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Chapter 45: Processing Food and Nutrition (Digestive System) – Guided Reading
1. Define and describe the following terms with thoughtful detail:
a. Nutrients
b. Nutrition
c. Ingestion
d. Digestion
e. Absorption
f. Egestion / elimination
g. Herbivores
h. Carnivores
2. List the order of organs through which food travels from ingestion to elimination.
3. What is the primary role of accessory organs? Name 3.
4. List as many details as you can for the following digestive organs:
a. Mouth
i. Teeth
ii. Salivary glands
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Stomach
i. Rugae
ii. Gastric glands
1. Parietal cells
2. Chief cells
a. Pepsinogen
b. Pepsin
iii. Protective mechanisms of stomach
1. Cells of gastric mucosa
2. Epithelial cells of lining
3. Peptic ulcer
iv. Chyme
v. Pylorus
e. Small intestine
i. 3 parts
ii. Lining – villi and microvilli
f. Liver
i. 6 functions
ii. Bile
g. Pancreas
i. Trypsin
ii. Chymotrypsin
iii. Pancreatic lipase
iv. Pancreatic amylase
v. Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease
h. Large intestine
i. Parts of
ii. Vermiform appendix
iii. Bacteria
iv. Elimination
v. Excretion
vi. Defecation
1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
5. Enzymatic Digestion
a. Briefly describe how carbohydrates are broken down with the help of amylase and maltase.
Where does this happen?
b. Describe how proteins are broken down. Make sure to list the enzymes involved and what
they do specifically - (trypsin, enterokinase, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, pepsin,
c. Describe how fats (triacylglycerols) are digested – where and how? (Lipase, bile salts,
emulsification, etc.)
6. What are the fates of different nutrients after they are digested?
a. Carbohydrates
i. Fiber
ii. Too many carbs
b. Lipids
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins
7. Define and discuss:
a. Metabolic rate
b. Basal metabolic rate