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Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

History of Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Ch 1 Sec 2 reg
The Neolithic Revolution
Agriculture is the huge change during this time period & domestication of animals is a result
Growing Crops
Southwest Asia- wheat, barley, pigs, cows, goats, sheep—this spread to Southeast Europe by 4000bc
Egypt- wheat, barley—this spreads to the rest of Africa
Central Africa- yams and tree crops like bananas
Southeast Asia- rice in 5000bc
Mexico- beans, squash, maize 7000-5000bc
Neolithic Farming Villages
Jericho- in Palestine around 8000bc
Catal Huyuk- 32 acres of enclosed walls, located in Turkey, probably around 6000 people, walked on roofs to get
into their houses, had artisans that made weapons & jewelry, had a special building for Gods & Goddesses
Consequences of Revolution
Longevity, organization of community, trade, specialization, division of labor, woven cloth, roles of men and
women were defined—men work and women stay home
End of Neolithic Age
Metal improved the lives of these people—you can mold metal, copper firstthen bronzethen iron
Characteristics of a Civilization
Cities, government, religion, social structure, writing, & art
Growth of Government
Organize to regulate human activity, started with kings who had armies to defend the cities and enforce the laws
Used to explain nature, tried to please gods with rituals usually done by priests, rulers said they had divine
New Social Structure
Top- rulers, priests, government officials, warriors
Middle-farmers, artisans, craftspeople
Bottom- slaves
Upper class people wanted luxury items so trade between cities began to emerge & this began the transfer of
ideas from region to region
Rulers, priests, merchants, artisans used writing to keep records but then people began to use it for creative
Used in pyramids, painting, sculptures
Chapter2 section 1 regular
Impact of Geography
Farming in Mesopotamia only done when irrigation controlled river, Sumerians are the creators of the first
Mesopotamian civilization
City-State of Ancient Mesopotamia
Early city states Eridu, Ur, Uruk
Sumerian cities
They built their buildings with mud bricks
Gods, Goddesses, & Rulers
Biggest building in the city was the one dedicated to the chief god/goddess, temples controlled the cities
economically / physically / politically, priest &priestess had great power but eventually kings emerged to lead
armies / building works /organize irrigation projects
Economy & Society
Was built on farming which lead to trade & industry and they were well known for their metal work, three major
social groups- nobles / commoners/slaves, nobles- royal / priestly / govt official families commoners- farmers /
merchants/fishers/crafts 90% were farmers slaves- used for building/weaving cloth/grinding grain/farming land
Empires in Ancient Mesopotamia
Around 2340bc Sargon leader of the Akkadians set up first empire in region and it lasted until 2100bc, 1792
Hammurabi took control from Babylon
The Code of Hammurabi
Punishment was cruel and harsher on the lower class, “An eye for an Eye, a tooth for a tooth”, officials were held
accountable for the people their regionlosing their job or being fined if they didn’t do their job, marriage was
arranged, men controlled society and women has less rights
Importance of Religion
Had 3000 gods, believed humans were on earth to do manual labor for the gods
Creativity of the Sumerians
They have the oldest form of writing cuneiform
Writing & Literature
Wealthy upper class boys became scribes and then leaders, Epic of Gilgamesh was written during this time
Sumerian Technology
Wagon wheel, sundial, arch, bronze, metalwork, math, astronomy
Chapter 2 section 2 reg
Impact of geography
Nile is the longest river in the world, yearly flooding left rich fertile soil, Egypt was stable due to natural defenses
Importance of religion
Gods were associated with heavenly bodies and natural forces, dead people were placed in tombs to be reborn like
the god Osiris
Course of Egyptian History
Divide into Old Kingdom-Middle Kingdom-New kingdom, history begins in 3100bc when Menes unites upper and
lower Egypt
Old Kingdom (2700-2200bc)
Rulers got the name pharaoh and were given absolute power, eventually Egypt was 42 provinces led by governors
that were responsible to the Pharaoh
Built as a monuments for dead Pharaohs, has a lot goods to help them travel through the afterlife, mummification is
used to slow the rotting process
Middle Kingdom (2050-1652bc)
Expansion and stability led to this period being referred to as the ‘Golden Age’, trade opened, Pharaoh no longer
seen as a god but as a Sheppard for the people to improve their public welfare, Egypt was overtaken by the Hyksos
for a short period of time
New Kingdom (1567-1085)
Became a military power due to the chariot they adopted from the Hyksos, Hatshepsut was the first female pharaoh,
Amenhotep introduces monotheism with Aton/Amon/Amon-re as his chief god, polytheism is restored after
Amenhotep’s death because the priests did not want monotheism
Society in Ancient Egypt
Upper class- pharaoh, nobles, priest
Middle class- merchants, artisans, scribes, tax collectors
Lower class- peasants, slaves
Daily Life
Married young 12 and 14, men were masters but women had rights
Writing & Education
In 3000bc hieroglyphics emerged, upper class males were the only people that were allowed to be educated (scribes)
Art & Science
Developed accurate 365 day calendar, doctors used splints/ bandages/ herbal medicine
Chapter 2 section 3
The role of nomadic peoples
People in settled communities saw nomads as hostile/ barbaric/ uncivilized, nomads would trade animals for grains/
vegetables, nomads helped create trade routes
The Phoenicians
Emerged as a power when Egypt & Hittites declined, were big in the trade market purple dye/ glass/ lumber,
improved their ships to increase trade, they were able to trade in the Mediterranean/ Britain/ Africa, they setup a
colony in Carthage, created an alphabet with 22 letters that went to the GreeksRomans America
The Children of Israel
They were a minor part of politics but Judaism flourished & influenced Christianity & Islam
The United Kingdom
Under King Solomon the Israelites rose to their highest power
The Divided Kingdom
Tension between the northern & southern tribes led to two separate kingdoms Kingdom of Israel (KOI) and
Kingdom of Judah (KOJ), in 722 the Assyrians took over KOI and sent people over their empire, KOJ lost power to
the Chaldeans and then the Persians who allowed them to return to the ruined Jerusalem, This movement changed
God’s role to creator of the world not just one land
Spiritual dimensions of Israel
One god who created all, nature was created by the one true god, believed prophets were on earth to be god’s voice,
prophets condemned luxury as a vice for the rich to control the poor, does not leave god’s will in the hands of the
Chapter 2 section 4
The Assyrian Empire
Started in 700bc, internal strife and resentment of Assyrian rule was their downfall, fell to the Chaldeans, had
efficient communication by using horses, a note could be sent and receive a reply within a week anywhere in the
empire, Ashurbanipal built one of the world’s first library at Nineveh, they were very ruthless they would destroy
lands they conquered as well as mutilate the people
The Persian Empire
Cyrus united the many groups in the area to start the empire, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, they respected
conquered people which allowed them to control conquered areas better, the Persian Empire expanded to become
the largest empire in the world
Structure of the Persian Empire
Divided into 20 provinces (satrapies) each of these having a governor (satrap), the satrap was in charge of collecting
taxes- keeping justice- maintaining security- and recruiting soldiers, roads allowed for communication to be
effective like the Assyrians, they built an empire on their army of professional soldiers, the immortals were the main
part of the army 20000 people and they never went below this number
The fall of the Persian Empire
Kings got more isolated and greedy this weakened the monarchy, Artaxerxes had 115 sons who mostly wanted
power and killed each other for power, Alexander the Great took over in 331bc
Persian Religion
Zoroastrianism Zoroaster was the founder and he taught good vs evil
Chapter 3 section 1 part 1
Land of India
Very diverse today about 110 languages are spoken in India, farmers have depended on monsoon rain to water the
crops, if rain comes too early/too late or too much/ too little crops are destroyed
India’s first civilization
There were thousands of small independent settlements in the Indus River valley
Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro
Harappa had 35000 people and Mohenjo-Daro had 35000-40000 people, Both used mud bricks for construction, the
cities and houses were built very similar in these two cities, both cities had public wells for water—drains for
wastewater from bathrooms—chutes for trash to go to the streets
Rulers & Economy
Believed in divine assistance like Egypt and Mesopotamia, Royal palace and holy temple were combined in one
building, economy was based on farming, traded a lot with Mesopotamia: copper/ lumber/ precious stones/ cotton/
luxury goods for food/ textiles
Controlled most of early India and were nomads known as Indo-Europeans
Way of life
Strong warriors, cleared jungles around Ganges and made farms with iron tools, developed writing in 1000bcSanskrit, early Indian life was a bunch of warring kingdoms
India’s Social Structure
Caste System- set of rigid social categories that determine occupation/ economic potential/ position in society, 4
major social classes (varnas), top 2 Brahmans (priest) Kshatriyas (warriors) bottom 2 Varisyas (commoners) Sudras
(peasants), Kshatriyas eventually had to find new employment and this allowed other people to join their varna,
Varisyas most people in this varna were merchants and farmers, Sudras were the bulk of the population and did
manual labor/ had limited rights, bottom of society not even considered a part of the varna system Untouchables,
they were about 5% of the population and did the degrading tasks like collecting trash/ handling the dead, they were
not considered humans and were considered harmful- no Indian would touch them or eat food that they touched
Chapter 3 section 1 part 2
Family in Ancient India
The ideal household would have three generations under one roof grandparent/ parent/ child, men were in control
and were the ones that could inherit property unless there was no son, women could not be priest & usually were not
educated, upper class men did not marry before they completed 12 years of school, Ritual of Suttee—women were
expected to jump into the fire of their burning dead husband
Believed in one god Brahman and you were supposed to seek ultimate reality, reincarnation is idea that the soul is
reborn in a different life form after death, Karma determines your form in the next life, Dharma also determines your
form in the next life but is expected more from the Brahmans
Rival of Hinduism, Siddhartha Gautma is the founder, he found enlightenment the true meaning of life and began
teaching it to others, denied the material world and once you can do this you get bodhi(wisdom), they believe in
reincarnation but reject the caste system, do not believe in worshipping gods