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Goal 11 Study Guide
McCarthyism and the Start of the Cold War
Why was HUAC created?
Why was Hollywood a target of anti-communist investigations by Congress
Why did the cases of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg increase the anti-communist mood of the early 1950s?
What finally brought down Joe McCarthy?
What was the foreign policy of brinkmanship?
How was brinkmanship different than the policy of containment?
How is the Warsaw Pact different from NATO:
What the Eisenhower Doctrine?
What did the Soviets do on October 4, 1957?
How did the U-2 flight of Francis Gary Powers influence U.S.-Soviet relations?
The Civil Rights Movement
1. Thurgood Marshall
2. de facto segregation
3. Malcolm X
4. freedom riders
5. de jure segregation
6. Black Power
7. Civil Rights Act of 1964
8. James Meredith
Which doctrine relating to public education was overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the founder and first president of which important organization?
List at least three people or organizations associated with the Black Power movement?
What is the goal of affirmative action?
Who refused to give up her seat to a white person in Montgomery, Alabama?
Where did the first sit-ins for civil rights take place?
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 withdraw?
What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1968?
The 60s and Vietnam
How did John F. Kennedy differ from other recent presidents of the United States?
Why did the Bay of Pigs invasion humiliate the United States?
What were the effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
How did the Great Society address the problem of poverty in the U.S.?
Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 such an important piece of legislation?
Write the letter of the name next to the description that explains it best
a. reapReapportionment
____1. extended health insurance to the elderly
b. FidFidel Castro
____2. barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere
c. MeMedicare
____3. redrawing of election districts
e. LynLyndon B. Johnson
____4. leader of Cuba
f. FlexFlexible Response
____5. succeeded Kennedy as president
g. BerlBerlin Wall
____6. reliance on conventional rather than nuclear warfare
h. LimLimited Test Ban Treaty
____7. barrier between East and West Berlin
a. New Left
b. Ho Chi Minh
____1. Leader of North Vietnam
e. African Americans
____2. Served in disproportionate number in the Vietnam War
____3. Nixon’s policy of leaving Vietnam and letting the South
Vietnamese fight
____4. The growing youth movement of the 1960s
f. Kent State
____5. Granted LBJ broad military powers in Vietnam
g. Vietnamiation
h. Tonkin Gulf
____6. Four students killed in anti-war protest in 1970
c. The War Power Act
____7. Legislation passed by congress to limit presidential power