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SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8 (SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8)
1. Why did the United States begin to send advisers and troops to Vietnam in the 1950s?
A. to prepare for the United States invasion of Laos
B. to defend American bases in the Gulf of Tonkin
C. to help the South Vietnamese revolt against the French
D. to prevent the spread of communism into South Vietnam
2. During the 1950s, how did the United States Supreme Court become involved with segregation in public schools?
A. by writing laws that made segregation in public schools illegal
B. by allowing the president of the United States to declare segregation in public schools illegal
C. by ruling in several cases that segregation in public schools was illegal
D. by supporting an amendment to the Constitution to make segregation in public schools illegal
3. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks were part of what movement in the 1950s and 1960s?
A. the free silver movement
B. the civil rights movement
C. the urban renewal movement
D. the anti-immigration movement
4. The United States space exploration that began in the 1960s caused which of these industries to grow rapidly?
A. automobile
B. petroleum
C. computer
D. chemical
5. What role did the Civil Rights movement play in the lives of African Americans during the 1950s?
A. It provided most African Americans with jobs.
B. It encouraged African Americans to travel overseas.
C. It provided most African Americans with housing.
D. It encouraged African Americans to work toward equal rights.
6. The United States space program has benefited other things besides space travel. Some products that benefited
from the space program were
A. automobiles and railroads.
B. airplanes and ships.
C. tape recorders and record players.
D. computers and heat-resistant materials.
SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8 (SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8)
7. The following events took place in the twentieth century.
1. Cold War
2. World War II
3. Breakup of the Soviet Union
What is the correct order of these events?
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 3, 2, 1
C. 2, 1, 3
D. 2, 3, 1
8. Which was a major aim of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning segregation?
A. to encourage African Americans to seek employment
B. to end segregation laws that caused inequality
C. to ensure that all African Americans joined the NAACP
D. to allow buses to have assigned seats for all passengers
9. The Cold War was a time of tension between the United States and the former Soviet Union. In 1962, the United
States was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Which was the importance of this event?
A. The United States wanted the former Soviet Union to provide aid to Cuba.
B. The United States attacked Cuba.
C. The United States wanted the former Soviet Union to remove missiles from Cuba.
D. The United Stated placed missiles in Cuba.
10. Beginning in the 1950s, the United States became involved in Vietnam, which was divided into two countries.
North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was non-communist. Why was there fighting in Vietnam?
A. North Vietnam wanted to combine all of Vietnam under communism.
B. The Soviet Union wanted to make South Vietnam a colony.
C. North Vietnam wanted to change its communist government.
D. Communist China wanted to make South Vietnam a colony.
11. The Vietnam War began in the 1950s, and it did not end until 1975. What were the results of the war?
A. The Soviet Union made South Vietnam a colony.
B. All of Vietnam became communist.
C. The United States made South Vietnam a U.S. territory.
D. All of Vietnam became non-communist.
12. In the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others led nonviolent protests, like marches to gain civil
rights for African Americans. How did protesting help African Americans gain their civil rights?
A. Army soldiers protected civil rights protestors from violence.
B. Civil rights protestors collected money to help fight discrimination.
C. Protesters sought to bring people together to solve differences.
D. Congress passed a law forbidding civil rights protestors to use violence.
SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8 (SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8)
13. Monroe Elementary School, in Topeka, Kansas, played an important role in the landmark Supreme Court case,
Brown vs. Board of Education. How did the Brown vs. Board of Education decision affect the Civil Rights
A. It led to more limits on the rights of African Americans.
B. It led to the integration of public schools.
C. It led to the removal of African Americans from public schools.
D. It led to the continuation of segregated public schools.
SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8 (SocialStudiesHistorySS5H8)
Answer Key
1. D) to prevent the spread of communism into South Vietnam
2. C) by ruling in several cases that segregation in public schools was illegal
3. B) the civil rights movement
4. C) computer
5. D) It encouraged African Americans to work toward equal rights.
6. D) computers and heat-resistant materials.
7. C) 2, 1, 3
8. B) to end segregation laws that caused inequality
9. C) The United States wanted the former Soviet Union to remove missiles from Cuba.
10. A) North Vietnam wanted to combine all of Vietnam under communism.
11. B) All of Vietnam became communist.
12. C) Protesters sought to bring people together to solve differences.
13. B) It led to the integration of public schools.