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Chapter 18 and 19 Take Home
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Bacteria lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles; therefore, they are classified as
a. prokaryotes.
c. anaerobes.
b. aerobes.
d. eukaryotes.
2. The cytoplasm of bacteria
a. contains numerous types of organelles.
b. is divided into compartments.
c. has varying numbers of chromosomes, depending on the species of bacteria.
d. contains a single chromosome.
3. Which of the following comparisons is incorrect?
circular chromosomes
binary fission
linear chromosomes
4. One difference between human body cells and bacterial cells is that bacterial cells have
a. an outer cell wall made up of phosphates.
b. a cell wall made up of peptidoglycan.
c. no DNA.
d. no ribosomes.
5. Structures found in a eukaryotic cell but not in a bacterial cell are
a. cell nuclei.
b. multiple chromosomes.
c. membrane-bound organelles.
d. All of the above
6. Which of the following might be found in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell?
a. chloroplasts
c. mitochondria
b. Golgi apparatus
d. None of the above
7. Bacterial cells
a. have a cell wall only.
b. have a cell membrane only.
c. have both a cell membrane and cell wall.
d. have a cell wall inside their cell membrane.
8. One thing that E. coli and other bacteria have in common with eukaryotes is the presence of
a. chloroplasts.
c. nuclei.
b. mitochondria.
d. DNA.
9. Bacterial endospores
a. occur where there is plenty of available food.
b. allow certain species to survive harsh environmental conditions.
c. are similar to human tumors.
d. can cause growth abnormalities in plants.
____ 10. Which of the following are used by at least some bacteria for movement?
a. pili
b. flagella
c. cytoplasmic projections
d. All of the above
____ 11. Autotrophic eukaryotes and autotrophic prokaryotes differ in that some autotrophic prokaryotes
a. are decomposers.
b. can use the energy from inorganic chemicals.
c. have membrane-bound organelles.
d. cannot manufacture their own food.
____ 12. Prokaryotes can transfer pieces of genetic material in a process called
a. binary fission.
c. conjugation.
b. mitosis.
d. sexual reproduction.
____ 13. Antibiotics
a. include penicillin and tetracycline.
b. may prevent bacteria from making new cell walls.
c. can be effective treatments for bacterial diseases.
d. All of the above
____ 14. Which of the following is not a way of preventing a foodborne illness at home?
a. washing kitchen utensils thoroughly in cold water
b. keeping cooked and raw foods separate during storage
c. washing fresh fruits and vegetables before eating them
d. refrigerating leftovers promptly
____ 15. The study of viruses is a part of biology because
a. they belong to the kingdom Eubacteria.
b. they are about to become extinct.
c. they are living organisms.
d. they are active inside living cells.
____ 16. The capsid of a virus is the
a. protective outer coat.
b. cell membrane.
c. nucleus.
d. cell wall and membrane complex.
____ 17. All viruses have
a. cytoplasm.
b. ribosomes.
c. mitochondria.
d. None of the above
____ 18. Viruses that use reverse transcriptase to cause their host cells to transcribe DNA from an RNA template are
a. bacteriophages.
c. retroviruses.
b. antibodies.
d. capsoviruses.
____ 19. Unlike viruses, prions
a. are capable of reproducing outside of a host cell.
b. are composed only of protein.
c. can cause brain infections.
d. can be treated with antibiotics.
____ 20. Refer to the illustration above. Which structure could possibly be made of RNA?
a. structure 2
c. structure 4
b. structure 3
d. structure 5
____ 21. Viruses
a. are cellular organisms.
b. reproduce only in living cells.
c. have nuclei and organelles.
d. are surrounded by a polysaccharide coat.
____ 22. In which cell cycle(s) does viral DNA become integrated into the host cell’s DNA?
a. lytic
b. lysogenic
c. neither lytic nor lysogenic
d. both lytic and lysogenic
____ 23. Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections because
a. host cells protect the viruses.
b. viruses have enzymes that inactivate the antibiotics.
c. antibiotics interfere with cellular processes that viruses do not perform.
d. viral protein coats block the antibiotics from entering the virus.
____ 24. HIV causes AIDS by
a. converting a proto-oncogene to an oncogene.
b. damaging a person’s blood vessels.
c. destroying the covering of a person’s nerves.
d. gradually destroying a person’s immune system.
____ 25. Which of the following is not a vector of viral diseases?
a. mosquitoes
c. prions
b. ticks
d. humans
____ 26. All protists
a. are parasites.
c. move toward light.
b. have a true nucleus.
d. use flagella to move.
____ 27. You have been given an unknown organism to identify. You find that it is unicellular and has mitochondria.
Which of the following must it also have?
a. chloroplasts
c. pseudopodia
b. a nucleus
d. one or more flagella
____ 28. Pseudopodia are used for
a. conjugation.
b. movement.
c. reproduction.
d. mitosis.
____ 29. The process in which two paramecia come together after meiosis to exchange parts of their genetic material is
a. mitosis.
c. pollination.
b. replication.
d. conjugation.
____ 30.
Refer to the illustration above. The structure that contains multiple copies of DNA is structure
a. 1.
c. 3.
b. 2.
d. 5.
____ 31. Sleeping sickness is spread by
a. tsetse flies.
b. mosquitoes.
c. contaminated food.
d. All of the above
____ 32. The symptoms of malaria
a. include headache and fatigue.
b. follow a cycle.
c. include severe chills and fever.
d. All of the above
____ 33. Diatomaceous earth is valuable because it
a. produces much of the Earth’s oxygen.
b. provides nutrients for many aquatic organisms.
c. can be used to produce detergents, paint removers, and toothpaste.
d. can be used as a source of petroleum.
____ 34. Which of the following is not an environmental role of protists?
Protists produce large amounts of atmospheric oxygen.
Photosynthetic protists are at the base of many food webs.
Protists form important symbiotic relationships with other organisms.
Protists form large amounts of cellulose.
____ 35. Algae are
a. usually found deep in the oceans.
b. always unicellular.
c. autotrophic protists.
d. All of the above
____ 36. Algae are
a. sometimes anaerobic.
b. always microscopic in size.
c. found in both fresh water and salt water.
d. found only in fresh water.
____ 37. Which of the following is not a characteristic used to classify algae?
a. form of food storage
b. type of pigments
c. composition of cell wall
d. habitat
____ 38. green algae : chlorophylls a and b ::
a. brown algae : phycobilins
b. red algae : pigments similar to those in diatoms
c. brown algae : euglenoids
d. red algae : phycobilins
____ 39. The algal phylum most essential to the production of photosynthetic products and oxygen for Earth’s
heterotrophs is the phylum
a. Euglenophyta.
c. Dinoflagellata.
b. Bacillariophyta.
d. Phaeophyta.
____ 40. Euglena is an example of a protist that
a. is both autotrophic and heterotrophic.
b. is only a parasitic heterotroph.
c. is always autotrophic.
d. swims away from light.
____ 41. A “mass of cytoplasm that can ooze around obstacles” is most likely a
a. fruiting body.
c. slime mold.
b. water mold.
d. All of the above
Complete each statement.
42. Spherical bacteria are called ____________________.
43. Rod-shaped bacteria are called ____________________.
44. The procedure used to distinguish between two types of bacterial cell wall composition is called
45. The cell walls of bacteria are composed of a combination of polysaccharide and polypeptide called
46. Bacteria that get carbon from other organisms are called ____________________.
47. A virus that transcribes DNA from an RNA template is called a(n) ____________________.
48. All viruses reproduce by taking over the reproductive machinery of a(n) ____________________.
49. The virus that causes AIDS is called _________________________.
50. Some viruses are thought to induce ____________________, a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell
51. Refer to the illustration above. The organism shown in diagram 3 moves by means of a(n)
52. Refer to the illustration above. The organism shown in diagram 2 moves by means of
53. Refer to the illustration above. The organism shown in diagram 1 moves by means of
Refer to the illustration above. Based on the diagram, describe how the malaria parasite reproduces and
spreads from person to person. Write your answer in the space below.
55. How do euglenoids illustrate the problems of classifying protists as plants or animals?