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Identify the speaker, to whom they are speaking and the importance of the quote.
1."Now old desires doth in his death-bed lie -Chorus – speaking to audience – Romeo’s love
And young affection gapes to be his heir"
for Rosaline is dead, he now loves Juliet
2. "Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven – Romeo – Soliloquy – he’s watching Juliet on the
Having some business, do entreat her eyes balcony from the garden. Just after the party and
To twinkle in their spheres till they return" he is trying to get the nerve to speak to her
3. "What's in a name? That which is called rose – Juliet–Soliloquy – It does not matter what his
By any other name would smell as sweet." name is, she still loves him even though he’s a
4. "Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face – Juliet – Romeo– she blushes because of the
Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek
way Romeo professes his love to her
For that which thou has heard me speak tonight."
5. "0, mickle is the powerful grace that lies In plants, herbs, and stones and their true qualities.”
Friar Laurence – soliloquy – he is speaking about his plants and how they hold powerful
medicines in them
6. "Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here'. – Friar Laurence – Romeo – he can not believe
Is Rosaline that thou didst love so dear
Romeo has forgotten his “love” for Rosaline so
So soon forsaken?"
'7. ". . . but let me tell ye, if ye should lead her into a fool's paradise ... it were a very gross kind
of behavior... for the gentlewoman is young and therefore, if you should deal double with her,
truly it were an ill thing..."
Nurse – Romeo- telling him to be good to Juliet because she is young and his love had better
be true.
8. "Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee – Romeo –Tybalt – Dramatic Irony – Romeo does
Doth much excuse the appertaining rage
not want to fight Tybalt because he has just
to such a greeting -- villain am I none
married Juliet and he does not consider Tybalt
Therefore farewell, I see thou knowest me not."
his enemy because he is Juliet’s cousin
9. "Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to scratch – Mercutio – Romeo – he was fighting with
A man to death!. ... Why the devil came you
Tybalt and Romeo came between them and
Between us? I was hurt under your arm.
Mercutio was stabbed
10. ........................ "... And for that offense – Prince – Lord Montague – Because Romeo killed
Immediately do we exile him hence Tybalt, he is exiled/banished from Verona and your feud
I have an interest in your hates proceedings
has even affected me because I am related
My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding." to Mercutio
11. ..................................... "Come civil night
Thou sober-suited matron all in black.
And learn me how to lose a winning match
Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods."
Juliet – oliloquy – she is anxiously awaiting
the night to come so Romeo can return and
she can learn from the Nurse what plans
he has made for the two of them
12. "0 serpent heart hid in a flowering face - Juliet – Nurse – Juliet first hears about Romeo
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? ... killing Tybalt and denounces him – saying his evilness
Was ever book containing such vile matter was hidden by his beautiful face. She compares
So fairly bound?"
Romeo to a book, saying “don’t judge a book by its cover
13. "There is no world without Verona walls - Romeo –Friar Laurence – upon learning about his
But purgatory, torture, hell itself banishment from Verona, Romeo says he would rather be
Hence banished is banished from the world dead than be exiled from Verona because he can’t
And the world's exile is death.
be with Juliet anymore
14. ...................... "Hold thy desperate hand.Friar Laurence – Romeo – Romeo wants to kill
Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou art;
himself, Friar is very upset with this. He is
Thy tears are womanish, thy wild act denote the unreasonable fury of a beast." saying that
Romeo looks like a man but he cries like a woman and he should be thankful he has only
been exiled and not put to death.
15. "Madam, if you could find out but a man
Juliet –Lady Capulet – her mother wants to
To bear a poison, I would temper it;
take revenge on Romeo for Tybalt’s murder and
That Romeo should, upon receipt thereof, Juliet is trying to convince her mother that she
Soon sleep in quiet. 0 how my heart abhors hates Romeo for what he has done to her cousin
To hear him named and cannot come to him,
To wreak the love I bore my cousin
Upon his body that hath slaughtered him!"