ 0.1 (d0/r0)
Noise (m=14; Fs=180 Hz)
WFE (nm RMS)
It is also important to note the limitations of the Raven WFSs. We are using the
Andor iXon cameras with 128 pixels. As part of our trade study, we determined that
we need ~5” FOV and at least 10x10 subapertures to achieve the dynamic range and
sensitivity, respectively, to achieve the overall system requirements. This means
that there are only going to be ~12x12 pixels per subaperture and that the pixel size
needs to be ~0.4”/pixel. Since the spot size on the WFS will most often be smaller
than 0.8”, that means that the spots will be under-sampled. We expect, given Table
1, that we have a ~70 nm WFE due to this under-sampling, but this will be algorithm
dependent. We need to determine which centroiding algorithm works best at both
high and low S/N.
In this document, we describe simulations carried out to test the sensitivity of
different spot centroiding algorithms in the context of the Raven Open-Loop
Wavefront Sensors (OL WFSs). In section 2, we describe the basic pixel processing
required for use with different centroiding algorithms we explored, and in section 3
we describe the simulations. We present results of the centroiding tests in section 4.
We also apply these simulations to help determine whether Raven requires an
atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC) or a blue cutoff filter. We finally
summarize our results in section 5.
1. Pixel processing
We have explored the performance of 3 basic centroiding algorithms: thresholdedcenter of gravity (tCOG), correlation and matched-filter (MF) centroiding.
Thresholded center of gravity is the simplest method and will be the fastest centroid
algorithm computationally. In this flux-threshold variant, the maximum flux is
determined in each subaperture and only those pixels with a flux above some
percentage of the peak flux would be used for determining a flux-weighted mean
(There should also be a minimum threshold which removes almost all pixels with
just background and readnoise, even if this level is greater than the threshold
determined from the peak flux). Correlation centroiding relies on a knowledge of
the PSF. We describe how we generate a reference PSF from our measurements and
then correlate our subaperture images with this reference PSF. This correlation
process creates a new image for a subaperture that has highlighted all objects in the
frame that have a similar shape to the PSF while downgrading structure that does
not look like a PSF (shot noise and cosmic rays). The centroid can be determined
from the correlation image using a thresholded center-of-gravity technique with a
relatively high threshold. Finally, the matched filter also uses knowledge of the PSF
to generate slopes, but the MF technique has a limited dynamic range which may not
be well-suited to work on an open loop system like Raven. We would not expect the
MF to work better than the Correlation method, but it would be more efficient
computationally. We do not explore the performance of the MF in great detail here,
but do describe the pixel processing steps in the next section for all three
centroiding methods.
A. Thresholded Center of Gravity (tCOG)
Figure 1: Data flow for the tCOG centroiding algorithm. Each of the boxes are described below.
A.1 Basic Pixel Processing
The following steps are included for all centroiding methods.
Parameters: frame rate, gain, etc.
Andor iXon 860 128x128 pixel camera with 500 fps. Data is 14 bit.
Convert Raw to Subap
Parameters: Subaperture number, ROI
RTC reads in pixel stream, and starts making images for each subaperture. After
each subaperture is filled, further computations can be parallelized. There will be of
order 80 subapertures/WFS
Back Subtract
Parameters: Dark Current/Background constant or image (TBD)
Subtract background pixel by pixel. Values converted from 14bit to double (single
should be ok). The background flux could be measured in the Realtime Parameter
Generator (RPG), or could be an input parameter. The RTC should allow for either
Flatfield (optional)
Parameters: Flat field frame for subaperture
Divide subap image by flatfield (or pixel to pixel variation) map. Could multiply
pixel by pixel the inverse of the flat field to speed things up. The flatfield may
possibly be taken during calibration, or could be a theoretical function.
A.2 Windowing (optional)
Windowing reduces the number of pixels that are considered in a subaperture by
creating a subwindow around an initial guess of the centroid. Windowing should
improve the accuracy of the centroid measurements by removing effects of noise
peaks far from the WFS spot.
Parameters: Method
Initial centroid measurement for subaperture. Can be correlation, thresholded
center of gravity (tCOG) or matched filter (MF) or … X and Y slope are used in
subsequent steps.
If tCOG method is chosen (baseline), then operations consist of 1) determining the
threshold (usually some fraction of the peak flux), 2) applying that threshold on a
pixel-by-pixel basis (meanwhile 2a building a standard deviation of “background”
pixels to estimate noise), 3) for pixels above threshold, sum fluxes and sum x and y
pixel locations times flux (3a flux is signal for S/N calc). 4) calculate 2 slopes by
dividing two pairs of sums.
Report low S/N
Parameters: predicted S/N for subaperture (based on subaperture vignetting, r0,
frame rate, NGS magnitude, user input extinction, airmass), number of frames for
Take time average of S/N over N frames (specified by user). If S/N calculated during
previous centroid step was lower than predicted/allowed, broadcast message to
pub/sub alerting user of potential problem. Could have a “smart” fix of increasing
exposure time slightly?
Parameters: none
Round centroids to integers for use with windowing.
Parameters: window size
Crop the image by user specified amount, centered on initial (rounded) centroid
guess. Useful for reducing the size of the image and more importantly, removing
noise far from spot. If window exceeds size of subaperture, use window as close to
edge as possible. Trigger warning.
Report Window Failure
Parameters: none
User-specified window exceeds dimensions of subaperture.
A3. Centroiding
Determine Threshold
Input: Fraction of peak flux to be used for threshold (typically 15%) and minimum
Find maximum of image. Set threshold to fraction of the maximum image flux. If
fraction of maximum image flux is below the noise, use the second, user-supplied
minimum threshold.
Input: none
Check each pixel (of possibly windowed image) to ensure it is above threshold
(determined from previous step). For all pixels above threshold, calculate fluxweighted x and y centroids.
Report Bad spot
Calculate S/N of spot used to generate measurement in tCOG. If lower than
expected, report error. If centroid is near edge of subaperture or window, report
A4. Applying Reference Values
Add initial Rounded centroids
If windowing is used, the difference in center between the subaperture and the
window generated by round above (A2) needs to be added back to the new centroid
Determine Reference Slopes
Parameters: Probe location, slopes
The OL WFSs are presented with different field-dependent aberrations as they
move. The location of the probe arms help determine the reference slopes (look-uptable in RPG). The mean tip and tilt of the WFSs will also be used to apply a noncommon path aberration (NCPA) correction (a beam with a global tip or tilt will
have a different optical footprint in the OL WFSs). Unlike all previous steps, this
process is not done 1 subaperture at a time. All slopes are needed to calculate
the average tip/tilt of the beam.
Subtract Reference Slopes
Parameters: none
The reference slopes are subtracted from the slope measurements. Slope
measurements at this point may or may not be projected into phase space or onto a
modal basis.
B. Correlation Centroiding
Figure 2: Pixel processing and Correlation Centroiding Flow diagram. All boxes are described below.
B1. Basic Pixel Processing
Camera, Convert Raw to Subap, Back Subtract, and Flatfield are described in
(A1) above.
B2. Windowing (optional)
Centroid, Report low S/N, Round, Window and Report window failure are
described in (A2) above. The Window function is slightly modified as described
Parameters: window size, drizzling factor
Crop the image by user specified amount, centered on initial (rounded) centroid
guess. Useful for reducing the size of the image and more importantly, removing
noise far from spot. If window exceeds size of subaperture, use window as close to
edge as possible. Trigger warning.
If Drizzle is used, block-replicate the windowed image by the drizzling factor. For
example, if the drizzling factor is 2, create new subaperture image with dimensions
2x the window size, copy each pixel into 4 new sub-pixels. Drizzling only improves
the resolution of the reference image – not the current subaperture spot image.
B3. Create Reference Image
For Correlation Centroiding and MF centroiding, a reference image is needed.
Generating this reference image is not a real time task, as not all images need to be
processed. We describe the steps below.
Drizzle (shift/add)
Parameters: drizzling factor
Each spot image is re-sampled onto a finer (by the drizzling factor) grid. The spot is
shifted by the fractional measured centroid, and the flux from 1 camera pixel is
divided between multiple subpixels with the fraction of flux going into each subpixel
proportional to the area. The drizzling factor can be 1, which means that the light
from a subaperture is shifted and resampled on a grid with the same pixel scale.
Our experience indicates that a drizzling factor greater than 2 does not produce
reference images with significantly higher spatial resolution.
Parameters: window size
Trim the drizzled image to provide an image with the same dimensions as that
produced by the window/blkrep step described in (B2).
Integrate i0
Parameters: # of frames to add, switch to produce 1 reference image or 1 reference
Add drizzled and windowed images from many exposures to create a high signal-tonoise reference image that is not dependent on the instantaneous turbulence.
This task is performed by the RPG, and does not need to be real-time. New
reference images will be produced on the order of every ~10 seconds. If some
frames are dropped from the integration, that is acceptable.
The user can choose whether to produce a single reference image from the images
of all subapertures, which will increase the S/N, or build a different reference image
for each subaperture (accounts for diffraction effects and laser elongation in the LGS
WFS). In the end, the reference image will be scaled to the mean of the individual
spot images.
Exposure Time
Input: User specified S/N for reference image
Uses the guide star magnitude, r0 estimate, and frame rate to calculate the total
number of images that should be integrated to reach a sufficient S/N ratio in the
final reference image, i0.
Current i0
Store the current reference image for use by the correlation function. The reference
images io should be saved to DMS. A new reference image will be produced on the
order of every 5-10 seconds.
B4. Centroiding
Produce cross correlation image of reference image versus current frame. Either
done through FFT or brute force calculations.
Determine Threshold
Input: Fraction of peak flux to be used for threshold (typically 15-25%) and
minimum threshold.
Find maximum of image. Set threshold to fraction of the maximum image flux. If
fraction of maximum image flux is below the noise, use the second, user-supplied
minimum threshold. Fractional threshold is typically after applying correlation
since S/N of correlated image is so great.
Input: none
Check each pixel (of possibly windowed image) to ensure it is above threshold
(determined from previous step). For all pixels above threshold, calculate fluxweighted x and y centroids. We use tCOG rather than fitting a functional form to the
correlation peak to increase computational speed and robustness.
Report Bad spot
Input: none
Calculate S/N of spot used to generate measurement in tCOG. If lower than
expected, report error. If centroid is near edge of subaperture or window, report
B5. Applying Reference Values
Same steps as in (A4) above.
C. Matched Filter (MF) Centroiding
Figure 3: Pixel processing and MF centroiding flow diagram.
C1. Basic Pixel Processing
Camera, Convert Raw to Subap, Back Subtract, and Flatfield are described in
(A1) above.
C2. Windowing
Centroid, Report low S/N, Round, Window and Report window failure are
described in (B2) above. Windowing is more important in the case of MF
centroiding because the MF only works if the spot center is within a FWHM of the
reference image. Otherwise the MF centroiding accuracy is low. By windowing, we
are placing the spots within a pixel of the center of the window using our best guess.
C3. Create Reference Image
Drizzle (shift/add), window, Integrate i0, Exposure time and Current i0 are all
described in step (B3) above.
C4. Create MF
Input: none
Take the gradient of the reference image, i0, thereby producing 2 Gradient matrices
(Gx and Gy).
G = [Gx, Gy].
Create MF
Input: Choice of constrained or unconstrained MF. For the unconstrained MF, also
need i0 and ReadNoise.
For the unconstrained MF, simply:
R = G-1
For the constrained MF:
M = [1 0 0 0 0 -1 1; 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0]
i1 = i0 shifted 1 pixel left
i2 = i0 shifted 1 pixel right
i3 = i0 shifted 1 pixel up
i4 = i0 shifted 1 pixel down
G2 = [Gx, Gy, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4 ]
-1(j,j) = [RN2 + 2 i0(j)]-1
G3 = [G2-1 -1 G2]-1 G2-1
R = M G3 -1
C5. Centroid
Input: none
Multiply the spot image by the MF, R, to produce centroids.
Report Bad spot
Input: none
Calculate S/N of spot used to generate measurement in tCOG. If lower than
expected, report error. If centroid is near edge of subaperture or window, report
C6. Applying Reference Values
Same steps as in (A4) above.
3 Open Loop Centroiding Simulations
We performed our open-loop centroiding simulations in matlab using the UVic AO
library. Our centroiding simulation process is shown in Figure 4. The goal of the
simulation was to assess the amount of extra WFE and loss in EE due to aliasing,
sampling error, and WFS noise (isolated from tomographic, DM fitting and temporal
Figure 4: Flow diagram showing the steps involved in simulating the expected performance of the
different centroiding algorithms.
Produce Phase Screens: We began by simulating 200 independent phase screens
with a Fried parameter of r0=15 cm and a sampling of 48 pixels per subaperture
(Figure 5).
Figure 5: Sample phase screen.
Produce WFS spot images with 0.1” pixels: For each of these phase screens, we
simulated spots in 80 0.8x0.8 m subapertures with a pixel sampling of 0.1 arcsec per
pixel (48x48 pixels per subaperture; Figure 6) and a FOV of 4.8 arcseconds per
subaperture. These spots are simulated with no noise initially.
Figure 6: Sample WFS spots sampled on 480x480 pixel WFS with 0.1 arcsec/pixel spatial resolution.
Bin WFS Image and Add noise: We can then bin these spot images by 2, 3, or 4
pixels and then scale the flux and add noise to simulate stars on WFSs with different
sampling and different brightnesses (Figure 7). We simulated stars with
brightnesses corresponding to R=10 to R=15 and WFS integration times of 80 ms
(125 Hz). We assumed A0 stars and assumed that the WFS received half the V-band,
all the R-band and half the I-band. The number of photons per subaperture is given
Nphotons = 7740 x 10-0.4*(mag-10)
Raven uses EEV low readnoise detectors. The low readnoise is achieved by applying
a high gain and then “counting” photons. The effective readnoise is just 0.23
electrons, but we pay a square root of 2 penalty in photon noise.
Figure 7: Left Panel: WFS spot for 1 subaperture sampled with 0.1 arcsec/pixel and not including noise.
Right Panel: Same WFS spot as on the left, but now sampled with 0.4 arcsec/pixel detector and including
realistic photon and read noise.
Measure Slopes: Once realistic WFS spot images have been produced, we can
measure centroids using various algorithms including thresholded COG, correlation
and MF techniques as described in section 2. Both correlation and MF methods
require reference images (i0) to be constructed. We have constructed these
reference images from the real data. For the high resolution WFSs (WFS sampling of
0.1 or 0.2 arcsec/pixel), it is probably best to just shift and add each of the individual
images (Figure 8). Note we create 1 reference image for the whole WFS. One could
possibly do better by creating a reference image for each individual subaperture to
account for pupil edge diffraction and possible lenslet to lenslet variations, but we
found for the cases of interest to us (0.4”/pixel sampling), that we expect these
variations to be smaller than the differences due to pixel blurring. We also find that
there is some potential gain to be had by shifting and adding the individual WFS
spot images onto a finer plate scale (drizzling is described in section 2 B3; Figure 8).
Figure 8: Comparison to reference images. The Left Panel shows the spot for the 0.1 arcsec/pixel
sampling. Each spot for 200 phase screens has been shifted and added to a single frame. If the same
process in done using a 0.4 arcsec/pixel detector, one finds a reference image shown in the Central
Panel. The Right Panel shows the reference image that can be measured from 0.4 arcsec/pixel spots
drizzled to 0.1 arcsec/pixel synthetic grid. Drizzling can increase the spatial resolution of the reference
spot by about a factor of 2.
Project Phase onto Modes: To evaluate the impact of noise and sampling on Raven
WFE and EE, we need to compare the measurements of slopes against some fiducial
measurement of phase. We create this fiducial by projecting each phase screen onto
44 Zernike polynomials (Figure 9). This representation of the phase screen
removes any DM fitting error for the results, but still allows us to assess WFS
aliasing (higher modes not measured by the WFS producing slope offsets that
thereby increase lower order wavefront errors).
Figure 9: Comparison of random phase screen and the projection of the phase screen onto the first 44
Zernike polynomials. The phase screen on the right excludes turbulence that can not be fit by Raven
science DMs.
Simulation Performance Metrics: For each set of slopes measured from a phase
screen (for a given magnitude/sampling/centroiding algorithm), we multiply the
resultant slopes by a modal reconstructor generated from a noiseless WFS with
0.1”/pixel. We then compare the fiducial modal representations of the phase screen
to our noisy reconstructions (Figure 10). We use two performance metrics to
evaluate the performance: the rms WFE difference between these two phase maps
and the loss of ensquared energy in a 150 mas spaxel due only to aliasing, sampling
and WFS noise.
Figure 10: Left Panel: Residual phase map between the perfect projection of 44 modes onto the original
phase screen and the reconstructed shape from the WFS (including sampling, aliasing, and noise errors).
The comparison of the mode amplitude estimates is shown in the Right Panel.
4 Simulation Results
In general, the results of the simulations show that both the tCOG and Correlation
centroiding algorithms perform well. Results are summarized in Table 2. We have
not yet had success using the MF in open loop. More work can be done on MF – we
have not yet studied MF with windowing (which would re-center the spots), and our
MF has an artifact at the edge due to the discontinuity of the gradients. The
centroiding algorithm out-performed the tCOG for faint stars (it should be less
susceptible to noise artifacts), and worked well for the worst sampling (0.4
arcseconds/pixel, which we are using in Raven; Figure 11). While we quote
magnitudes below, we should note that here we are taking a rather naïve approach
to assigning a certain number of photons detected per subaperture. One should
read R=11 as being a bright star and R=16 as being a faint star. A much more
thorough approach to estimating NGS photons is used in section 4.2 below.
Table 2: For different WFS pixel scales and centroiding methods, we present the WFE and EE loss for
bright and faint stars including aliasing, WFS noise and WFS sampling errors.
Pixel Scale
tCOG (15%)
R=11 Star
121 (88%)
121 (88%)
124 (88%)
136 (87%)
R=16 Star
202 (80%)
158 (84%)
164 (83%)
185 (80%)
R=11 Star
R=16 Star
116 (90%)
113 (90%)
122 (89%)
151 (86%)
150 (86%)
165 (83%)
Figure 11: Left Panel: WFS spot image for 0.1 arcsec/pixel scale and a faint star. Left-Center Panel: Same
spot convolved with the reference image. The effective S/N of the spot has been increased many-fold.
Center-Right Panel: Same spot sampled onto a 0.4 arcsec/pixel WFS. Right Panel: Same 0.4”/pixel spot
convolved with the reference image. Again, the effective S/N has been greatly enhanced.
4.1 Does a mismatch in the reference image create an error for correlation
Since correlation centroiding seems to work better in theory than tCOG, we decided
to explore the errors introduced by having reference images were are not wellmatched to the current image quality. We therefore ran the same simulations
described above, but with synthetic reference images with varying widths. The
results are shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Wavefront Error (WFE; top) and H-band Ensuared Energy (bottom) versus NGS magnitude for
reference images with FWHM of 1.2 arcsec (purple), 1.4 arcsec (blue), 1.8 arcsec (green), 2.3 arcsec
(yellow) and 2.8 arcsec (red). The best fit reference image (produced through drizzling) had a FWHM of
1.8 arcsec.
As Figure 12 shows, there is an impact on performance if the reference image does
not match the average size of the spot images. We find about a 7% loss in EE if the
reference image is 65% the size in FWHM of the spot images. The correlation
method is less sensitive to an over-estimation of the spot size. We record only a
3.5% loss in EE when the reference image is 1.5 times bigger than the measured
spots. We assume this is the case because a narrower reference spot would magnify
narrower noise peaks after correlation. The relative losses due to a mismatch in
reference image to spot size decrease at faint magnitudes; Figure 12 shows only a
3.5% loss in EE for the same reference image that is 65% narrower than the spot
images. This is because the dominant error becomes WFS noise. This result is good
news for Raven because we can use (relatively broad) synthetic reference images
for faint magnitude guide stars where it is not practical to create reference images
with little loss in performance, and for brighter stars we can create reference images
from the WFS data (as described above).
4.2 Do Raven OL WFSs need ADCs?
Raven as designed does not include an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector in any of
it’s WFSs. Originally, we intended to use Raven only down to a zenith angle of 45
degrees, but several interesting science cases push Raven to be used with zenith
angles up to 60 degrees (2 Airmasses). As light passes through more atmosphere,
light undergoes more refraction and point sources are dispersed into very low
resolution spectra. Making assumptions about the atmosphere over Mauna Kea, we
can model the effect of atmospheric dispersion (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Atmospheric Dispersion in arcseconds versus wavelength for 3 zenith angles: 30 degrees
(blue), 45 degrees (green) and 60 degrees (red) for Mauna Kea. Courtesy of O. Lardiere.
Figure 13 shows that the amount of dispersion can be large (~2 arcseconds at 60
degrees zenith angle). We wanted to assess how much of an effect it had on Raven
performance and whether we needed to change the Raven design to mitigate it. The
three options we looked into were: 1) do nothing. No ADC means no loss in
throughput. Also for bright stars, one can imagine that with correlation centroiding
that there would actually be an advantage to having an elongated guide star. 2) use
a filter that cuts off light below 600 nm. This could have three potential advantages:
it would decrease the amount of atmospheric diffraction a great deal (down to ~0.4
arcseconds at 60 degrees zenith angle), a filter with a 600 nm could remove all
scattered Na beacon light (589 nm), and the sky background could be greatly
reduced. The disadvantage of course would be that the WFS would receive much
less light in total. Finally, 3) we could redesign the WFSs to include an ADC. There
would be a small loss of light due to the extra optical surfaces, but almost all the
light in the optical would be concentrated within the seeing-limited PSF. We expect
that the ADC option would give the best performance at low S/N.
Modeling on the ADC performance is very similar to the process described above in
Section 3, except that we simulate the spots corresponding to the same initial
turbulence but imaged at different wavelengths. We simulated spots at wavelengths
of 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 nm. We combine these spot images into a single
WFS frame by shifting single wavelength images using the dispersion corresponding
to zenith angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees (Figure 13). We weight the images in
different wavelengths by the throughput of optics + detector and by the spectrum of
a given star (Figure 14 and Table 3).
Figure 14: Left Panel: Sample WFS spot (0.4 arcsec/pixel) if no atmospheric dispersion is included. Right
Panel: Same spot including atmospheric dispersion (A0 star at 60 degrees zenith angle).
In Table 3 below, we show the relative flux for a blue A0 star (A0 stars have B-V=VR=V-I=0 color and serve as the basis of the Vega photometric system), a solar type
G0 star, and a red K5 star (K stars probably dominate the selection of faint NGSs at
the faint limit towards most science fields). The very different spectra of these stars
produces different atmospherically dispersed PSFs (Figure 15).
Table 3: Detector throughput and relative star fluxes for representative blue (A0), solar (G0) and red
(K5) star types.
 (nm)
A0 star
relative flux
G0 star
relative flux
K5 star
relative flux
Figure 15: Comparison of the reference images (produced through drizzling) for a zenith angle of 60
degrees and an A0 star (left) and a K5 star (right).
Unlike the simulations above, we only assessed performance for 1 pixels sampling –
0.4”/pixel as per the Raven optical design, but we looked at the drop in performance
as a function of magnitude, zenith angle and NGS type (Figures 16, 17, 18).
Figure 16: Drop in EE versus guide star magnitude for an A0 star observed through different WFS
options (600 nm filter, ADC or no change) at zenith angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
Figure 17 Drop in EE versus guide star magnitude for an G0 star observed through different WFS options
(600 nm filter, ADC or no change) at zenith angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
Figure 18 Drop in EE versus guide star magnitude for an K5 star observed through different WFS options
(600 nm filter, ADC or no change) at zenith angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
Note that these figures show the drop in Raven performance due only to the effects
of aliasing, WFS noise, and atmospheric dispersion. The simulations do not include
the losses associated with increased tomographic error due to the apparent
separation of layers at higher zenith angles and the increase in the apparent r0  cos
(zenith angle)3/5. We have modeled this last effect, and the performance definitely
goes down as r0 gets smaller, but the magnitude difference in sky coverage is almost
unchanged. As expected, the differences in expected performance for the 3 Raven
options (ADC, filter or no change) are greatest for the A0 star because atmospheric
dispersion is greatest at blue wavelengths (Table 4). Focusing on the K5 star, we
find for a zenith angle of 60 degrees that we need NGSs that are on average 0.25
magnitudes brighter with no ADC versus implementing an ADC. Since most of the
high airmass Raven science cases use fields near the Galactic Center, we do not think
the lack of an ADC will significantly impact Raven sky coverage (or performance).
We also note that for all but the reddest stars, it is a detriment to choose the filter
option over choosing the ADC or no change options.
Table 4: Loss in limiting magnitude at different zenith angles and for different stellar types if no ADC is
included in the WFS design.
Magnitude loss in sky coverage w/o ADC
5 Conclusions
We have provided a detailed description of the Raven pixel processing and
centroiding algorithms.
We have included code (in the appendix) that was used for simulations but
can be adapted for use in the RTC.
We have confirmed that the combination of aliasing plus sampling error
determined from MAOS simulations and included in our Raven modeling
paper does not exceed 125 nm RMS.
Correlation and thresholded Center of Gravity (tCOG) centroiding techniques
work equally well for bright stars with finely sampled WFSs.
Correlation centroiding works better than tCOG when NGS PSFs are undersampled and when the S/N is low.
Correlation works (only) slightly better when the reference images are
created through drizzling.
Correlation centroiding can work with synthetic reference images with a
small penalty in performance (2% loss in EE) if synthetic reference image is
up to 50% larger than the best data-derived reference image.
For bright stars, Raven performance is not much affected by atmospheric
Raven would work best with an ADC, but without one there is a penalty in
sky coverage.
For typical red NGSs, the limiting magnitude drops by less than 0.2 mag for
moderate zenith angles (< 45 degrees).
Given the complexity and cost of adding ADCs to Raven, it is probably not
worth adding them now.
Appendix: Correlation Matlab Code
I have included the matlab functions used for the simulations described above that
would be relevant to implementing tCOG or correlation centroiding in the RTC.
% fCOG returns a vector "slopes" which contains x followed by y slopes
% for all subapertures (length is 2x # of subaps)
% "im" contains all the subapertures (assumed square) images in a
% NX x NY x Nsubap 3D matrix.
% "frac" is a fraction which sets the flux threshold.
% "thresh" is the lower limit on the threshold (if frac<thresh, threshold=thresh
% NOTE: reference vector is subtracted in a subsequent step
function slopes=fCOG(im,frac,thresh);
npix=size(im,1); % assumes as many pixels in X as in Y
for l=1:nslopes;
threshold=frac*max(max(im(:,:,l))); % theshold = maximum flux in any subap x frac
if threshold<thresh
for m=1:npix
for n=1:npix
if im(m,n,l)>thresh
slopes(l) = slopes(l)+m*im(m,n,l);
slopes(nslopes+l) = slopes(nslopes+l)+n*im(m,n,l);
% cor resturns a vector "slopes" which contains x followed by y slopes
% for all subapertures (length is 2x # of subaps)
% "im" contains all the subapertures (assumed square) images in a
% NX x NY x Nsubap 3D matrix.
% "i0" is a NX x NX reference image
% "flat" is a vector containing the flat fields for all Nsubap subapertures.
% It is optional if a separate reference image is created for each
% subaperture independently.
function slopes = cor(im, i0, flat);
% Fourier transform for making cross-correlation function (CCF)
ffttemp = fft(i0*flat(l),[],1);
ffttemp = fft(ffttemp,[],2);
ffttemp = conj(ffttemp);
for l=1:nsub
fftref = fft(im(:,:,l),[],1);
fftref = fft(fftref,[],2).*ffttemp;
corim(:,:,l) = ifft(fftref,[],1);
corim(:,:,l) = ifft(corim(:,:,l),[],2);
corim(:,:,l) = ifftshift(fftshift(real(corim(:,:,l)),1),2);
frac=0.2; % frac=0.2 and thresh=0 because correlation image has high S/N
% drizzle returns a reference image "i0" that is the average of many
% subapertures that have been shifted and resampled to a higher resolution.
% "im" is a set of subaperture images from several phase screens. It has
% dimensions Npix x Npix x Nsubap x NphaseScreens
% "back" is the average background flux per pixel (double).
% "flux" is the flux of the image per subaperture (double).
% "RN" is the readnoise (double).
% "binFac" is the amount by which the original image is binned (int). This
% won't be used for the real WFS.
% "binDriz" is the amount by which the resolution of the drizzled image is
% increased (int). In practice, it doesn't make sense for binDriz>2.
% NOTE: drizzle creates a single reference image to be used with every
% subaperture. It could be easily modified to create a reference image for
% each subaperture separately.
function i0 = drizzle(im,back,flux,RN,binFac,binDriz);
npix=size(im,1); % assumes square subapertures
i0=zeros(npix/binFac*binDriz); % The original high resolution image from
% the simulation will be binned by binFac and then drizzled
% to a higher resolution. For the real system, binFac=1.
for k=1:nscreen
% The following 4 lines just scale the highly sampled no-noise spot images
% to the proper spatial resolution and flux level and determines the noise.
% Just needed for simulation.
bin = bin_im(im(:,:,:,k),binFac);
total = median(sum(sum(bin)));
bin = bin*flux/total+back;
noise = addnoise(bin,RN);
% The following uses fCOG, but one could use correlation centroiding with a
% stale reference image as well
% bin+noise is what comes off the camera naturally. back is measured.
% Take the images and block-replicate them by a factor binDriz
block = blkrep(bin+noise-back,binDriz);
% Shift and sample the block images.
for j=1:nsub
% coadd all shifted and resampled spot images onto i0.
% xyshift shifts and resamples an image onto a new image of the same resolution
% "final" is the new shifted image with same dimensions as "im"
% "im" is Npix x Npix x Nsubap in size
% "slopes" is a 2 x Nsubap vector containing the pixel centers in x and then
% y for each subaperture.
function final = xyshift(im,slopes)
for l=1:nsub
for j=1:npix
for k=1:npix
if a>1
elseif a<0
if b>1
elseif b<0
% Check that centers are within subaperture
if m>0&&m<npix&&n>0&&n<npix