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Directions for Cell Review in Class
CPO Science on your Ipad
ScienceCPO LS glossary  Cells  Glossary Terms in the upper right
 Cell Theory & watch the dog video
 then cells video with lady and microscope
 glossary terms  cell wall  watch video plant w/ watering can
 Flash cards  Turn Ipad into landscape  tap through and quiz your self on the
words from SN p7-7 that you are responsible for.
Icell on your Ipad
Science  iCell  Animal cell choose basic or intermediate  find the structures
from SN p7-7 that you are responsible for. Read the description and see if you need to
add anything to what you wrote in your SN.
Repeat this process with the plant cell, making sure to look at cell wall and chloroplast.
Specialized Cells and their Structures
Use the information below to complete the matching activity with specialized animal
cells and answer the questions about specialized plant cells.
Souce: Cell Types (From CK-12 Life Science Concepts for Middle School)
Specialized Cells--Animals
Although cells share many of the same features and structures, they also can be
very different (Figure below). Each cell in your body is designed for a specific
task. In other words, the cell's function is partly based on the cell's structure. For
Match the Cell descriptions with the pictures below:
a. Skin cells are flat and fit tightly together to protect your body.
b. Red blood cells are shaped with a pocket in the hemoglobin molecule that
traps oxygen and brings it to other body cells.
c. Nerve cells are long and stringy in order to form a line of communication
with other nerve cells, like a wire. Because of this shape, they can quickly
send signals, such as the feeling of touching a hot stove, to your brain.
As you can see, cells are shaped in ways that help them do their jobs. Multicellular
(many-celled) organisms have many types of specialized cells in their bodies.
1. _________________
2. _________________
Specialized Cells Plants
Look at the images on the next page to answer these two questions:
1. Could a leaf cell do the root cell’s job? Why or why not?
2. Could a root cell do a leaf cell’s job? Why or why not?