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Chemistry--Unit 10: Chemical Periodicity
Test Review
alkali metal
alkaline earth metal
inner transition metal
ionization energy
noble gas
periodic law
representative element
transition metal
 s, p, d, and f block and what other names these areas are called (transition, inner
transition, representative elements, etc) (also alkali, alkaline earth, halogen, noble gas
 vertical = groups (families), horizontal = periods, and how these are numbered
 where electrons are lost from/added to in an atom when ions are formed
 be able to tell period and group for each element (lots of easy points!)
 trends in atomic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity and reasons for these
 why electronegativity and ionization follow same trend
 recall jumps in multiple ionization energies
 how to determine # of electrons in outermost energy level
 relationship between size of ions and the atoms from which they form
 noble gas characteristics
 be able to read electron configs to I.D. an element
 review lab questions
 be able to predict oxidation #’s for representative elements
Chemistry--Unit 10: Chemical Periodicity
Test Review
Answers to attached problems to try
1. groups
2. periods
3. atomic number
4. group
5. representative elements
6. noble or inert gases
7. transition metals
8. inner transition metals
9. p
10. partially filled
11. AT
12. NT
13. NT
14. AT
15. b
16. d
17. f
18. c
19. a
20. e
21. 3s1,3s2,3s23p1,3s23p2,3s23p3,3s23p4,3s23p5,3s23p6
22. N nonmetal gas, P nonmetal solid, As and Sb metalloid solid, Bi metal solid
1. decrease
2. increases
3. energy levels
4. charge
5. ionization
6. increases
7. electron
8. down a group
9. electronegativity
10. increases
11. AT
12. AT
13. ST
14. NT
15. c
16. e
17. a
18. d
19. b
20. a. Al b. S c. Br d. Na e. O
21. a. Ga b. O c. Cl d. Br
Chemistry--Unit 10: Chemical Periodicity
Test Review
Problems to try
I. Classification of the Elements
Part A Completion
The periodic table organized the elements into vertical __(1)__ and horizontal
__(2)__ in order of increasing __(3)__. The table is constructed so that elements that
have similar chemical properties are in the same __(4)__. The elements in Groups 1-2
and 13-18 are called the __(5)__. The __(6)__ make up group 18. The elements in
Groups 2 and 13 are interrupted in periods 4 and 5 by the __(7)__, and in periods 6 and 7
by the __(8)__.
The atoms of the noble gas elements have their outermost s and __(9)__ sublevels
filled. The outermost s and p sublevels of the rest of the representative elements are
1. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
7. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
8. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
9. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
10. ______________________________
Part B True-False--Use AT (always true), ST (sometimes true) or NT (never true)
11. ____________ The representative elements include the halogens.
12. ____________ Chlorine has the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p7.
13. ____________ The element in Group 14, period 3, is gallium.
14. ____________ There is a relationship between the electron configuration of elements
and their chemical and physical properties.
Part C Matching
15. _______ period
a. an element in which the outermost s and p
16. _______ inner transition metal
sublevels are filled
17. _______ representative element
b. a horizontal row on the periodic table
18. _______ transition metal
c. an element whose outermost s and nearby
19. _______ noble gas
d sublevel generally contain electrons
20. _______ group
d. an element whose outermost s and nearby
f sublevel generally contain electrons
e. a vertical column on the periodic table
f. an element whose outermost s and p
sublevels are only partially filled
Part D Short Answer
21. List the outer electron configurations for the atoms in period 3 from left to right.
22. List the elements of group 15. Tell whether each is a solid, liquid, or gas, at room
temperature; and whether it is a metal, non-metal, or metalloid.
Chemistry--Unit 10: Chemical Periodicity
Test Review
II. Periodic Trends
Part A Completion
Atomic radii generally __(1)__ as you move from left to right in a period. Atomic
size generally __(2)__ within a given group because there are more __(3)__occupied and
an increased shielding effect, despite an increase in nuclear __(4)__.
The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is known as the __(5)__
energy. This quantity generally __(6)__ as you move left to right across a period. The
size of an ion depends on whether the atom from which it formed gained or lost an
__(7)__. The ionic radius of anions and cations increases as you move __(8)__. The
ability of a bonded atom to attract electrons to itself is known as __(9)__, and this
quantity __(10)__ as you move from left to right across a period.
1. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
7. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
8. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
9. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
10. ______________________________
Part B True-False--Use AT (always true), ST (sometimes true) or NT (never true)
11. ____________ The radius of an atom cannot be measured directly.
12. ____________ Removing one electron from an atom results in the formation of a
positive ion with a +1 charge..
13. ____________ Electronegativity is measured on the Paulings scale.
14. ____________ Atoms with high electronegativity tend to form positive ions.
Part C Matching
15. _______ ionization energy
a. negatively charged ion
16. _______ electronegativity
b. when elements are arranged in order of
17. _______ anion
increasing atomic number, there is a
18. _______ cation
periodic pattern in their physical and
19. _______ periodic law
chemical properties
c. the energy required to overcome the
attraction of the nuclear charge and
remove an electron from an atom
d. positively charged ions
e. the tendency for the atoms of an element
to attract electrons when they are
chemically combined with another
Part D Short Answer
20. For the following pairs of atoms, tell which one of each pair has the largest ionic
a. Al, B__________________
d. Na, Al__________________
b. S, O___________________
e. O, F____________________
c. Br, Cl__________________
21. Indicate which element of the following pairs has the greater electronegativity.
a. calcium, gallium_______________
c. chlorine, sulfur_________________
b. lithium, oxygen________________
d. bromine, arsenic_______________