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Secession and Fort Sumter
The Election of 1860
The issue of slavery split the __________________ party. Northern Democrats nominated
_________________________. Southern Democrats (vowed to uphold slavery) nominated
_______________________________. Moderated formed the _________________________ party and
nominated ________________________. They took no position on _______________________. The
republicans nominated ________________________________.
The Republicans platform was that _____________________ should be left _____________________
where it stood. They believed slavery should be excluded from _________________________. Many
southerners feared a republican victory would encourage _______________________________. The
vote went along _____________________lines. ______________________ name did not even appear
on the ballot in the southern states. Lincoln won every ______________ state.
Attempt at Compromise
The ________________ promised not to disturb _________________ where it existed. Many
_________________________ did not trust the _______________________________ to protect their
rights. ________________________________ South Carolina ___________________
The Confederacy
By February of 1861 ________________, ______________________, __________________,
______________________, __________________, and ____________________ (+ South Carolina) had
seceded. On February 4th delegates from these states met to form a new ________________. The
___________________________________________ with __________________________ as their
president. Southerners justified secession with the theory of ________________________. They argued
that the states ___________________ entered the union.
Secession and Fort Sumter
Lincoln Takes Office
In his ______________________ Lincoln spoke to the _________________ states directly. Lincoln said
secession would not be ____________________. “The union of these states is perpetual forever”
Lincoln vowed to hold __________________________ in the south including _________________ and
___________________ installations.
Fort Sumter
Confederates forces started taking U.S. Forts within their _______________. Lincol did not want to start
a _________, but allowing the __________________ to keep them would amount to admitting their
right to ________________.
Fort Sumter Under Fire
_________________ opened fire on April 12th, 1861. High seas kept Union relief ships from reaching the
fort. Fort Sumter ___________________ on April 14th. __________ of shots were fired, but there was no
loss of ___________. President _______________ issued a call for troops and ________________
quickly signed up. Meanwhile ________________, __________________________, ________________,
and _________________ voted to join the _________________. The Civil War had Begun