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Review for Minerals
1. List the 4 most abundant elements in the earth’s crust.
2. What is the silicate tetrahedron?
3. Define mineral.
4. Rocks are made of __________
5. How are minerals classified into mineral groups?
6. List the 7 different mineral groups and how they are classified
Silicates –
Oxides -
Sulfates -
Carbonates -
Sulfides -
Halides –
Native List the group that each of the following minerals:
Quartz – SiO2
Halite – NaCl
Graphite – C
Calcite – CaCO3
olivine -(Mg,Fe)2SiO4
Galena – PbS
Chalcopyrite – CuFeS2
Gypsum – CaSO4- H2O
Barite – BaSO4
Fluorite - CaF2
Biotite – K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2
Gold – Au
Pyrite – FeS2
Dolomite – CaMg(CO3)2
Feldspar – KAlSi3O8
Sphalerite – ZnS
Cinnabar – HgS
Magnetite Fe3O4
Copper - Cu
Mineral Properties:
7. Define the following:
a. streak
b. luster
( review the terms used to describe luster)
Hematite – Fe2O3
Anhydrite – CaSO4
c. hardness
(review Mohs scale and the items used to determine hardness)
d. cleavage
(review the terms used to describe cleavage)
e. fracture
(review the terms used to describe fracture)
f. specific gravity
(review the formula for density)
g. crystal form
(review the 6 crystal forms) see **Crystal Forms Practice Sheet
8. What does the axis indicate about the growth of a crystal?
9. What is the most common crystal system?
10. Define gemstone.
11. What determines if a stone is considered a precious gemstone?
. . . a semi-precious gemstone?
12. List the 4 major precious gemstones.
13. Describe the difference between:
Natural gemstones –
Synthetic gemstones –
Imitation gemstones -