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Test 2 – Minerals Test Study Guide
1. What are the five characteristics of minerals? Explain what each characteristic means.
2. What are the different ways you can identify a mineral? Explain how each one works.
3. Explain how to use the Moh’s Hardness Scale.
4. What is the softest mineral on the Moh’s Scale?
5. What is the hardest mineral on the Moh’s Scale?
6. How do minerals form?
7. What are the three ways to mine for minerals and explain each process?
8. What are some of the uses of minerals?
9. What type of crystal structure does halite have?
10.Explain how magma cooling rates produce different crystal sizes.
11.What is a vein?
12.What is an ore?
13.What is a gemstone?
14.Why are metals useful for making tools?
15.What is an alloy?
16.Where do minerals form?
17.What is smelting?
18.What is the purpose of smelting?
19.What is the mineral quartz used to make?
20.What is the difference between cleavage and fracture?