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BIOL 1010 – 2nd lecture test – SPRING 07 - 3:30
1. You need to flex your knees while standing for a long time so that:
A. blood will flow evenly through arteries
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged effectively in the capillaries in the legs
C. the lymph vessels in the legs will not be constricted
D. the skeletal muscles in the legs will push against the veins
2. When blood flows through the bicuspid valve it is next going to the:
A. right atrium
B. right ventricle
C. left atrium
D left ventricle
3. When air flows inward through the trachea it is next going into the:
A. bronchioles
B. bronchi
C. alveoli
D. nasal cavity
4. (T or F) Platelets have a round nucleus.
5. Ulcers are caused by:
A. stress
C. bacteria
B. blood clots
D. lymphatic blockage
6. Which of the following is an enzyme produced in the small intestine?
A. pepsin
B. bile
C. lactase
D. all of the above
7. Which of the following enzymes is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for
breaking proteins down?
A. pepsin
B. carboxypeptidase
C. maltase
D. lactase
8. Which of the following sphincters is located between the stomach and the small
A. pyloric sphincter
B. duodenal sphincter
C. cardiac sphincter
D. illeocecal valve
9. Salivary maltase breaks
A. maltose, glucose
C. proteins, amino acids
down into
B. starch, maltose
D. lactose, glucose
10. Which of the following is secreted by the gastric pits?
A. carboxypeptidase
B. bile
C. trypsin
D. pepsinogen
11. Which of the following molecules is broken down in the stomach?
A. fats
B. proteins
C. carbohydrates
D. all of the above
12. Which of the following organs does NOT dump secretions into the duodenum?
A. stomach
B. gallbladder
C. pancreas
D. spleen
13 Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic system?
A. returns water and solutes to circulation
B. produces red blood cells in embryos
C. takes pathogens to lymph nodes
D. detoxification of poisons
14. When blood initially is nearing the end of the capillary beds and about to enter the
venules, pressure in the capillaries is low and:
A. carbon dioxide and wastes flow into the capillaries
B. oxygen and nutrients leave the capillaries
C. salts and other solutes move out of the capillaries
D. blood is pushed directly into the veins
15. Which of the following is true of lymphocytes?
A. have a lobed nucleus
B. can be produced in the red bone marrow
C. are the smallest blood cells
D. have no nucleus
16. Which of the following is true of red blood cells?
A. carry oxygen
B. produced in the red bone marrow
C. carry carbon dioxide
D. all of the above
17. Which of the following white blood cells is responsible for attacking parasites and
now may cause oversensitivity in the respiratory system and possible lead to asthma?
A. eosinophils
B. basophils
C. neutrophils
D. lymphocytes
18. Which of the following represents repolarization of the atria on an ECG?
A. the P wave
B. the QRS wave
C. the T wave
D. repolarization of the atria cannot be seen on an ECG
19. Which of the following types of blood cells have a lobed nucleus?
A. erythrocytes
B. lymphocytes
C. monocytes
D. neutrophils
20. When blood flows through the aortic semilunar valve it is:
A. high in oxygen
B. contains the highest blood pressure found anywhere in the body
C. low in oxygen
D. has the lowest blood pressure found anywhere in the body
21.When blood flows through the tricuspid valve it will next enter the:
A. right ventricle
B. right atrium
C. left atrium
D. left ventricle
22. Of the following vessels where is blood pressure the lowest?
A. venules
B. arteries
C. arterioles
D. capillaries
23. The lowest blood pressure in the body is in the:
A. contracting ventricles
B. veins
C. relaxed ventricles
D. relaxed atria
24. The atrioventricular (av) node is located:
A. in the wall of the right atrium
B. in the wall of the left ventricle
C. in the wall of the left atrium
D. between the atria and the ventricles
25. A person that has type O blood will have
A. neither A or B
B. A
C. A and B
D. B
26. If a type O mother has a type B child, then the father could possibly be:
A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Type O
D. All of the above
27. (T or F) If an Rh+ mother and an RH- father have children, there is no chance that the
child could suffer from Erythroblastosis fetalis.
28. When blood enters the pulmonary trunk it:
A. is high in oxygen
B. is low in oxygen
C. is low in carbon dioxide D. will go next to the rest of the body
29. Which of the following is true of the heart?
A. Every impulse starts in the SA node
B. cardiac conduction cells do not contract
C. the impulse travels first through the atria and then through the ventricles
D. all of these are true
30. Proteins from the saliva of which of the following organisms are used in stroke
A. vampire bats
B. leeches
C. termites
D. weevils
31. Elephantiasis is caused by:
A. blocked capillaries in the circulatory system
B. lack of oxygen in the blood
C. accumulation of lymph fluid
D. tissue damage from white blood cells
32. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver?
A. produces trypsin
B. carbohydrate metabolism
C. produces bile
D. storage of vitamins
33. Which of the following is a function of the spleen?
A. produces bile
B. produce carboxypeptidase
C. produces red blood cells in embryos
D. removes proteins from the blood
34. Which of the following condition results from the inability of the circulatory system
to deliver oxygen to the fingers and toes?
A. elephantiasis
B. psittacosis
C. Cushing syndrome
D. clubbing
35. When the right atria contracts blood is next going to the:
A. right ventricle
B. pulmonary trunk
C. pulmonary veins
D. aorta
36. Which of the following vessels contain valves that prevent the backflow of blood?
A. arterioles
B. arteries
C. capillaries
D. veins
37. Which of the following types of strokes is caused by a blood vessel that bursts in the
A. ischemic
B. hemorrhagic
C. aneurysm
D. astringent
38. When blood flows through veins it will next flow into the:
A. venules
B. capillaries
C. arteries
D. heart
39. When blood flows leaves the left ventricle it is next going into the:
A. pulmonary trunk
B. left atria
C. pulmonary veins
D. aorta
40. If I were teaching this class I would:
A. probably teach something other than biology, sometimes it gets a little slow
A. declare no class on sunny days, or Thursday, or probably like the whole week before
spring break
A. have a public execution for the wombat
A. have little pillows strapped to the underside of the desks because it is late in the day
and sometimes I need a nap