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7th Grade 3rd Quarter Benchmark Test
Study Guide
Air Pressure in the Earth’s Atmosphere1.
The interaction of air, water, and _sun causes weather.
_Radiation_is the transfer of energy in the form of rays or waves.
Conduction_ is the transfer of heat by the flow of a heated material.
The Sun is the source of all energy in our atmosphere.
In general, atmospheric pressure is greatest near earth’s surface and
_decreases as you move upward away from sea level.
6. Temperature in the thermosphere and exosphere are very warm.
7. There are _fewer molecules of air at high elevations, so air pressure is less.
8. The _troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere nearest to the Earth’s
9. The _stratosphere contains the highest concentration of ozone.
10.Electrically charged particles are found primarily in the _ionosphere.
Wind in the Earth’s Atmosphere
1. Areas of low-pressure usually have cloudy weather.
2. High pressure means good weather because_the air masses sink, making it
difficult for clouds to form.
3. Sea and land breeze are caused because the land heats and cools more quickly than
4. The Coriolis effect caused by the Earth’s rotation.
5. The westerlies are responsible for the movement of much of the weather across the
United States and Canada.
6. The air above the equator rises because it is low density and low pressure.
7. Cold air has more molecules occupying a cubic centimeter of space than warm air;
therefore, it has high pressure.
8. When cool, dense air from over the water flows inland, it’s called sea breeze.
9. The air flow of air caused by differences in heating and the Coriolis effect creates
distinct wind patterns on Earth’s surface.
10.Not all areas on the Earth’s surface receive the same amount of radiation because
Earth’s surface is curved.
Cloud formation and weather
1. When water droplets in a cloud combine, become too heavy, and fall to the ground as
rain, snow, sleet, or hail, we are experiencing precipitation.
2. A(n)air massis a large body of air that has the same properties as the Earth’s surface
over which it develops.
3. A violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path over land is a tornado.
4. Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor that air is holding
compared to the amount needed for saturation at a specific temperature.
5. Low, layered gray clouds that produce light precipitation are stratus clouds.
6. The boundary between cold and warm air masses is called a front.
7. When air contains as much moisture as possible at a specific temperature, it is at dew
point and saturated.
8. Precipitation and storms occur in low-pressure systems.
9. The temperature at which air is saturated and condensation forms is the dew point.
10.High, thin, white, feathery clouds containing air crystals are usually associated with fair
weather, but they can also indicate approaching storms. These clouds are called cirrus
11.A meteorologist studies and forecasts the weather using data gathered from many
12.Masses of puffy, white clouds, often with flat bases, that form when air currents rise are
called cumulus clouds.
13.To keep track of high and low pressure areas, weather maps are drawn with lines
connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure. These lines are called isobars.
14.Sleet forms when raindrops pass through a layer of freezing air near the Earth’s surface,
forming ice pellets.
15.Fog is a stratus cloud that forms near the ground.
16. Tornadoes can be produced by thunderstorms.
17.Water can form on grass in the early morning when the air is clear because the air near
the ground cools to its dew point.
18.Violent storms generally form along a cold front front.
19.Snow forms when the air temperature is below freezing and water vapor changes
directly to a solid.
20.Clouds form as warm air rises, expands, cools, and becomes saturated, and then water
vapor condenses into tiny drops, which collect.