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Myth Vocabulary: Week 2
1. morphine: a drug that causes sleep & relieves pain. Derived from the god Morpheus, the god of
dreams who is also associated with sleep.
2. calliope: a musical instrument. Calliope was one of the 9 muses who inspired art, music, & poetry.
3. narcissistic: conceited/self-centered. Narcissus was an attractive boy who fell in love with his own
reflection and died because he refused to ever leave it.
4. mercurial: quick to change or do the unexpected. Mercury is the Roman name for Hermes, the
messenger god who is swift of foot.
5. hypnosis: a sleeplike condition that can be artificially induced in people. Hypnos, the father of
Morpheus, is the god of sleep.
6. hermetic: an air tight seal. The god Hermes has the duty of bringing souls to the underworld.
Once a soul goes into the underworld, it can never return to the living world; it is “sealed” in the
underworld forever.
7. nectar: sweet or much appreciated drink. The name of the drink the gods on Mr. Olympus
regularly enjoyed.
8. chimerical: wildly unrealistic or improbable. A fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology with a
lion’s head, goat’s body, and serpent’s tail! (Hard to believe, right? Hence, the definition.)
9. daedal: skillful, creative, or inventive. Daedalus was a famous Greek craftsman & inventor.
10. muse: a source of inspiration. The 9 “muses” were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; they
inspired and presided over the different creative arts.