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History of the United States (1945–64) wikipedia , lookup

____1. What does demobilization refer to?
a. calling a cease fire.
b. allowing veterans to retire on a pension.
c. reducing the size of the armed forces.
d. giving job preference to veterans.
____2. The Taft-Hartley Act tended to favor?
a. labor.
b. employers.
c. veterans.
d. civil rights' activists.
____3. Under the Truman Doctrine, the U.S.:
a. helped free peoples resist soviet aggression.
b. sent economic aid to Soviet citizens.
c. blockaded Berlin.
d. supported satellite countries that rebelled.
____4. The purpose of the Loyalty Review board was to:
a. look for radicals in government.
b. investigate communist influence in the entertainment industry.
c. test the loyalty of American members of the Communist Party.
d. investigate Joseph McCarthy.
____5. The Senate agreed to U.S. participation in NATO because:
a. China was a member.
b. China was not a member.
c. others would then share the burden of the Cold War.
d. it would provoke an arms race with the Soviet Union.
____6. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg were charged with helping Soviet scientists build:
a. modern factories.
b. an atomic bomb.
c. missile submarines.
d. advanced warplanes.
____7. The major economic problem of the postwar period was:
a. inflation.
b. deflation.
c. depression.
____8. After the war, labor unions:
a. greatly increased their power.
c. fought to help women keep their jobs.
d. recession.
b. faced powerful conservative opposition.
____9. Truman won a "miraculous" election because:
a. Dewey lacked confidence.
b. he promised the end of New Deal policies.
c. labor union members, farmers, & Black Americans voted Democrat.
____10. The Marshall Plan:
a. was designed to give economic aid to allies in Western Europe.
b. was opposed by those who wanted to contain the Soviets.
c. resulted in the establishment of the state of Israel.
____________11. proposals that called for expanding Social Security, increasing the minimum
wage, and full time employment.
____________12. Represented all nations - "the town meeting of the world"
____________13, Military alliance between the U.S. & Western Europe.
____________14. Intended to be the policy authority of the world.
____________15. Continuing rivalry between the Soviet Union & the U.S.
Security Council
General Assembly
Cold War
Fair Deal
____16. Dwight Eisenhower became President when FDR died.
____17. Under the Yalta agreements, the Soviet Union was to allow free elections in Poland.
____18. Harry Truman took a laissez-faire approach with the Russians.
____19. Americans let the West German economy weaken in order to create a barrier against
future Soviet expansion.
____20. At first President Truman wanted U.S. troops to remain in Europe after the war.
____21. Thousands of women lost their jobs when the veterans returned home.
____22. Unemployment proved to be the biggest postwar problem.
____23. The Truman Doctrine was developed to counteract communist intervention in Poland &
____24. Joseph Stalin airlifted supplies to West Berlin to challenge the Marshall Plan.
____25. A government on Taiwan was established by Chinese Communists in 1949.
____26. Leader of Nationalist China
____27. Leader of Communist China
____28. Secretary of State who proposed a program of economic aid for Europe
____29. Ordered Berlin airlift
____30. Republican candidate for President in 1948
Harry Truman
Chaing kai-shek
Strum Thurmond
George Marshall
Thomas Dewey
Mao tse-tung
After World War II, what actions within the United States resulted from fear of communism?
Why did Americans fear subversive activities in the late 1940's? What actions were taken?
____1. What does demobilization refer to?
a. calling a cease fire.
b. allowing veterans to retire on a pension.
c. reducing the size of the armed forces.
d. giving job preference to veterans.
____2. The purpose of the Loyalty Review board was to:
a. look for radicals in government. b. investigate Joseph McCarthy.
c. investigate communist influence in the entertainment industry.
d. test the loyalty of American members of the Communist Party.
____3. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg were charged with helping Soviet scientists build:
a. modern factories.
b. an atomic bomb.
c. missile submarines.
____________4. proposals that called for expanding Social Security, increasing the minimum
wage, and full time employment.
____________5. Military alliance between the U.S. & Western Europe.
____________6. Intended to be the policy authority of the world.
____________7. Continuing rivalry between the Soviet Union & the U.S.
Security Council
General Assembly
Cold War
Fair Deal
____8. Dwight Eisenhower became President when FDR died.
____9. Thousands of women lost their jobs when the veterans returned home.
____10. The Truman Doctrine was developed to counteract communist intervention in Poland &
____________11. Leader of Nationalist China
____________12. Leader of Communist China
____________13. Secretary of State who proposed a program of economic aid for Europe
____________14. Ordered Berlin airlift
____________15. Republican candidate for President in 1948
Harry Truman
Strum Thurmond
Thomas Dewey
Mao tse-tung
Chaing kai-shek
George Marshall
16. The _________________ was developed to counteract communist activities in Greece.
17. The ______________________ gave Western Europe loans and economic aid.
18. The ___________________ provided veterans with money for education.
19. Business leaders opposed Truman because he favored the labor bill, the
_________________ Act.
20. Goods were airlifted to _______________ when the Soviets blockaded the city.