Download Bacteria, Virus, and Protista Review 1. How does a virus reproduce

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Bacteria, Virus, and Protista Review
How does a virus reproduce?
Why do bacteria decompose dead material?
How is Salmonella bacteria harmful to humans?
What do viruses and cells have in common?
Describe both the lytic and lysogenic cycle of virus reproduction.
6. What role do bacteria play in the nitrogen cycle?
7. How do harmful bacteria affect our bodies? (What do they do to us?)
8. What’s the only medicine that works against viruses, and what do antibiotics treat?
9. Why do antibiotics not work on viruses?
10. Draw the lytic cycle.
11. What step do you need to interfere with to stop a virus from infecting you?
12. What does a retrovirus do differently after inserting its genetic material into the host cell?
13. What is a pathogen, and list examples?
14. What are 2 ways Bacteria and Archabacteria are different? (hint: it’s not just about where
they live)
15. Draw one example of an animal-like protist, and one example of a bacterial cell.
16. How are bacteria and protists different?
17. What are the 3 types of Protists, and are they all single-celled?
18. What could happen if you got rid of the beneficial bacteria in your intestines?