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The Atmosphere
Section 1: Characteristics of the Atmosphere
Layers of the Atmosphere
A. Almost all weather occurs in the troposphere
 Troposphere
B. The troposphere gets cooler with increasing altitude
C. Colder air can become trapped beneath warm air
 Temperature inversion
D. The stratosphere gets warmer with increasing altitude
 Stratosphere
 Ozone
E. The mesosphere and thermosphere exhibit extremes of
 Mesosphere
 Thermosphere
F. The Ionosphere is used in radio communication
G. The ionosphere is where auroras take place
Changes in Earth’s Atmosphere
A. Photosynthetic plants contribute oxygen to the atmosphere
B. Animals produce carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis
C. Man-made chemicals can deplete the ozone layer
D. The greenhouse effect keeps Earth warm
 Greenhouse effect
E. Increased levels of carbon dioxide may lead to global warming
Section 2: Water and Wind
The Water Cycle
 Water cycle
A. Evaporated water vapor condenses to form precipitation
 Transpiration
 Precipitation
B. Air contains varying quantities of water vapor
 Humidity
C. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water
D. Water vapor becomes liquid at dew point
 Dew point
E. Clouds form as warm, moist air rises
F. Cloud names describe their shape and altitude
G. Cloud names reflect combined characteristics
Air Pressure
 Barometric pressure
A. Barometers measure air pressure
A. Differences in pressure create winds
B. Earth’s rotation effects the direction of winds
 Coriolis effect
C. Predictable air circulation forms wind patterns
D. Global wind patterns form circulation cells
Section 3: Weather and Climate
 Air masses
Fronts and Severe Weather
 Front
A. There are three types of fronts
B. Lighting is a discharge of atmospheric electrical energy
C. Tornados are funnels of high-speed wind
D. Hurricanes are large storm systems
 Climate
A. Temperatures tend to be higher close to the equator
B. Earth’s tilt and rotation account for our seasons
C. Earth’s surface features affect climate
 Topography
D. Global climate changes over time