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Biology 3B - Lab Practical #1
Prokaryotes and water quality:
o Be able to distinguish between 3 basic morphologies: bacillus, coccus and spirillum.
 Be able to distinguish if the morphologies are strepto- or staphyloo Be able to interpret the Presumptive test. What’ constitutes a positive result?
 Be able to determine the most probable number if given the chart
 Be able to identify Escherichia coli from the EMB plate
o Be able to identify hyphae, mycelium, sporangium, sporangiophores, conidia, conidiaphores, spores
o Be able to determine when a fungi cell is haploid, diploid or heterokaryotic (dikaryotic)
o Zygomycetes – be able to identify and know the functions of the following:
 Rhizoids, hyphae, sporangiophore, sporangium, gametatangia, zygospore, zygosporangium
o Ascomycetes - be able to identify and know the functions of the following:
 Ascocarp, ascus (asci), ascosportes, apothecium, perithecium, cleistothecium, conidiospore, conidia
 Claviceps – ascocarp, perithecium, ascus (asci), ascospores
 Peziza slide– ascocarp, apothecium, ascus, ascospores
 Penicillum (live & slide) – Genus name, conidiophore, conidia, mycelium, spores, economic value
 Aspergillus (live & slide)– Genus name, conidiophore, conidia, mycelium, spores, economic value
 Saccharomyces – know the species and economic value
o Basidiomycetes - be able to identify and know the functions of the following
 Fresh mushroom - basidiocarp, pileus, stipe, gills, annulus, basidium, basidiospores
 Coprinus slide – basidiocarp, pileus, stipe, gills, basidium, basidiospores
 Puccinia slide – aecia, aceiospores, uredia, urediospores, telia, teliospores, know the season and
type of plant associated with each
o Deuteromycetes –
 Candida albicans slide – know where to find, economic importance
o Lichens – be able to differentiate between crustose, foliose and fruticose lichen morphologies, symbiotic
relationship between which to organisms?
Protists – 4 supergroups
o NOTE: marine brown, red & green algae will be studied at the tidepools (not on practical #1)
o Be able to ID, know structures & functions, where found, any economic importance, diseases if any,
o Excavata:
 Euglena (live & slide): genus, nucleus, eyespot, flagellum
 Trypanosoma (slide): genus, diseases caused, location, vector
o “SAR” – Stramenopiles
 Diatoms slide – ID to common name, where found, test compisition
o “SAR” – Alveolates
 Dinoflagellate (Ceratium slide) – ID to common name, flagellar groove, flagella
 Paramecium, Blepharisma & Stentor(live & slides) – ID to genus, cilia, macronucleus, micronuclei,
o “SAR” – Rhizarians
 Radiolarians & foraminiferan slides: ID to common name, test composition
o Archeoplastida:
 Volvox (live & slide): ID to genus, daughter colonies
o Unikonta:
 Amoeba (live & slide): ID to genus, vacuoles, pseudopodia, nucleus, plasmalemma (membrane)
Invertebrates I (taxonomy, structure & functions, some genera)
 Ph. Porifera
 Scypha/Grantia slides: ostia, spongocoel, osculum, choanocytes, amoebocytes, spicules,
 Look at the live species (formerly living)
 Ph. Cnidaria
 Cl. Hydrozoa: polyp & medusa stages
o Hydra slide – oral, aboral, gastrovascular cavity, ectoderm, endoderm
(gastrodermis), tentacles, cnidocytes, nematocysts
o Gonionemus (jar specimen) – exumbrella, subumbrella, velum, manubrium, ring &
radial canals, tentacles, statocysts, gonads
 Cl. Scyhozoa
o Aurelia specimen - exumbrella, subumbrella, ring & radial canals, tentacles,
statocysts, gonads
 Cl. Anthozoa
o Know representative members: sea anemone & corals, symbiotic relationships?
 Dissection: oral disc, mouth, tentacles, pedal disc, pharynx, gastrovascular
 Ph. Platyhelminthes (flatworm lifestyle: free-living or parasitic)
 Cl. Turbellaria
o Dugesia (slide): ID, common name, eye spots, pharynx, mouth, intestines, lifestyle
 Cl. Trematoda
o Clonorchis slide: ID, genus, intermediate host, location in final host, oral & ventral
suckers, testes and uterus, how acquired
o Fasciola slide: ID, genus, intermediate host, location in final host, oral & ventral
suckers, testes and uterus, how acquired
o Schistosoma slide: ID, genus, intermediate host, location in final host, oral & ventral
suckers, testes and uterus, how acquired, gynecophoric canal
 Cl. Cestoda
o Tapeworms: ID to common name, scolex, proglottids, how acquired
 Ph. Mollusca
 Foot, mantle, visceral mass, shell, radula
 Cl. Polyplacophora
o Chiton: common name, where found, lifestyle, foot, mantle, mouth, dorsal plates
 Cl. Gastropoda
o common name, where found, lifestyle, foot
 Cl. Bivalvia
o Know common and representatives
o Clam anatomy/dissection: umbo, anterior/posterior, adductor muscles (scars on
shell), pallial line, mantle, nacreous, foot, labial palps, intestines, gonads, gills, heart
 Cl. Cephalopoda
o Squid, octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus – examples
 Squid dissection: 8 arms with suckers, two tentacles with suckers, mantle,
lateral fins, eyes, siphon, systemic heart, 2 brachial hearts, gills, pen, beak
Invertebrate II
Ph. Annelida (know some representatives, structure & function)
 Cl. Polychaeta
o Common name, ID head, jaws, tentacles, parapodium (function), setae, found
 Cl. Oligochaeta
o Common name, ID clitellum, anterior/posterior, lifestyle, found
 Cl. Hirundinea
o Common name, lifestyle, oral & posterior suckers
Ph. Nematoda (ID to genus, how infected, location, etc.)
 Ascaris – differentiate between males and females
 Trichinella
 Necator
 Enterobius
Ph. Arthropoda
 Subphylum Trilobita
o ID common, head, thorax, abdomen
 Subphylum Cherlicerata (chelicerae, pedipalps & 4 prs walking legs, cephalothorax &
o Cl. Merostomata: horseshoe crab
 ID common name, where found, carapace, simple eyes, compound eyes,
telson, chelicerae, pedipalps, walking legs, genital operculum, book gills,
o Cl. Pycnogonida – sea spiders
o Cl. Arachnida – spiders, ticks/mites, scorpions, harvestmen
 ID to common name, chelicerae, pedipalps, walking legs
 Spiders: spinnerettes
 Scorpion: stinger,
 Tick/mites
 Subphylum Crustacea
o Cl. Branchiopoda – water fleas plus others
o Cl. Maxillopoda – copepods & barnacles (tidepools)
 Common name for various barnacles (acron, gooseneck, buckshot, etc.)
o Cl. Malacostraca – isopods/pill bugs, krill, crabs/shrimp/lobster/crayfish/ etc
 Crayfish: ID antennules, antennae, mandible, cheliped, swimmerets,
uropod, telson,
 Subphylum Uniramia
o Cl. Chilopoda – centipedes (common name, lifestyle, 1 pr of legs/body segment)
o Cl. Diplopoda – millipedes (common name, lifestyle, 2 prs of legs/body segment)
o Cl. Insecta
 Be able to ID head (antennae, compound eyes, ocelli), thorax (wings (elytra),
legs, abdomen (ovipositor, tympanum, spiracles) on a variety of insects
 Mouth parts: chewing, sponging/lapping, siphoning, piercing/sucking
Ph. Onyhophora: velvet worms: common name & lifestyle
Ph. Echinodermata (will cover at tidepools)
 Cl. Asteroidea – sea stars
o Common name, oral/aboral surfaces, central disk, arms, eyespot, spines,
pedicellariae, madreporite, ambulacral grooves, tube feet
Cl. Ophiuroidea – brittle/basket stars
o Common name, madreporite,
Cl. Echinoidea – sea urchins, sand dollars
o Common name, madreporite, ambulacral groove, spine tubercle, tube feet,
Aristotle’s lantern
Cl. Holothuroidea – sea cucumbers: common name
Cl. Crinoidea – sea lilies, feather stars: common name