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Focus on Viruses p. 1074-75
Focus on Viruses p. 1074-75
1. Name three places viruses can lurk.
Computer keyboards, bird droppings, & under the
2. Viruses are nonliving because they cannot do what
three things by themselves?
Grow, move, & reproduce
3. What three organisms can viruses invade?
Animals, plants, and bacteria
4. Name 4 of the 8 diseases listed that viruses can cause.
Chicken pox, warts, cold sores, common cold, rabies,
flu, hepatitis, and AIDS
5. How many viral particles can a single drop of blood
contain? Billions
6. Describe the structure of a virus.
They consist of a core of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed
in a protein coat called a capsid.
7. List an example of :
a) an animal virus: polio
b) a helical virus: tobacco mosaic virus
c) a enveloped virus: HIV
8. How does a bacteriophage infect a bacterium? It attaches to
it and then injects into the host cell
9. What does the Ebola virus do to humans? What strain is
considered one of the most deadly viruses known? It causes
massive internal bleeding; Zaire
Definitions p. 475 & 476
Virus: a disease causing particle
Host cell: a cell in which a virus replicates
Bacteriophage: a virus that infects bacteria
Capsid: A protein coat that encloses the
nucleic acid of virus